Internet Resources for Science and Mathematics Education,
collected by Tom O'Haver.
[Main Index] [New
and Notable] [Education] [Mathematics] [Integrated Science and Mathematics]
[Physics and Astronomy] [Chemistry] [Biology,
Biochemistry, and Natural History] [Earth Science and Paleontology] [Computers and Technology] [Downloadable software] [Pages by and for K-12 schools] [Multicultural connections] [History of Science] [Art connections] [Music
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Biology, Biochemistry, and Natural History
Updated and all links checked March 6, 2001
Hint: Looking for something specific? Use the Find
command in the Edit menu (or press Ctrl-F) to search for
- Guide to Online Biology Degrees
Up-to-date information in the biology field that covers the most
requested topics by students: What level of degree do I need to
be successful? What jobs are available with a biology degree?
How do I find the best program for my budget and time?
- Cultural Uses of Plants
Introduction to Ethnobotany; Choosing a Plant to Study:
Interviews and Background Research; How to Preserve, Represent
and Reproduce Your Plant; Testing the Nutritional Properties
of Your Plant; Testing the Medicinal Properties of Your Plant;
Plants as Medicine; Testing Your Plant for Other Useful
Properties; Designing Your Own Experiment; Ecological and
Economic Concerns in Ethnobotany; Fifty-four Useful and
Interesting Plants.
- Flowering Plant Taxonomy
Characteristics of Angiosperms; Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms;
Monocots vs. Dicots; Plant habit; Roots; Stems and Buds; Pith
types; Underground stems; Leaf arrangement; Leaf types; Leaf
shapes ; Leaf margins; Leaf venation; Pubescence; Corolla
types; Stamens; Pistils; Ovary position; Floral formulas;
Inflorescence types; Pollination; Dry fruits; Fleshy fruits.
Nice drawings.
- Biology Lessons for Prospective and Practicing Teachers
Lessons on Molecules and Cells, Population Biology, and
knowledge mapping. From San Diego State University.
- Slouching towards Creation: Peering into the Face of
Multimedia presentation of cloning from Time Magazine. Dolly;
Cloning 1-2-3; ethics; the future of cloning.
- Biology4Kids
Chemistry of Biology, how Biology is studied, cell structures
and ecology.
- Virtual Plant Animations
Dozens of virtual plant animations showing plant and root
development. Requires a QuickTime capable movie plugin or
viewer. There are animations of Cotton, Beans, Other herbs,
Roots, Trees, Information flow, and Insects and Plants.
- The DNA Learning Center
The Gene Almanac. Source for timely information about genes in
education. Gene news. Great experiments. DNA from the
beginning. Eugenics image archive. Genetic origins.
- Introduction to Optical Microscopy and Photomicrography
Light and Color; Anatomy of the Microscope; Specialized
Microscopy Techniques; Photomicrography; Virtual Microscopy;
Java and Flash Tutorial Basics; Museum of Microscopy;
Innovations in Light Microscopy.
- Virtual Microscopy
Interactive Java-powered virtual microscopes: Scanning
Electron Microscopy; Translational Microscopy; Magnifying
Microscopy; Phase Contrast Microscopy; Stereoscopic Zoom
Microscopy; Reflected Light Confocal Microscopy; Polarized
Light Microscopy; Polarized Light Microscopy with a
Retardation Plate; Hoffman Modulation Contrast Microscopy;
Rheinberg Illumination (Optical Staining) Microscopy ;
Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (DIC);
Depth-of-Focus in Thick Samples; Fluorescence Microscopy with
Multiple Fluorochromes; Fluorescence Combination Microscopy.
- WebVision: the Organization of the Vertebrate Retina.
Anatomy and Physiology of the retina.
Retinal circuits. Neuroactive Substances in the Retina.
Glutamate and glutamate receptors in the vertebrate retina.
Formation of Early Retinal Circuits in the Inner Plexiform
Layer. Color Vision. GABAc Receptors. Psychophysics of Vision.
Primary Visual Cortex. Facts and Figures concerning the Human
- EcoBeaker
Program for teaching ecology, conservation biology, and now
evolutionary biology at the university level and high school;
lets students see population and community level dynamics on
screen while performing the kinds of experiments done by
practicing ecologists. Population and Predator-Prey Dynamics;
Competition; Keystone Predation; Intermediate Disturbance;
Island Biogeography; Trophic Cascades; Nutrients and Biotic
Interactions; Disease; Conservation Corridors; Quadrat
Sampling; Mark Recapture Sampling; Programming Spatial Models;
Population Genetics and Selection.
Separate high-school version
for grades 8 - 12. You can download a demo. Available for
Macintosh or Windows.
- Logal Simulation Library
Simulations for introductory high school through AP biology:
DNA, RNA and Proteins. Human Circulatory System. Principles of
Genetics. The Human Respiratory System. Understanding
Photosynthesis. Cardiovascular System. Population Ecology.
- Road Scholars Online
A series of Web Adventures exporing the workd's biomes and
ecosystems. "Rolling Down the River" contains six
WebAdventures which explore freshwater ecosystems.
"Route 66" contains five WebAdventures which explore the three
major biomes of the world.
- The 'Cell'
The 'Cell' educational software describes the cell structure
and the cellular processes with text, scanning electron
microscope images, 3D models and animation clips. It is
intended for grades 8 to 13, and for first year students of
biology, physiology and biochemistry. The software package
consist of two parts. The first part is the main module and is
free. It is fully functional and contains a review section,
index, Electron microscope images, 3D models and animations.
The other part is an add-on module which adds additional
images and animations. It can be downloaded for $ 20 (CAD).
The module will be supplied free to any school library (please
email us with a verifiable school contact information).
- Bugscope
Participating classrooms will have the opportunity to control
a Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope to image insects
at high magnification. Students and teachers control the
microscope using web browsers from their classroom computers.
The microscope is located at the Beckman Institute at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Enzyme TA
What is the relationship between
temperature and the activity of enzymes? Simulated on-line
enzyme laboratory experiment, requires JavaScript, Shockwave,
as well as a generation 3.x NetScape or Internet Explorer
- AP Biology
The purpose of this website is to help communicate with
biology teachers to establish a successful AP program.
Labs, exams, workshops, links, etc.
- BioMedia Associates
Organism of the Month Contest and Quiz; collections of
biological photos and animations; Download program guides,
study guides,
free teaching resources, and annotated LINKs sets for biology
- Biology Labs On-Line
inquiry-based biology simulations and exercises designed
for college and AP high school biology students. Includes the
Virtual Flylab. Free three-day trial
subscription. This one-time subscription will give you full
access to all of the labs.
- Science Savvy
So Just What is Biotechnology??; Biotechnology and Food - Some
Connections Museum of Living Sciences; Archimedes' Dilemma;
Chymosin and Experimental Thinking; Candle Experiment; DNA
Tubes: Is it really DNA in there?; Workshops in Action.
- Population Growth and Balance
Introduction; Fundamentals of Populations and Population
Growth; Population Computer Models; Description of the
Population Model; Instructions on How to Use the Model; Get
Acquainted with Model through Hands-on Experiments; Discover
Population Balance Through Hands-on Experiments; Understanding
the Impact of Predators through Hands-on Experiments; Quiz.
- Biotechnology & Biology Experiments from Edvotek
Commercial kits and equipment for biotechnology & biology
- Microscopic water organisms in 3D!
Neat 3D images of Volvox, Bell animalcules, Noctiluca,
Starfish larva, Diatoms, Hydra
Bryozoans, Desmids, Spirogyra, Stentor
- The Basics on MRI
Complete electronic textbook on medical resonance imaging, by
Joseph P. Hornak
- The Science of Boiling an Egg
Not as simple as you might think. A Formula for Soft-Boiling
Eggs; Illustrative Graph; Boiling Eggs on a Mountain;
Structure and Composition of Eggs.
- Chickscope
Online activities related to chickens and eggs:
life cycle of the developing chick; mathematical
properties of the egg; image processing, etc.
- Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT)
Enables teachers and undergraduates to conduct collaborative
experiments using the powerful genomic method of DNA
microarrays, or DNA chips.
- DNA Workshop
The activity in this section places you within the cell,
involving you with the processes of DNA replication and
protein synthesis. Requires the Shockwave plug-in. Other
on DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis.
- Structure and Function of our Genetic Molecules
A classroom simulation to demonstrate the structure and
replication of DNA, how RNA is transcribed from a DNA
template, and how messenger RNA is translated to direct the
synthesis of proteins. This is a ready-to-print PDF file and
requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- BioMolecules in the Classroom: Educational Molecular
Visualization with Chime & RasMol
Animated tutorials on biomolecular structures. Includes World
Index. Overview of Resources for Teachers at This Site.
BioMolecular Structure Education Web Sites. How to Make Your
Own Chime/RasMol Tutorials/Presentations.Online Macromolecular
- Online Macromolecular Museum
Interactive tutorials on individual molecules in which
hypertextual explanations of important biochemical features
are linked to illustrative renderings of the molecule at hand.
Requires the Chime browser plug-in.
- AgBioForum Magazine Online
A magazine devoted to the economics and management of
agro-biotechnology. The purpose of AgBioForum is to provide
unbiased, timely information and new ideas leading to socially
responsible and economically efficient decisions in science,
public policy and private strategies pertaining to
agricultural biotechnology.
- Biochemistry Web Site at UCSB
Amino acids, proteins, ligand binding, hemoglobin, enzymes,
methods, nucleic acids.
- Medicinal Biochemistry
Architecture of Proteins, including Selected Blood Proteins;
Biological Membranes; Enzyme Kinetics and Regulation; Basic
Bioenergetics; Nucleic Acids; Protein Synthesis; Molecular
Genetics; Signal Transduction; Carbohydrate Structure and
Metabolism. etc.
- Interactive Biochemistry
Amino Acid Titration Behavior;
An Animated Look at Phi and Psi Angles; Studying Protein
Structures (with Chemscape Chime) Enzyme Kinetics;
Enzyme Mechanisms; Helical Wheel Viewer for Alpha Helices; The
Energetics of Glycolysis.
- Molecular Architecture and Enzymatic Mechanisms
In the tutorial exercises and lecture notes provided here,
students are
provided with the opportunity to finely manipulate and
visualise molecules in three dimensions with the help of
RasMol, an interactive
Molecular Visualisation program.
- EE-Link:
Environmental Education Resources on the Internet. Classroom
Resources Materials, activities and programs for K-12
- WisTEB: Wisconsin Teacher Enhancement in Biology
Classroom and lab activities for grades 3-12. People Polymers
for modeling DNA (7-12); Stacking Books for Modeling DNA
(7-12); Hydrogen Bonding in DNA for investigation features of
DNA structure (9-12); Timeline An Historical Framework of
Genetics, Human Genetics, Eugenics, and the Human Genome
Project; Models of the double helix; A conceptual outline of
cell structure and function; Message encoding with pop beads ;
Physical structure of cells --physics and architecture;
Modeling Mitosis and Meiosis --play dough activities;
Separation of Stuff -- modeling subcellular fractionation;
DNA extraction (3-8) -A hands-on lab activity for younger
students; Simulated DNA fingerprinting (9-12) -An
electrophoresis activity; Simulated DNA-Based Diagnosis of
Sickle Cell Anemia (9-12)- An electrophoresis activity;
Construction of an electrophoresis chamber (9-12); Selected
lab activities from Microbes in the Classroom.
- An Activity to Demonstrate Complementarity and
Antiparallelism in DNA
A classroom activity to demonstrate that, given Chargaff's
rules, the order of nucleotides in one strand will determine
the order in the other, and that the configuration of the
nucleotides will cause the two opposite strands to be
- Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science
Summarizes the
overwhelming observational evidence for evolution and suggests
effective ways of teaching the subject. It explains the nature
science and describes how science Infectious Agents; The
Microbes Strike Back; Outwitting Bacteria's Wily Ways;
Emerging Infections: How Epidemics Arise. Requires RealPlayer
plugin (free).
- Modern Science and the Book of Genesis
A book by by James W. Skehan, S.J., Ph.D.
- Faith and Reason
A PBS documentary on the relationship of science and religion.
- Evolution and the Nature of Science
This is a collection of classroom lessons to help biology
teachers more effectively teach basic concepts in the areas of
evolution and the nature of science. They were developed and
tested during nine years of summer institutes by biology
teachers from across the nation.
- The Butterfly Website
Complete information on butterfly gardening,
farming, ecology and education.
- Conceiving a Clone
Very slick ThinkQuest site that provides a timeline of cloning
and biotechnology
breakthroughs, explanations and animations of various cloning
techniques, and scientist biographies. In addition,
"information on
the possible future uses of cloning, and views of people and
organizations on both sides of the cloning debate" is
presented as
well as a discussion area, cloning quiz, and science lab where
Internet Explorer 4.0 users can perform their own cloning
- Blazing a Genetic Trail
The complex subject of genetic testing and treatment of
inherited disorders is made
understandable by the straightforward explanations of this
Howard Hughes Medical Institute site. The step-by-step
and graphics make it easy to use. There is an overview of
basic genetics as well as a glossary.
- The Journey North
The journeys of a dozen migratory species are tracked each
spring. Students share their own
field observations with classrooms across the Hemisphere. In
addition, students are linked with
scientists who provide their expertise directly to the
classroom. Several migrations are tracked
by satellite telemetry, providing live coverage of individual
animals as they migrate. As the
spring season sweeps across the Hemisphere, students note
changes in daylight, temperatures,
& all living things as the food chain comes back to life.
Over 4,000 schools, representing approximately 200,000
students, are expected to participate
in the Spring, 1999 Journey North Program.
- Health Science Curriculum Online
This Health Science Curriculum Online is a unique learning
experience that integrates health information, health
resources, and career opportunities. It is designed for
students ages 12 to 18. The curriculum consists of scenarios
based on topics such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
- Consumer Health Sites
- SCUBA Diving Explained
On on-line book covering the concept of pressure, the four
major gas laws as they apply to diving, composition of air,
changes in gas pressures with depth, ear and sinus squeeze,
lung barotrauma, air embolism, decompression sickness,
nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity, carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide toxicity, stress, hypothermia, hyperventilation, and
oxygen therapy.
- biology links (was The Mining Co.)
Links on AP Biology, Anatomy/Physiology, Animal Behavior,
Animal Cams, Ask A Life Scientist, Astrobiology, Bacteriology,
Biochemistry, Biology Clip Art, Biology Software,
Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology,
Evolution, Forensics, General Biology, Genetics, Insects,
Marine Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Paleontology;
k-12, Science News; Simulations, Summer Programs; Teachers;
Virology; Virtual Dissections; Zoology
- Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the World
Beautifully designed Web site describing new findings that
help scientests
make sense of our senses.
- Beyond Biology 101: Transformation of Undergraduate Biology
"Beyond Bio 101" describes the remarkable changes taking place
in how American college students learn biology--a story of
tremendous importance not only to scientists and students but
also to a society facing difficult choices about health care,
the environment, and other issues involving biology.
- Neuroscience for Kids
This home page has been created for all students and teachers
who would like to learn
more about the nervous system. Enjoy the activities and
experiments on your way to learn
more about the brain and spinal cord.
- Hemoglobin and Green Fluorescent Protein; computer
n these projects, the students' studies are based around a
specific protein. This is used to introduce the student to
modern molecular biology techniques as applied to the problems
specific to each particular protein. Currently there are two
main projects available, based around Hemoglobin and Green
Fluorescent Protein.
- Hotlinks to Anatomy Resources on the Internet
by the American Association of Anatomists.
- WhaleNet
Focusing on whales and marine research,
WhaleNet is dedicated to interdisciplinary education. Our Goal
is to foster
excitement about learning and the environment. Students can
actually track and plot the movement of radio-tagged whales
- Biopi-l home page
Unmoderated forum catering to the needs of Biology teachers
and professionals
from kindergarden to University.
- Ocean Link-MarineScience
Ocean Link is a marine science information and interaction web
site. It is also a partnership between several marine
organizations, all committed to marine education. On these
pages, you will find information about many marine science
topics, including Marine Biology, Oceanography, Marine
Mammals, Seabirds, Marine Pollution, Marine Invertebrates,
Marine fish and much more!
- Microbe Zoo
Information about micro-organisms. Note: heavy use of graphics
makes this site slow. (Now available on CD-ROM)
- Marine Biology WEB
MBWEB is an educational resource for marine
biology students with reference lists organized by
subject. Many other links are here including links to
marine stations, tide information, and lots more!
- Wisconsin Fast Plants program
Fast Plants have unique properties that make them ideally
suited to short semesters, youthful impatience
and small spaces. Fast Plants have a life cycle of 35-40 days
(seed to seed) and can be grown in the
classroom under continuous fluorescent light. The basic stock
will grow to be about 15 cm high at
maturity, if grown in a 2 cm square space (they will grow
taller and be more stocky if given a larger soil
volume). Fast Plants also provide a wide variety of easily
recognized genetic traits (phenotypes). Fast
Plants are hardy and easy to manage. Fast Plants easily lend
themselves to all areas of study, integrating science with
other subjects such as
math, social studies, art and language. Students learn about
science by doing it themselves, with hands-on
activities, fostering a strong sense of ownership and
- The Heart: An Online Exploration
Explore the heart. Discover the complexities of its
development and structure. Follow the blood
through the blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body
systems. Learn how to have a
healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health. Look
back at the history of heart science.
- What is Evolution?
Frequently asked questions, and answers, about evolution and
creationism, and the value of including evolution in science
education. Well done.
- DNA Structure: An Interactive Animated Nonlinear Tutorial
This tutorial is intended to supplement your biology or
biochemistry textbook. This tutorial requires Chime 1.0 and
Netscape Navigator 3.01/3.02/4.01. You can download a copy of
this tutorial. Once you have your own copy on your computer's
disk, you can use it without an Internet connection.
- The Ultimate Biology Page
Links to Anatomy/Physiology & Health, botany, cells,
Entomology, Evolution, genetics, general interest.
- Life, the Universe, and Everything
Collection of links to bird and other biology stuff
- Colleen Fiegel's Biology Home Page
High school biology Teacher's collection of biology Web links.
- BioChemLinks (was BioCHemNet)
Links to General Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics,
Microbiology, Biotechnology, General Chem, Organic Chem,
- Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program for Teachers
Primary sources for Teacher Resources for Biology,
Environment, Chemistry, Mathematics, and World History.
Teacher-submitted reviews of: Software, Technology, Textbook,
Videotape, Misc.. Subject Index - experiments, demonstrations,
activities, worksheets plus the following special sections.
- Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes: An Integrated
Science Instructional Unit
In this unit, the students will explore some of the properties
and processes of the cell
membrane including permeability, passive transport,
equilibrium, diffusion, osmosis,
cell tonicity and rates of diffusion. The students perform a
number of laboratory
activities intended to lead them, through exploration and
analysis, to a thorough
understanding of the importance of a cell membrane and the
physical processes of
diffusion and osmosis.
The unit includes both teacher and student materials. Teacher
materials include
background information, scheduling suggestions, preparation
instructions, evaluation
keys, and a resource list. Student materials include a
background reading sheet,
several exploratory activities with evaluation questions, a
culminating experiment, and
a quiz.
- Biology and ecology computer programs
Commercial ($27 ea) programs on biology and ecology.
- Human Anatomy On-line
Human Anatomy On-line is a free educational website that
provide detailed information about the human body using
colorful illustrations and comprehensive, easy-to-understand
descriptions. Search feature leads users to the information
they seek; tutorials guide users through lessons about
functions and systems. Entertaining and informative, this tool
is easily accessible from school or home.
- Animal Diversity Web
Thousands of species accounts about individual animal species.
These may include text, pictures of living animals,
photographs and movies of specimens, and/or recordings of
sounds. Students write the text of these accounts and we
cannot guarantee their accuracy.
Descriptions of levels of organization above the species
level, especially phyla, classes, and in some cases, orders
and families. Hundreds of hyperlinked pages and images
illustrate the traits and general biology of these groups.
Professional biologists prepare this part.
- Sea Turtle Survival League
a service of the non-profit Caribbean Conservation Corporation
(CCC) and its Sea Turtle Survival League (STSL) program. Note:
heavy use of graphics makes this site slow.
- The Biology Project: On-line Interactive Resource for
Learning Biology
Biochemistry basic chemistry, metabolism, enzymes, energy,
& catalysis, large molecules, photosynthesis, molecular
structure ; Cell Biology studying cells, mitosis, meiosis, the
cell cycle, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, & viruses ;
Developmental Biology human development ; Human Biology DNA
forensics, karyotyping, genetics, blood types, reproduction,
sexually transmitted diseases ; Mendelian Genetics monohybrid
cross, dihybrid cross, sex-linked inheritance ; Immunology
immunology, the ELISA assay, Western blotting analysis ;
Molecular Biology nucleic acids, genetics of prokaryotes,
genetics of eukaryotes, recombinant DNA .
- Nutrition Analysis Tool v1.1
The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) is a web based program that
allows anyone to analyze the foods they eat for various
different nutrients. The Step by Step option provides Onscreen
Help for beginning users to aid in understanding the steps
involved in analyzing different foods. This tutorial also
includes pictures to further explain the different functions.
- Biotechnology Information Center (BIC)
Welcome to the Biotechnology Information Center (BIC), one of
ten information centers at the National
Agricultural Library of the US Department of Agriculture -
ARS. BIC provides access to a variety of information services
and publications covering many aspects of
agricultural biotechnology.
- The Tree of Life, a phylogenetic navigator
A distributed Internet project containing information about
phylogeny and biodiversity. The Tree of Life is a project
designed to contain information about the phylogenetic
relationships and
characteristics of organisms, to illustrate the diversity and
unity of living organisms, and to link biological
information available on the Internet in the form of a
phylogenetic navigator.
- Access Excellence
An outstanding site. New material includes: Killer E coli,
stinky science, big bug baffles biologists, Analyzing Tobacco
and Alcohol Messages, Student Self-Portraits as Test-Takers
- Morgan multimedia genetics tutorial
Morgan is a multimedia tutorial that covers the basic
principles of genetics, suitable for an advanced high
school class or introductory college biology. Morgan
will eventually be comprised of six levels. Each level
will present a major topic in the field of genetics. Morgan is
a hypermedia program. Underlined words
are hypertext links to frames or pages containing
additional information in the form of animations, text,
and graphics.
Morgan has been optimized for Netscape 3.0!
Netscape 3.0 is strongly recommended. To enjoy all
of the multimedia features of Morgan, you should
obtain the Chemscape Chime plugin, and install it in
the "Plugins" folder inside the Netscape folder.
- GENSCOPE: Multi-level Science: Genetics from DNA to
GenScope introduces a new paradigm for educational technology,
a hypermodel, that uses
the computer to bridge the gap between a model and the
physical world the model
represents, between the "facts and figures" offered us by the
natural world and the mental
associations we construct to explain them. In the traditional
textbook approach to teaching
science the goal is primarily to give students information.
GenScope helps them turn that
information into knowledge. To illustrate genetic phenomena
GenScope starts with a fictitious species -- dragons. These
creatures are drawn in an appealing Walt Disney style and have
a simple genetic structure
that is useful pedagogically and does not prematurely raise
such sensitive issues as the pros
and cons of genetic engineering.
- Understanding Gene Testing
Understanding Gene Testing represents an effort by the
National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Human
Genome Research to provide basic information about gene
testing and key genetic concepts.
- Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome
Interactive exercises, tutorials, and quizes on Mapping and
Sequencing the Human Genome
- From Maps to Medicine
About the Human Genome Project; Hereditary Colon Cancer:
Genetic Discoveries Offer Hope for Prevention;
How to Conquer a Genetic Disease; A Basic Key to Genetics.
From the
National Center for Human Genome Research.
- A Gene Map of the Human Genome
Graphical maps illustrating the myriad aspects of human
biology, pathology, and relationships with other organisms
that can be revealed by analysis of genes and their protein
products. From the National Center for Biotechnology
National Institutes of Health.
- Biotechnology Education Resources
List of biotech sites maintained by Bio-Online.
- Endangered Species
Pictures of Endangered and Threatened Species at Zoos.
- Natural History of Genes
We've moved! The Natural History of Genes program website is
now part of the Genetic Science Learning Center website.
Hands-on genetic
science curriculum for middle and high school teachers. The
activities are designed to complement science textbooks, are
affordable (or we lend them),
and are relevant to student's lives.
This web site is written in teacher terminology. There is a
section for kid's
(of all ages) or friends of kids who are looking for science
projects to do at
- Careers in Biology
Medical Career Path (M.D./D.O. Degrees); M.D./Ph.D. Career
Path Graduate Career Path (Ph.D./M.S. Degrees); Allied Health
Professions (M.P.H./P.A. Degrees;) Research/Technical Careers;
Environmental Careers; Teaching Careers; Peace Corps
- The Joy of Visual Perception
The Joy of Visual Perception, Pete Kaiser's Web book on human
vision. Many large pictures, you'll want a fast modem to see
Pete's gift to the color and vision community.
- Color Matters
Color and vision matters; Color and Physiology Color and food
matters; Color and Culture; Color and Architecture; Color and
History; The Colors of Hawaii
- Visible Human Web Site.
The National Library of Medicine has sponsored a
project in which a cadaver was frozen in gelatin and sliced
from head to toe
in millimeter increments. Digital photographs were taken of
the "stump"
remaining after each slice. (These images are not for
squeamish types!) Corresponding CT Scans and MRI' s were taken
also. Visible Woman data
should be released this year. Visible human images are
viewable and
downloadable at the NIH Hyperdoc site
- Virtual Medical Center
Martindale's Health Science Guide. The Virtual
Medical Center is less a source of images than a clearinghouse
of internet
sources of medical information. A wealth of connections is
available, from
links for travel advisories to anatomy and physiology
- Workshop Biology
Workshop Biology is a new non-majors' biology course that
addresses the serious problem of scientific
literacy in a world with growing biological and
biotechnological concerns. The goal of the course is to
develop students' understanding of biological concepts, the
scientific process, and critical thinking skills in
order to help them make decisions about important scientific
issues. Students engage in a variety of
activities in both the lecture and lab setting, with an
emphasis on active learning, collaboration, and
student-directed inquiry.
- USDA Food Composition Data
Bulletins and data sets prepared by USDA-ARS's Nutrient Data
Laboratory. These include the USDA Nutrient Data Base for
Standard Reference, Nutritive Value of Foods (HG-72), Sugar
Content of Foods, the USDA Nutrient Data Base for Food
Consumption Surveys (and data sets used to create it: Primary
Nutrient Data Set, Recipe Files, and Nutrient Retention
Factors) and data sets based on tables of special interest.
- Molecular Expressions: Images From the Microscope
Wow, if your life lacks color and excitment, check this site.
the Optical Microscopy Division of the National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory, one of the most famous microscopy labs in
the world. An Introduction to Microscopy and Photography
Through the Microscope,
with beautiful illustrations Extensive Photo Gallery contains
images of ancient relics found in archeological digs, amino
acids; beer; buckyballs; integrated circuits; cholesterol;
computer parts; items used in crimes and law enforcement;
genetic material; dyes; things you use in school; fatty acids;
fragrances; hormones; ice cream; liquid crystals; magnetic
thin films;
meteorites; multiple-exposure micrographic landscapes;
moon rocks; neurotransmitters; perovskites; pesticides;
phytochemicals; polymers; precious metals and gems;
prostaglandins; proteins; soft drinks; sports; sugars;
superlattices; vegetables; vitamins; wine. Amazing!
- CELLS alive!
Very colorful and exciting still images, Quicktime movies, and
animations of the microscopic world. Some examples:
Chemotaxis: how white cells find the bad guys; Swimming E.
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing an influenza-infected cell;
Human macrophage: phagocytosis of Candida albicans; How big is
a virus, bacterium, human cell; The Parasites:
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Entamoeba; Group A Strep
pyogenes that kills white blood cells;
How white blood cells kill microbes: the oxidative burst; How
penicillin kills bacteria: the bursting bug; Apoptosis: when a
cell commits suicide; Polarization microscopy. The wait for
downloading movies is well worth it!
- Nanoworld: Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis
This extensive site from Australia can keep you busy for
hours! A
good place to start is the Image Gallery, where you will have
many fantastic photos that are free for educators to use as
long as
you follow their use policy. Another place of interest is the
is it? Quiz". The "Other EM Sites" has a wide variety of
international sites that lead to many new and divese
pages. Of special interest is the CU-SeeMe link, which
provides access to scheduled real-time video feeds from a
video microscope and video conferencing with scientists in the
- Bugs In The News
Great site for interesting information about everything
microbiological: E. coli; Allergies; Enzymes; Gene;
Bug Lights; PCR; How to Measure Cells using a microscope;
"Jurassic Park" Bacterium; AIDS, HIV and the Immune System;
Bacteria cause ulcers?; The "flu"; Cryptosporidium;
Genetic Engineering; Chloroplasts.
- Biology in-line animation demo
The number of tools for serving animations on-line from most
hardware platforms and using most of the commonly used server
software products is considerable, and this is true for both
the Netscape and Microsoft browser products. Simple in-line
animations of mitosis, meiosis, drosophila embryogenesis,
developing lamina, lamina cartridge, and L3 & L5 neurons.
- Virtual TeleGarden
This tele-robotic art installation allows Internet users to
view and
interact with a remote garden filled with living plants.
Members can
plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings via the
movements of an industrial robot arm. May be down becasue of
technical difficulties
- Rainforest Action Network
Kids' Action:What You Can Do;Your Actions Can Change the
8 Steps for Kids to Take;Life in the Rainforests;Rainforests
Are Full of Life;
A Story from the Forest.
- Wolf Studies Project
The Wolf studies project is an example of an Internet based
activity which
was developed to provide teacher with a model for
instructional use. This
project is being used by teachers and students to enhance
their study of
Wolves while also acting as a catalyst for their further
instructional use
on the network.
- MendelWeb
An educational resource for teachers and students interested
in the origins of classical genetics, introductory data
analysis, elementary plant science, and the history and
literature of science
- The Environmental Education Network
K-12 Environmental Resources on the Internet. Resources
pertaining to the
ocean, volcanoes, museums and global warming.
- Threatened and Endangered Species
Factsheets and news releases from the US Fish and Wildlife
Service, National Wildlife Refuge System, SeaWorld/Busch
Gardens, and EE-Link.
- Carolina Biological Supply Company
Catalogs and publications of the famous science supply house;
Science Materials; K-8 Science Source; Mathematics; The most
recent issues of the Carolina Tips Newsletter are available online.
- Project BioQUEST
This project actively supports an extended network of
educators interested in the reform of
undergraduate biology. Links to the BioQUEST staff, current
activities, resources such as the
BioQUEST Library, and other projects of interest are found
here. Biology students should have the opportunity to learn
biology by engaging in activities like
those of practicing scientists - that is, they should learn
science by experiences where they
pose problems, design ways to develop an answer to their
problem, and persuade their peers as
to the validity and utility of their answers. These 3 P's of
science education: problem posing,
problem solving, and peer persuasion have become the
philosophical cornerstone for
curriculum development in the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium.
- Images of Insects and their Relatives
The Gillette Entomology Club at Colorado State University
offers a large collection of insect slides for
sale, including comprehensive lists of insects that are pests
for particular commodities. Also includes insect movies.
- NIH Molecules R US Utililty
"Molecules R US" is a World Wide Web (WWW) Forms interface
which facilitates access (browsing,
searching and retrieval) to the molecular structure data
contained within the Brookhaven Protein Data
Bank (PDB). Through the Molecules R US request FORM, one may
request a PDB data file to be
returned in one of several different formats:
- Nanotechnology
Molecular Nanotechnology Scanning Probe Microscopy Molecular
Modeling Nanoelectronics and Micromachining Nanotechnology
Mailing Lists Electronic Magazines and Journals on MNT
- Herpetocultural Home Page
The Art and Science of Herpetoculture; Mike's Herpetofauna
Life List; My current collection and breeding projects;
Moccasins Of The Shawnee National Forest; Herp Pictures;
Herpetological Web Resources.
- Carl Hayden Bee Research Center!
Global Entomology/Agriculture Research Server: Who are the
pollinators that help the foods you eat get from flower to
fruit? A lesson in pollination from the supermarket and
library. By Stephen Buchmann; Disturbing news about the
behavior of the Africanized Honey Bee from a recent AHB Pilot
Test colony disturbance response experiment. By Gloria
DeGrandi-Hoffman; A report on honey bees and the tracheal mite
(Acarapis woodi). By Gerald Loper
- The Biology Hypertextbook
This hypertextbook is designed to supplement a course in
introductory biology at MIT. This hypertextbook has been
developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
by Shane
Crotty for the Experimental Study Group (ESG), directed by
Professor of Biology Vernon M. Ingram.
- National Library of Medicine
Finding Information on Health and Other Medical Topics;
Databases & Electronic Information Sources; MEDLINE;
Historical Images; NLM Publications.
- Primer on Molecular Genetics
Introduction, DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, Mapping and Sequencing
the Human Genome, Mapping Strategies, Genetic Linkage Maps,
Physical Maps, Low-Resolution Physical Mapping, Chromosomal
map, cDNA map, High-Resolution Physical Mapping,
Macrorestriction maps: Top-down mapping, Contig maps:
Bottom-up mapping, Sequencing Technologies, Current Sequencing
Technologies, Sequencing Technologies Under Development,
Partial Sequencing to Facilitate Mapping, Gene Identification
, End Games: Completing Maps and Sequences; Finding Specific
Genes , Model Organism Research, Informatics: Data Collection
and Interpretation, Collecting and Storing Data, Interpreting
Data, Mapping Databases, Sequence Databases, Nucleic Acids
(DNA and RNA), Proteins, Impact of the Human Genome Project,
- Animal Information Database
Animal Information Animal Bytes - fast and fun facts about
animals Animal Quizzes Animal Resources - detailed animal
information Aquariums as a Hobby Ask Shamu - answers to your
animal questions! Our Conservation Partners Klondike and Snow
Career Information Sea World/Busch Gardens Adventure Camps -
career- oriented camps! Camp Sea World Internship Application
- now being accepted Strategies for Pursuing a Career in
Marine Mammal Science Zoological Park Careers Educational
Resources A Pledge and A Promise Environmental Awards Sea
World-Busch Gardens Educational Programs Teacher's Curriculum
Guides Shamu TV: Video Classroom
- Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Exhibits and programs; research and collections.
- Natural History Museum (London)
The Natural History Museum is dedicated to furthering the
understanding of the natural world through its unrivalled
collections, its world class exhibitions and education, and
through its internationally significant programme of
scientific research.
- Principles of Protein Structure
Internet Course on The Principles
of Protein Structure organised by Birkbeck College in
collaboration with the Virtual School of Natural
Sciences(VSNS) of the Globewide Network Academy (GNA)
- Interactive Frog Dissection
The Interactive frog Dissection was designed for use in high
school biology classrooms. If you've not
used this program before, check out the Introduction on the
menu that follows.
This program was initially developed by Richard Strauss, Jean
Foss, and Mable Kinzie. It was ported to
HTML by Bill Looney, Jason Mitchell, and Mable Kinzie. Wayne
Conners narrates and Martha Foss
and Richard Strauss appear on-screen.
Our research with pre-WWW versions of this program suggests
that it is a valuable preparation tool or
even a useful substitute for laboratory dissection.
- Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
This interactive program is part of the "Whole Frog" project.
The program allows interactive dissection of
a frog, and includes the capability to make on-the-fly movies.
A browser that supports forms and
sensitive images is needed. The dissection kit is available in
a number of languages.
Test your knowledge of frog anatomy with the Virtual Frog
Builder Game.
- Shoals Marine Laboratory
Operating under the Division of Biological Sciences at Cornell
University in cooperation with the
University of New Hampshire at Durham, the Shoals Marine
Laboratory (SML) offers a unique
opportunity for students to experience marine science. Located
on 95-acre (38.44 hectare) Appledore
Island, Isles of Shoals in the Gulf of Maine, this
near-pristine environment allows students to study many
aspects of the intertidal and sub-tidal ecologies. The
laboratory facilites on island are complemented by
the field capabilites of the SML-owned research vessel, John
M. Kingsbury.
Life Online - Information and Services
Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Complexity
On-Line, Education , Environment, FireNet, GISNet, Geographic
information and GIS, Hazards and Risk Virtual Library, The
Johnstone Centre for Parks, Recreation and Heritage, Landscape
ecology, includes ecology, biogeography, GIS, Map Maker,
Palaeo Life, South-eastern Australian bat call library,
Special Interest Networks (virtual communities) on many topics
Virtual Past, Cultural heritage information of Australia and
the Pacific, Weather & Global Monitoring
- Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools
Part 1: Molecular Biology Search and Analysis (96/06/15 -
64k); Part 2: Bibliographic, Text and WWW Searches (95/06/15 -
25k); Part 3: Guides, Tutorials and Help Tools (96/10/13 -
28k); All: Parts 1, 2 and 3 (!No Pictures!) (95/02/23 - 69k) -
Old! Journals: Bio/Chemical Journals and Newsletters (95/06/15
- 67k) Extras: List of Pedro's Biological Resources
- Iowa State Entomology Index: K-12 Educators' Recommended
Information and lesson plans in insects, spiders, butterflies,
- PestWeb
Everything from ants to ticks.
- Monarch Watch
Our goals
are to promote
conservation of monarch butterflies and to involve thousands
of students and adults in a cooperative
study of the monarch's fall migration.
Biology Newsgroups