Slide shows and poster presentations
“How does magnetic geometry affect ITG turbulence? Insights from data & machine learning”, M Landreman, J Y Choi, C Alves, P Balaprakash, R M Churchill , R Conlin, G Roberg-Clark, PPPL Stellarator Seminar Series (virtual), Feb 28, 2025, [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“How does magnetic geometry affect ITG turbulence? Insights from data & machine learning”, M Landreman, J Y Choi, C Alves, P Balaprakash, R M Churchill , R Conlin, G Roberg-Clark, Simons Hour (virtual), Feb 13, 2025, [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Optimization of the Magnetic Gradient Scale Length and its Influence on Plasma-Coil Separation in Stellarators”, J Kappel and M Landreman, American Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics conference, Atlanta, Oct 8, 2024, [PDF]
“Coil Shape Optimization for Lorentz Forces”, S Hurwitz, M Landreman, and T M Antonsen, American Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics conference, Atlanta, Oct 8, 2024, [PDF]
“Visualizing Stellarator Objective Functions”, B Jang and M Landreman, American Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics conference, Atlanta, Oct 8, 2024, [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“How does magnetic geometry affect turbulence? An interpretable machine learning approach”, M Landreman et al, American Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics conference, Atlanta, Oct 8, 2024, [PDF]
“Coil Shape Optimization for Lorentz Forces”, S Hurwitz, M Landreman, and T M Antonsen, International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop, Hiroshima, Japan, Sept 10, 2024, [PDF]
“How does magnetic geometry affect turbulence? An interpretable machine learning approach”, M Landreman et al, International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop, Hiroshima, Japan, Sept 10, 2024, [PDF]
“Overview of stellarator research at the University of Maryland”, M Landreman, Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy team meeting, Princeton, Mar 19, 2024, [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Quasi-axisymmetric stellarators with varying rotational transform profiles”, S Buller, R Gaur, T Adkins, P Kim, N Mandell, W Dorland, and M Landreman, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Nov 2, 2023 [PDF]
“2D MHD Equilibrium Solver using Physics-Informed Neural Networks”, B Jang, A Kaptanoglu, M Landreman, W Dorland, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Nov 2, 2023 [PDF]
“The Magnetic Gradient Scale Length Explains Why Certain Plasmas Require Close External Magnetic Coils”, J Kappel, M Landreman, and D Malhotra, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 31, 2023 [PDF]
“Coil Optimization and Perturbation Analysis for a Quasihelically Symmetric Magnetic Field”, A Wiedman, S Buller, and M Landreman, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 31, 2023 [PDF]
“Efficient Calculation of the Self-Inductance, Self-Force, and Internal Magnetic Field for Thin Electromagnetic Coils”, S Hurwitz, M Landreman, and T M Antonsen, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 31, 2023 [PDF]
“Topology optimization for designing stellarator coils”, A A Kaptanoglu, G Langlois, and M Landreman, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 31, 2023 [PDF]
“Some theoretical advances for easing stellarator power plant engineering challenges”, M Landreman, J Kappel, S Hurwitz, T Antonsen, and D Malhotra, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 30, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Reduced models of self-force, stored energy, & critical current for design optimization of electromagnets”, M Landreman, S Hurwitz, and T Antonsen, APS-DPP meeting, Denver, Oct 30, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Inverse magnetostatics and its application to stellarator optimization”, Cornell University, Scientific Computing and Numerics (SCAN) seminar, Oct 16, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Stellarator Optimization”, The Charkiw Lectures on the Stellarator Concept, Aug 30, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Efficient calculation of self-force, internal magnetic field, and stored energy for electromagnetic coils”, Columbia University Plasma Physics Seminar, Aug 2, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Efficient calculation of internal magnetic field and self-force for electromagnetic coils”, Simon Hour seminar, May 11, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
“Some numerical topics in stellarator optimization”, UMD Numerical Analysis Seminar, Apr 18, 2023 [PDF] [Powerpoint] [Video]
“Optimization of quasisymmetric stellarators with self-consistent bootstrap current and energetic particle confinement”, Features in Plasma Physics Webinar, Dec 2, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Matt Landreman, John Kappel, “The magnetic field scale length: An influential property of stellarators”, University of Wisconsin Plasma Physics Seminar, Nov 7, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Byoungchan Jang, Alan Kaptanoglu, Shaowu Pan, Matt Landreman, and Bill Dorland, “Grad-Shafranov Solver Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks”, University of Washington, Oct 26, 2022 [PDF]
Alex Wiedman, Stefan Buller, Matt Landreman, “An Analysis of Coil Optimization Parameters for a Stellarator Nuclear Fusion Device”, APS-DPP conference, Spokane WA, Oct 19, 2022 [PDF]
Stefan Buller, Rahul Gaur, Bill Dorland, Matt Landreman, “A look at turbulent impurity and energy transport in stellarators using linear gyrokinetic simulations”, APS-DPP conference, Spokane WA, Oct 17, 2022 [PDF]
Byoungchan Jang, Alan Kaptanoglu, Matt Landreman, William Dorland, “2D MHD Equilibrium Solver Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks”, APS-DPP conference, Spokane WA, Oct 17, 2022 [PDF]
International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop, Warsaw, “New stellarator configurations with precise quasisymmetry and energetic particle confinement”, June 21, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
S Buller, R Gaur, and M Landreman, International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop, Warsaw, “Optimizing stellarators to maximize turbulent impurity transport over energy transport”, June 21, 2022 [PDF]
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN), Lisbon, “Introduction to stellarator optimization”, April 27, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
W7-X physics meeting, “Achieving energetic particle confinement in stellarators with precise quasisymmetry”, April 13, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Sherwood fusion theory conference, “Achieving energetic particle confinement in stellarators with precise quasisymmetry”, April 4, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Simons Foundation Hidden Symmetries annual meeting, “Innovations in stellarator optimization for quasisymmetry”, March 25, 2022 [PDF] [Powerpoint] [Video]
Hidden Symmetries team meeting, “Overview from the simsopt group”, March 21, 2022 [PDF]
30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research, “Innovations in stellarator optimization for quasisymmetry” Nov 16, 2021. [PDF] [Powerpoint]
APS-DPP meeting, “Novel optimized stellarator configurations”, Nov 10, 2021. [PDF]
APS-DPP meeting, “New approaches to stellarator optimization using expansion in aspect ratio”, Nov 9, 2021. [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Simons hour (virtual), “Magnetic fields with excellent quasisymmetry throughout a volume”, August 5, 2021. [PDF]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - Stellarator seminar series, “SIMSOPT: New software tools for stellarator optimization”, June 11, 2021. [PDF]
Simons hour (virtual), “Update on the simsopt stellarator optimization framework”, April 29, 2021. [PDF]
Bindel group meeting (Cornell), “Optimizing O((a/R)^2) solutions of the near-axis quasisymmetry equations”, Mar 9, 2021. [PDF]
SPECtaculars meeting, “Optimizing SPEC with SIMSOPT: Some preliminary results”, Jan 27, 2021. [PDF]
APS-DPP virtual meeting, “Stellarator figures of merit near the magnetic axis”, Nov 9, 2020. [PDF] [Powerpoint]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Stellarator Seminar Series, “Permanent magnet distributions for stellarators: A linear least-squares algorithm”, Oct 23, 2020. [Powerpoint]
Bindel group meeting, Cornell University, “Alpha particle confinement in stellarators”, Oct 13, 2020. [Powerpoint]
Simons foundation / PPPL summer school on stellarator optimization, “Introduction to stellarator optimization”, Aug 17, 2020. [Powerpoint]
Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy team meeting, “Update on near-axis construction for quasisymmetry, and suggested research questions”, Aug 4, 2020. [PDF]
Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy team meeting, “SIMSOPT update”, Aug 3, 2020. [Powerpoint]
Maryland plasma theory group meeting, “Figures of merit for stellarators near the magnetic axis”, May 21, 2020. [PDF]
Journal of Plasma Physics - Frontiers of Plasma Physics Colloquium, “New paradigms for stellarator design”, May 20, 2020. [Powerpoint]
University of Maryland Plasma Physics Seminar, “Confining plasma using hidden symmetry”, Feb 19, 2020. [Powerpoint]
Simons Collaboration on Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy videoconference, “SIMSOPT Phase 1: MANGO”, Jan 10, 2020. [PDF]
EuroFusion science meeting (webinar), “A new and faster method to generate transport-optimized stellarators,” October 30, 2019. [PDF]
European Fusion Theory Conference, Ghent, Belgium, “Direct construction of stellarator shapes with good confinement,” Invited talk, Oct 9, 2019. [Powerpoint]
International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop, Madison WI “Direct construction of stellarator shapes with good confinement,” Invited talk, September 23, 2019. [Powerpoint]
US/Japan Workshop on Progress on Advanced Concept Optimization and Modeling in Stellarator-Heliotrons, University of Wisconsin. “Optimized stellarators without optimization,” June 19, 2019. [PDF]
2019 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, “Optimized stellarators without optimization: Direct construction of stellarator shapes with good confinement,” Poster P1.036, April 15, 2019. [PDF]
Team meeting for the “Hidden symmetries and fusion energy” collaboration, Princeton University, “Why are some flux surface shapes hard to make with coils far from the plasma?”, March 28, 2019. [PDF]
Annual meeting for the Simons Foundation’s “Hidden symmetries and fusion energy” program, New York City, “Constructing magnetic fields with hidden symmetry,” Invited talk, March 25, 2019. [Powerpoint] [PDF] [Video]
Coordinated Working Group Meeting on stellarator experiments (remote), “Direct construction of optimized stellarators and comparison to experimental configurations,” March 12, 2019. [PDF]
University of Maryland Applied Dynamics Seminar, “Confining charged particle orbits using hidden symmetry,” November 29, 2018. [PDF]
2018 APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting, Portland, “Computing local sensitivity and tolerances of stellarators using shape gradients,” Invited talk, November 6, 2018. [PDF]
2018 APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting, Portland, “Optimized stellarators without optimization: Direct construction of stellarator shapes with good confinement,” Poster BP11.00035, November 5, 2018. [PDF]
Simons Collaboration on Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy videoconference, “Omnigenity: a generalization of quasisymmetry”, Oct 12, 2018. [PDF]
University of Maryland Numerical analysis seminar, “Computational science challenges in stellarator magnetic confinement,” September 25, 2018.
NYU plasma physics seminar, “Understanding local sensitivity and tolerances of stellarators using shape gradients,” July 2, 2018.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, plasma theory seminar, “Understanding local sensitivity and tolerances of stellarators using shape gradients,” June 15, 2018.
Max Planck - Princeton Center for Plasma Physics meeting, Princeton, “Understanding local sensitivity and tolerances of stellarators using shape gradients,” Invited talk, April 26, 2018.
2017 APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting, Milwaukee, “A Multigrid Method for Drift-Kinetic Calculations in Stellarators and Rippled Tokamaks,” Poster JP11.00129, October 24, 2017. [PDF]
Journal of Plasma Physics 1st Frontiers in Plasma Physics Conference, Spineto, Italy, “Opportunities and priorities for stellarator theory and computation,” Invited talk, May 25, 2017.
Columbia University, plasma physics seminar, “An improved current potential method for fast calculation of stellarator coil shapes”, February 17, 2017.
Madrid plasma theory workshop, “An improved current potential method for fast calculation of stellarator coil shapes,” September 27, 2016.
Chalmers University, plasma physics seminar, “How far can shaping coils be from a plasma?”, August 23, 2016.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, plasma theory seminar, “How far can shaping coils be from a plasma?”, May 16, 2016.
Dartmouth College physics department seminar, “Breaking axisymmetry in magnetized plasmas,” March 4, 2016.
KI-Net Kinetic Theory Workshop, University of Maryland, “Computing the distribution function in a stellarator plasma,” November 11, 2015.
20th International Stellarator & Heliotron Workshop, Greifswald, Germany, “SFINCS: A flexible tool for advanced stellarator neoclassical computations,” Oct 8, 2015.
University of Washington, aeronautics & astronautics department seminar, “Confining plasmas with nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields: opportunities and challenges,” April 22, 2015.
Sherwood fusion theory meeting, “Universal instability, non-modal amplification, and subcritical turbulence”, Invited talk, March 17, 2015.
University of Maryland Applied Dynamics seminar, “Non-modal amplification and subcritical turbulence in a plasma,” December 11, 2014.
APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting, “4D Fokker-Planck calculations of neoclassical effects in tokamak pedestals and stellarators,” Invited talk, October 27, 2014.
Madrid plasma theory workshop, “Comparison of collision operators and particle trajectories in stellarators using the SFINCS code,” July 9, 2014.
Madrid plasma theory workshop, “Gyrokinetic turbulence without linear instability or (much) transient linear amplification,” July 1, 2014.
MIT Nuclear Engineering department seminar, “Opportunities and challenges of 3D fusion plasmas,” March 11, 2014.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Comparison of particle trajectories and collision operators for collisional transport in nonaxisymmetric plasmas,” December 27, 2013.
New York University, plasma physics seminar, “4D Fokker-Planck calculations of neoclassical phenomena in tokamak pedestals and stellarators,” November 5, 2013.
Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany: “4D Fokker-Planck calculations of neoclassical phenomena in tokamak pedestals and stellarators,” October 1, 2013.
Plasma Edge Theory conference, Krakow, Poland, “The global delta-f model for neoclassical physics in a tokamak pedestal,” Invited talk, September 25, 2013.
MIT, “A global delta-f approach for neoclassical physics in a tokamak pedestal”, May 10, 2013.
Vienna plasma theory workshop, “Computation of pedestal and stellarator neoclassical effects using a new spectral speed grid” March 25, 2013.
Chalmers University, Sweden, “Modeling runaway electrons with CODE” March 18, 2013.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (remote), “Changes to neoclassical physics in a tokamak pedestal”, December 19, 2012.
University of Maryland, “Changes to flow and bootstrap current in a tokamak pedestal”, September 12, 2012.
Chalmers University, “Changes to flow and bootstrap current in a tokamak pedestal”, August 24, 2012.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, “Omnigenity as generalized quasisymmetry in stellarators”, July 17, 2012.
Madrid plasma theory workshop, “Changes to flow and bootstrap current in a tokamak pedestal”, June 27, 2012.
Vienna plasma theory workshop, “Numerical schemes for collisional transport calculations”, March 23, 2012.
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory theory seminar, “Nonlocal effects of Er in stellarators & tokamak pedestals,” March 1, 2012.
Courant Institute, New York University, “Numerical solution of the drift-kinetic equation,” December 16, 2011.
APS Division of Plasma Physics meeting, “Flow, current, and electric field in omnigenous stellarators,” Invited talk, November 16, 2011.
Physics department seminar at the University of Zambia, “Fusion energy, stellarators, and omnigenity,” May 30, 2011.
Sherwood fusion theory meeting, “Flow, current, and electric field in omnigenous stellarators,” Invited talk, May 3, 2011.
University of Wisconsin plasma physics seminar, “Electric fields in quasi-isodynamic and quasisymmetric stellarators,” November 29, 2010.
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik – Greifswald, Germany, “Effects of large electric fields in tokamaks and quasisymmetric stellarators,” March 11, 2010.