Internet Resources for Science and Mathematics Education, collected by Tom O'Haver.

[Main Index] [New and Notable] [Education] [Mathematics] [Integrated Science and Mathematics] [Physics and Astronomy] [Chemistry] [Biology, Biochemistry, and Natural History] [Earth Science and Paleontology] [Computers and Technology] [Downloadable software] [Pages by and for K-12 schools] [Multicultural connections] [History of Science] [Art connections] [Music connections] [Subject Catalogs and indices] [Search tools] [Family and personal interest] [State of Maryland and the Local Area]

Search engines, including address and map searches

Updated and all links checked March, 2001.

Articles on searching and search engines

Web Page Search Engines

  • Alta Vista

  • Net Trekker

  • Dogpile

  • Google

  • Ask Jeeves

  • All The Web

  • Northern Light


  • All-in-One Search

  • Direct Hit

  • HotBot

  • Lycos

  • Debriefing

  • LookSmart

  • AOL Netfind

  • Netscape Search

  • MSN Search


  • SoftCrawler

  • Cyber411

  • Online Encyclopędia

    Search for bibliographic citations to books, magazine articles
    Specialized Search Tools
    Searching for People and Businesses
    Maps and driving directions
    Search for Gopher, FTP, News Groups, mail lists