Internet Resources for Science and Mathematics Education, collected by Tom O'Haver.
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[State of Maryland and the Local Area]
Last updated and all links checked February 11, 2001
<Hint: Looking for something specific? Use the Find command in the Edit menu
(or press Ctrl-F) to search for keywords.
- Webspectra Problems in NMR and IR Spectroscopy at UCLA
This site was established to provide chemistry students with a library of spectroscopy problems. Interpretation of spectra is a technique that requires practice - this site provides 1H NMR and 13C NMR, DEPT, COSY and IR spectra of various compounds for students to interpret. ALso includes tests on Solving Spectral Problems,
Overview of NMR Spectroscopy,
Notes on NMR Solvents,
Types of NMR Spectra,
Introduction to IR Spectra,
Table of IR Absorptions.
- My Chem Class
Illustrated Web-based first-year college chemistry text with built-in interactive tutorials, lab simulations and video clips. Covers all the standard topics. For distance learning courses, as supplements to traditional course materials, or for regular course review.
- Didactics of Chemistry
Computer-aided Experiments: The Use of Computer Assisted Science System and Chembox-System for Interfacing and Data Logging; Demonstration of organic-chemical Experiments by Projecting - Chemistry in miniature; Help files for kinetic throey. Dr. Peter Keusch.
- Polymer Chemistry Hypertext
mechanical properties,
molecular weight,
polymer solutions,
time-temperature superposition ,
- What is Chromatography?
Nicely illustrated text on the basics of chromatography.
Definitions, Columns, Gas carrier, Injectors, Detectors, Installation, Coumn Method Developmen,t Troubleshooting, Quantitation, Sample Preparation, Bibliography.
- ChemWeb 2000
A ThinkQuest site created by students. Information is provided on topics such as acids and bases, atomic structure, balancing equations, types of equations, and chemical composition. Questions at the end of each section allow you to test your knowledge before you move on.
- Chemical Reaction and Stoichiometry
A tutorial, a Java applet, and a reslource center on these topics,
with sections for the beginning student and for the advanced student.
- WebMO
WebMO is a Web-based interface to computational chemistry packages. WebMO is available for free and can be installed on nearly any unix or Linux system. Support for Gaussian 94, Gaussian 98, MOPAC, and GAMESS. Low-cost way to
provide access to computational chemistry from any Internet-connected computer.
- Ideas for Inquiry-Based Lab Projects
Ideas to stimulate student investigations, by Lance Lund and members of the CHEMED-L listserv.
- Acid-base without algebra
A graphical treament of acid-base systems, by Stephen K. Lower.
- Logal Simulation Library
Simulations for introductory HS through AP chemistry: Chemistry Toolbox, Exploring the Gas Laws, Principles of Electrochemistry
Reaction Rates and Chemical Kinetics, Structure of the Atom
Chemical Equilibrium.
- Chembalancer
Chembalancer is a little online game to teach balancing equations. You type numbers in front of each molecule until there are the same number of atoms on both sides of the equation, then click the 'Balanced' button.
- Chemistry Study Aids
Study aids in most areas of introdutory chemistry, by Liina Ladon of Towson University.
- The Optics of Spectroscopy
Detailed treatment of diffractions gratings, monochromators, signal-to-noise theory, etc, by a leading manufacturer.
- Clustered Water Scams
"Clustered water" (CW) is the term used by various hucksters and hypemeisters to market a kind of 21st century snake oil to a scientifically illiterate segment of the public that is easily dazzled by pseudoscientific nonsense and promises of self-empowerment, restoration of health , youth, and vigor.
- Using Pseudoscience as an Aid to Teaching General and Analytical Chemistry
The Miracle Blood of Saint Januarius, The Magneto-Optic Method of Chemical Analysis, N-Rays, The Coin in the Eye of the Shroud of Turin, Psychic Chemistry, Student Special Projects in Analytical Chemistry, Conference on Controversial Research, Detailed reference list, applications and some URLs.
- Chemistry Film Studio
Requires Quicktime and Shockwave plug-ins: An Oscillating Reaction,
A Giant Silver Mirror,
The non-burning £ 5 note,
Colour of Indicators,
Disappearing Plastic,
Flame Colours,
Dehydrating Agent,
Alkali Metals,
A Redox Reaction.
- The Basics of NMR
Complete electronic textbook on nuclear magnetic resonance, by Joseph P. Hornak
- NMR course
Web-based course on nuclear magnetic resonance: pulse sequence tools,
2D and 3D NMR, etc.
- Quantitative Analysis
Collection of overheads and help files by Stephen Bialkowski. Statistics for Analysis; Statistical Treatment Narrative; The Normal Distribution
Student's t; F-Test; Q-Test; Statistical Treatment of Data Illustration;
Determinant Errors; Propagation of Errors; Linear Regression; Sample and Sampling Variance
- Using Computers in Chemical Education
Online newsletter issued twice a year. Edited by Brian Pankuch
- ICSD Chemistry Zone
Matter & Energy, Atomic Structure, Bonding, Periodic Table,
Stoichiometry, Kinetics & Equilibrium, Acids & Bases,
Redox & Electrochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Applications of Chemistry,
Nuclear Chemistry
- General Chemistry Online
Index of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics. Hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry. Featured articles and tutorials. A searchable, annotated database of over 400 general chemistry Web resources. Interactive graphing, popup tables, and calculators. A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties.
- Introductory Organic Chemistry
Detailed illustrated lecture notes. By Robert Wiley.
- NCSA ChemViz
Internet-based project to generate images of atoms, molecules, and atomic orbitals. The user inputs a set of parameters as they are prompted and submits these parameters to the web interface. A picture file is generated which the user downloads and views either in their Web browser or with a visualization program.
- Survey of Chemistry
A Survey of Chemistry is an interactive, multimedia computer software program. It is a complete chemistry course on a CD. The software contains the same material you would find in any introductory chemistry class.
- MathMol Activity Center
Elementary and middle school versions of an interactive textbook of molecular modling;
structural database, library of molecules, etc.
- World Index of Molecular Visualization Resources
User-maintained index of Biochemistry Tutorials, Biochemistry Structure Visualization Tutorials;
Organic Chemistry Structure Visualization Tutorials;
Inorganic/Crystal Structure Visualization Tutorials;
K-12 Molecular Visualization Tutorials;
How to create new tutorials with Chime; Sources of PDB Files,
Galleries of Molecular Images;
EMail Lists and Newsgroups on Molecular Visualization;
Free Molecular Visualization and Modeling Software;
Commerical Software for Molecular Visualization and Modeling.
- HMChem Demo site
Collection of resources correlated to Ebbing and Gammon's General ChemistryChemistry, Fifth Edition. includes synopses of key concepts, simulations, animations, videos, audio lecture, and a molecular viewer; practice problems and multiple choice self-quizzing; complete text of Ebbing/Gammon General Chemistry or Zumdahl, Chemistry, linked to supporting animations, videos, simulations, molecules, and drill and interactive problems; simulations and questions that can be used as pre- or post-lab exercises; relevant applications from the fields of ecology, medicine, biology, engineering, geology, and industry.
- Chemistry Online Media Collection
Collection of chemistry-related videos of all sorts as well as Shockwave animations, interactive JAVA simulations and even animated GIFs.
- SoftChemistry
Web-based and downloadable modules for chemistry instructions: basics of
chemical calculation; atomic structure and periodicity; chemical bond and
molecular structure; balancing equations; stoichiometry.
- Periodic Table Game
Drag each element symbol and drop it onto its position in the periodic table.
This is a free online learning activity to help chemistry students memorize the locations of common elements within the periodic table. It requires the flash player
- Chemistry World Wide Web Applications
Large and actively developed collection of Web-based chemistry teaching materials.
- Interactive Simulations for Analytical Chemistry Instruction
Interactive simulations of spectroscopic instruments and components for
Instrumental Analysis and Spectrochemical Methods courses.
- Recommendations on Organic & Biochemical Nomenclature, Symbols & Terminology
Full texts of the IUPAC and IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
recommendations: glossaries, basic terminology, nomenclature.
- Methods in Materials Research
Online companion site to the comprehensive guide to materials
characterization techniques, from publisher John Wiley & Sons. Includes
a sample unit on
Scanning Electron Microscopy.
- Chempire: A Kingdom of Chemistry Resources
A student-created ThinkQuest 1999 project designed to help teachers and students of high school chemistry.
In addition to its simplified textbook, it contains interactive chemistry practice
excercises. These provide an active study technique for students, as well as a viable
alternative to busy work for teachers. Below are descriptions of each of the
Chempire's sections.
- Homework Central - Chemistry
Sections on general, organic, physical, biochemistry, analytical methods, reference. Not
all sections are completed.
- LabWorks Computerized Laboratory Environment
A system of probes, data acquisition hardware, and experiments for performing
computer-enhanced laboratory experiments.
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Prof. Frank L. Lambert shows that some ancient questions about "things going wrong" in our lives
have surprisingly simple answers in modern basic chemistry. A winner of the
Encyclopedia Britannica Internet Guide Award.
- Molecular Models for Classroom Lectures and Demonstrations
Molecular models for lecture and display.
We are also developing a Teacher's Forum for the exchange of Lecture Notes
and a Bulletin Board Q&As tailored towards teaching with 3D models.
- Indigo Molecular Models
Molecular model kits, sets, and components for chemistry, biochemistry & crystallography.
- Chemistry and the Internet - ChemInt2002
Program information for a conference scheduled for September 2002 at Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Chemistry True Type Font
TrueType font set that facilitates the production of chemistry documents.
Contains an assortment of characters including:
equilibrium double arrows,
orbital boxes with 0, 1 and 2 electrons,
a number of characters at 90 and 45 degree angles,
delta + and delta - (as single characters),
triple bond (identity),
not equal to, much greater than, etc.,
larger sized minus sign,
a few single character "elements"; Na, Cl, Br.
- Chemistry Tables
Periodic Table, Partial Nuclide Chart,
Periodicity of Electron Configuration, ChemHistory table.
- Science Help Online: Chemistry
lessone, worksheets, vocabulary lists for introductory chemistry.
- Chemistry tutorials from CSU Stanislaus
Mass Spectrometry Spectral Interpretation; Interpretation of Infrared Spectra;
Table of NMR Chemical Shifts; Additive and Subtractive Primary Colors;
Using the Excel Spreadsheet; Acid - Base Titrations.
- The IrYdium Project.
The IrYdium Project is working to combine Network
Computing and Remote Database Technology into
educational tools that can be easily integrated into
introductory chemistry courses nationwide. Our
software will allow faculty to assign open-ended
problems involving interesting chemical and
real-world systems, and obtain instant grading and
assessment information on student's activities. Our
goal is to replace current boring and seemingly
irrelevant paper-and-pencil activities with exercises
that allow students to interact with interesting systems
in a controlled environment that reinforces
fundamental concepts.
- Chemistry Tutorial and Resource Page
Collection of links to tutorials on Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, General Chemistry, most using the
Chime plug-in.
- Chemistry Classes with At Home Labs
Links to Courses with Home Labs; Web Sites with Home Activities;
Books with Home Lab Activities.
- Steve Marsden's Chemistry Home Page
A WWW site for Honors and A.P. Chemistry students. An extensive collection of
lectures, documents, prep sheets, and related material.
- Countertop Chemistry
32 chemistry activities that use chemicals you can find at the grocery or the hardware store
- Chemistry Resources
Chemistry 1
Chemistry 2
Demonstrations, Laboratory Investigations, and Teaching Tips developed
by a Michigan school district.
- ChemCom (Chemistry in the Community) resource center
A gathering place for teachers of ChemCom® to exchange
information and files with each other. All ChemCom® teachers are invited to upload and download information, relating to the standard
eight ChemCom® topics, that they have constructed and believe to be useful in the day to day teaching of this course. This includes
supplemental worksheets, labs and lab revisions, demonstrations and projects.
- Chemistry Exam Exchange Center
30 downloadable chemistry tests in PDF format.
- Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory
A set of 10 experiments for an introductory chemistry course.
- Advanced Chemical Topics
Experiments for an advanced high school chemistry class. HTML versions of the experiments are added as they are assigned in class. Many have links to other pages that either provide background
information or specific information related to techniques involved in the experiment itself, such as how to use an electronic balance correctly.
- Aufbau1
A teaching resource for 14-16 year old students. A series of short
illustrated texts on chemical principles, with related playlets.
- "HOLY MOL-EE!" Sing-along Chemistry
Commercial package using song to teach chemistry concepts.
- Molecular Model for an Ideal Gas
Realtime interactive kinetic-molecular simulation of an ideal gas. Animation shows individual gas molecules.
Requires browser that supports Java.
- WWW Living Book of Physical Chemistry
More than 1000 problems and computer-assisted solution in
physical chemistry for undergraduate students. Learn how to use MAPLE software to solve systems of equations, integrals and
differential equations. Draw 2/3D plots, or create your own animation files for complete understanding of
the most imagination. Preformatted Maple-templates are provided to
solve the most mathematically-tedious problems. Visualize real molecules in motion and perform group-theory
analysis on the molecule of your choice.
- Cosmic Chemistry: An Elemental Question
This Genesis Mission module focuses on classifying and organizing
information. With the periodic table as their guide, students
choose various paths through question-finding exercises.
Students experience the unique type of thought process that
is required to predict missing information based on scant
evidence and focused questioning. As they embark on a
search for information, the students' quest is to find the missing evidence that is
needed for further understanding of our solar system.
- Heat: An Agent of Change
This Genesis Mission module focuses on the relationship between basic physical science
concepts about heat and the challenges faced by the engineers
designing the Genesis spacecraft. Controlling the movement of heat to
prevent unwanted changes in materials requires basic understandings
about thermodynamics.
- Infrared Spectroscopy Web Links for Organic Chemists
A collections of links to databases, simulations, texts, and problems for IR spectroscopy.
- TeleSpek: Telecooperation in Spectroscopy
The aim of the project TeleSpec is to establish an internet based infrared spectrum interpretation and discussion forum. Using the
benefits of the internet, such as the availability of different sources of information and distributed computer performance, the
cooperation of experts for the interpretation of infrared spectra will be enhanced.
TeleSpec is based on novel techniques for molecular structure representation and IR spectra simulation.
- Interactive WWW Experiments in Chemistry Education
The home of new developments in WWW applications by Prof. George Wiger at CSUDH. Currently has: Titration curve,Real time plotting, NMR Spectra, Reactions on the Fly, Checking for Balance, Formula based problems
- Torganal: Tasmanian produced qualitative Organic Analysis program
Torganal simulates the laboratory process of identifying unknown organic compounds (at early university or college level). By using this
program before starting laboratory work, students can rehearse the strategy of identifying an unknown in a situation free from the
additional uncertainties of performing unfamiliar laboratory tasks and then having to rely on the results. DOS and Windows versions available.
- What's Happening at Other High School Chemistry Sites?'s%20Happening
A collection of links to high school chemistry sites,
developed by Bob Jacobs of Wilton High School.
- The Scientist Video Clips
A series of small-format video clips, in Quicktime format, of a science demonstration series developed
by a professor in Nebraska for local television. Requires Quicktime.
- Lecture PLUS Chemistry Modules
Chemistry slide shows on Density, Metric and Conversion Factors, Matter,
Significant Figures and Measurement, Measurement in Chemistry,Temperature,
Dimensional Analysis, Atomic Theory,
Bonds and Ionic Compounds, Covalent Bonds,
Changes of State, Electronic Structure and Periodic Table
- SCUBA Diving Explained
On on-line book covering the concept of pressure, the four major gas laws as they apply to diving,
composition of air, changes in gas pressures with depth, ear and sinus squeeze, lung
barotrauma, air embolism, decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity,
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide toxicity, stress, hypothermia, hyperventilation, and
oxygen therapy.
- Chemical Stuff
A collection of illustrated basic chemistry instruction modules, by David Dice..
- Molecular Spectroscopy
A illustrated text on molecular spectroscopy (mass, IR, and NMR), in PDF format.
- Science in the Marketplace
A reference book for students searching for research or science
fair projects, and a teacher resource for lab activities for all science
classes. This book contains over 60 lab activities based on everyday
consumer topics. Suitable for grades 7-12.
- ACD/ChemBasic : Programming language for chemists
Functionally rich programming language for the presentation and manipulation of molecular structure,
related objects. Free download.
- Hands-on Experiments
From Chemistry Week. Four chemistry experiments with complete instructions,
activity guide.
- SMILE program chemistry index
A collection of almost 200 single concept lessons. These lessons may be freely copied and used
in a classroom but they remain the copyright property of the author.
The Chemistry lessons are divided into the following categories: Basic Tools And Principles, Atomic and
Molecular Structure (Including Moles), States of Matter, Types and Control of Chemical Reactions, Chemistry
of Elements, Compounds and Materials.
- Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab
Free science experiments for parents, teachers, and
children of all ages. Slick. Principles
of floatation; build a working hovercraft (for a mouse); capillary action in action;
chemical reaction in action; build a real working volcano; etc.
- The Bubbleshpere
Everything about bubbles and bubble science activities.
- Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Slide show from a college course: History of materials, Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, Electronic Materials, Composites.
- CompTutor
Chemistry Tutorials and Simulations by Gary Bertrand.
- Understanding Fluorescence
Introdcution to fluorescence, in the context of fluorescence microscopic labeling.
- Magnetic water treatment and other scams
Hucksters and scam artists (and maybe even some sincere but ignorant individuals) are having
a field day promoting magnetic devices as a new form of snake oil to a North American public that is generally unable to distinguish science
from pseudoscience
- OMEGAweb™ Technical Reference
Measurement instrument manufacturer's technical/engineering reference collection, dealing with the measurement of
Temperature, Pressure, Strain and Force, Flow and Level, pH and Conductivity/Environmental.
- General Chemistry: starting points for students
Web links specifically for students enrolled in General Chemistry courses.
- Tutorials on writing and visualization of molecular structures
Nice set of tutorials for general chemistry classes on
the writing and visualization of molecular structures. Within the module
are tutorials on Lewis structures, formal charge, resonance structures,
VSEPR theory, bond and molecular polarity, and intermolecular forces. Also
included is a VSEPR tutorial and quiz featuring Chime-generated
three-dimensional images of a number of small molecules that may be
manipulated by the viewer.
- QuickTime Movies, GIF Animations, and Streaming Audio
QuickTime Movies, GIF Animations, and Streaming Audio samples by
Red Chasteen on various aspects of Analytical Environmental Chemistry.
- Multimedia Extravaganza
Several multimedia productions designed for chemistry education. Also includes a few works in progress and neat technology demos.
Requires Quicktime plug-in. 1-15 Mbyte files.
- Chemistry Teaching Resources
Knut Irgun's comprehensive annotated collection of chemistry teaching Resources on the
Internet. Now maintained by Svante Åberg.
- The ChemLinks Coalition
The ChemLinks Coalition is a 5-year curriculum development project funded by
the National Science Foundation's Division of Undergraduate Education as part of
its "systemic change initiative" in undergraduate chemistry education. The
Coalition is comprised of private liberal arts colleges and research universities who
have formed an alliance with the Advanced Technology Environmental Education
Center's network of community college environmental programs and with Project
Kaleidoscope, an informal national alliance committed to strengthening
undergraduate programs in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology
education. We are developing and testing modular materials
about chemistry and the
environment, chemistry and technology in society, and the molecular basis of life.
Work is underway on 30 modules, with some undergoing initial class testing.
- ACS Education Division
Curriculum Materials | Professional Development
Student Programs | Institutional Programs | Index | Linked Sites
- ACS ChemCenter
The ACS guide to chemistry online; ACS site for high school chemistry students. It
includes activities, information on careers, science fair information and more;
Chemistry activities for kids, parents and
- Journal of Chemical Education Online
Information about the Journal of Chemical Education, JCE Software, JCE Internet, and JCE Books.
JCE Online is a subscription-only service that has complete versions of all articles from the Journal
since the September 1996 issue as Adobe Acrobat PDF files, plus materials that
supplement articles in the
Journal, new JCE Internet
articles, JCE Internet
submissions in open review, and
- 3D periodic table of radii and Inorganic structure database
3D periodic table of radii: This is a periodic table arranged in five
planes. Each plane represents an atomic charge and the size of the sphere is
the radius of that atom/ion. The charges range from +3 to -2, including
atomic radii as 0. This page requires the Chime plug in.
Inorganic structure database: This is a collection of experimental
structures of small molecules and ions. There are multiple structures for
several of the molecules. The expected uses of this database include simple
visualization of molecules, measurement of interatomic distances for
comparison with predictions of atomic radii, demonstration of the variation
of bond length with bond order in structures such as a carboxylic acid and a
carboxylate anion, comparison of geometry and actual bond angles with
predictions of the VSEPR or other models, and demonstration that structures
have experimental variation. This page requires the WebLab viewer.
- Chemistry Higher Education Workgroup (CHEW)
Completed projects include a liquid chromatography simulator; plastics museum CD-ROM;
Cyclic Voltametry simulator; Zeolite explorer, and organic chemistry nomenclature.
- World Lecture Hall: Chemistry
The Chemistry section of the World Lecture Hall now has links to over 70 chemistry courses.
- C4: Computers in Chemistry at Cabrillo College
Visualization and instructional software for chemistry instructors and
students. Molecules in the News. 400 "live" molecular models,
including almost all commonly
studied compounds. Harry Ungar, Cabrillo College.
- The Chemistry Place
Subscription-based commercial chemistry education site by Peregrine Publishers.
Developed by a team of
educators led by Steve Zumdahl and Susan Arena Zumdahl (University of
Illinois). Visitors area for non-members.
- AP Chemistry
This site is to help students practice for the reactions question on the AP Chemistry test.
- Elemental Discoveries Magazine
Monthly Web Magazine by science writer David Bradley. Free subscription.
- Reactive Reports Magazine
Web-based chemistry magazine by science writer David Bradley. Well done.
- ActivChemistry
ActivChemistry is a fully interactive simulation of the ultimate chemistry lab. Developed in conjunction with the Addison-Wesley
Media Lab and a team of leading chemistry professors, ActivChemistry allows students to explore all the processes of chemistry,
from test tubes to atoms. Available for both Macintosh and Windows (3.X and 95).
- WWW Project For Chemistry
George Wiger, Dept. of Chemistry, Calfornia State University,
Dominguez Hills. Electronic Homework System.
Stuff-Titration curve, Real time plotting, NMR Spectra, Reactions on the Fly,
Checking for Balance, Formula based problems. Also see this page intended for instructors:
- Chemistry Multimedia
Karl Harrison, Dept. of Chemistry, Oxford University
Collection of chemistry-related demonstration pages
containing Quicktime movies and Shockwave animations, and
- Learning Matters of Chemistry
Visualization of molecular models and atomic orbitals, and
computer animation. Downloadable
computer-aided learning and interactive
multimedia chemistry programs, for Mac
and Windows. Interesting
online interactive exercises to
increase your chemical
common sense; instant
- Stereochemistry Online
Thomas Poon, Colby College.
Interactive exercises for organic chemistry students; comparison
and classification of molecules. Based on the Netscape plug-in Chime.
- BioChemLinks (was: BioChemNet)
Links to General Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biotechnology,
General Chem, Organic Chem, Biochemistry, etc.
- Molecular Models for Biochemistry
William McClure, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon
A set of tutorials and quizzes that are based on RasMol images of the
molecules and macromolecules found in biochemistry. As such they are
intended to complement standard biochemistry texts where more
explanation is provided, but where 3D images of the molecules are not
available. Two of the best portions are the tutorials on
amino acids
and on protein structure.
- Interactive Biochemistry
Amino Acid Titration Behavior,
An Animated Look at Phi and Psi Angles,
Studying Protein Structures (with Chemscape Chime),
Enzyme Kinetics,
Enzyme Mechanisms,
Helical Wheel Viewer for Alpha Helices,
The Energetics of Glycolysis.
- Amino Acid Tutorials
Amino acid properties and structures. (Examination of 3-D structures requires the
Chime plug-in).
- DNA Structure: An Interactive Animated Nonlinear Tutorial (version 2.3)
This tutorial is intended to supplement your biology or biochemistry
textbook. This tutorial requires Chime 1.0 and Netscape
Navigator 3.01/3.02/4.01. You can download a copy of this tutorial. Once you have your own copy on your computer's hard
disk, you can use it without an Internet connection.
- Basics of DNA Fingerprinting
This page was created in 1994 as a class project at the University of Washington to provide to the
Internet basic information on the structure and function of DNA as it relates to DNA
fingerprinting. This topic is especially pertinent in today's society because of the rising use of
DNA fingerprinting as evidence in court cases.
- Molecular Modeling for Chemical Education
Summary of Activities at Lebanon
Valley College. Workshops, molecular movies, etc.
- The Chemistry Tutor CD-ROM
The Chemistry Tutor CD-ROM contains twenty-two modules of computer-assisted
learning material and five tools. It is designed for use in a tutorial situation or as
self-paced study material.
The software has been developed as a series of resourceware modules in three
subject areas; Basic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Theoretical Methods.
Having been designing as resourceware, the modules are very flexible to use, and
can be implemented alongside more traditional teaching methods. Teachers are able
to pick and choose which parts they wish to use with their students.
Extensive use has been made of visual material (graphics, animation, video),
questions and interactions, whilst text has been kept to a minimum. There is a
strong emphasis on exploration and learning by doing
- QuickTime Movies for Chemistry
Abby L. Parrill and Jacquelyn Gervay, University of Arizona.
QuickTime Movies Organized by Lecture Topic: Molecular Recognition,
Protein Structure,
Effect of Oxygen Binding on Heme,
Infra-Red Spectroscopy,
SN2 Reaction Mechanism.
- The Edison Project For Communicating Chemistry
Columbia University. A collection of well-done Quicktime movies and Director modules
aimed at teaching chemistry concepts.
- Chemistry Visualized: The World of Physical Chemistry
Extensive set of still and
computer animated images from a multimedia course in
Physical Chemistry of Life and the Environment.
Quantum Mechanics; Air Pollution; X-Ray Diffraction;
Molecular Dynamics; Statistical Mechanics; Spectroscopy. The Squier group, U. of California at San Diego.
- ChemConnections
Restructured modular undergraduate chemistry curriculum, incorporating new
materials, innovative teaching methods and improved support
for students as well as instructors.
- The Organic Chemistry Resource Page
For a college organic chem course: Lab procedures, practice exams, computer demos, stereochemistry help, organic Webcards, moleccular database,
- Organic Reaction Mechanisms Movies
Brent Iverson, The University of Texas at Austin.
A set of digital video clip (in MPEG format) of molecular modeling animations
of common organic reactions.
- Chemistry Education Discussion List (CHEMED-L)
Archives of past messages on CHEMED-L, the chemistry education discussion listserv list.
- Eureka Group
Commercial Multimedia Organic Chemistry Courseware
- Instructional Software from Chem1Ware Ltd.
Chem1Ware specializes in the development of CAI lesson materials that provide comprehensive, in-depth
instruction in the major topics of General Chemistry. Although they are intended mainly for the first-year
University level, many of the lessons in each set are applicable to high school courses, particularly those offering
AP or IB programs. Chem1 Concept Builder provides guided, interactive and in-depth instruction in General Chemistry at the college and advanced-HS level. It can serve as the major instructional delivery tool in a CAI-based or distance-education course, for self-study, or as a supplement to conventional courses. Free evaluation copies for teachers.
- Peer Led Team Learning Workshop
The PLTL Workshop Project is a coalition of faculty, students, and
learning specialists organized around the concept of peer-led, team-learning.
- On-line Chemistry Course on industrial and environmental chemistry
A study of the relationships between industrial chemistry and environmental
chemistry as they affect one another in the operation of chemical facilities in a
global society. This will be an intercollegiate course involving electronic dialog
with students, teachers, and experts from both industry and academia. The
on-line computer character of this course provides an unprecedented opportunity
for sharing a wide variety of viewpoints and for applying chemical knowledge to
important current problems."
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
What is VSEPR?; VSEPR Rules; VSEPR Examples/Practice Problems;
Compare Two Structures.
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
This introduction to VSEPR is a
hypertext version of Chapter 4 of Chemical Bonding, bt Mark Winter, one of the Oxford Chemistry
Primers, Published by: Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK). By arrangement with the publisher.
- Principles of Chemistry
Information and exercises on selected topics in
introductory chemistry: Properties of Solutions, Acids & Bases, Equilibria, Solubility and Temperature
Solubility Calculations, Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Thermochemistry - Entropy and Free Energy
Transition Metals & Coordination Compounds, Nuclear Chemistry.
- Old home page of MathMol (Mathematics and Molecules K-12)
Information and activities related to the fields of
molecular modeling and 3-D visualization; some introductory tutorials for students; K-12
activities, hypermedia textbooks;
public domain software, a library of
K-12 molecular structures, and links to locations for software and related sites.
New developments recently relocated to
- ALCOM - Liquid Crystals
Lesson plans by a group of teachers and members of the Advanced Liquid
Crystalline Optical Materials Consortium at Kent State.
- Understanding Our Planet Through Chemistry
This WWW Poster Session, produced by the U. S. Geological Survey,
describes the role of chemistry in issues vital to our economy, health, and well-being.
When we are analyzing a sample of the Earth, we never ask if a specific element is present. Virtually every
sample of the Earth contains every natural element at some amount. The more appropriate questions are: How
much of it is present? Is there enough to be mined profitably? In the environment, is it dangerous at this level or
in this form? And after we've identified the issues that we need to solve about our planet, we then need to ask,
What clues can we find that will give us the answer?
- WebElements 2
This is a major revision of the first version of WebElements and comes with
much more data and now with pretty pictures. Also, a lot of the data has
been corrected, although there will still be errors, inevitably. There is still much to do before version 2 is complete but it is now at the
stage where feedback would be useful. I should therefore be very pleased to
receive comments and suggestions about WebElements 2.
- Vernier Software
Widely-used interfacing hardware, software, and probes for
chemistry, biology, physical science, technology, and math teachers. IBM-PC,
Macintosh, and Apple II versions available.
- LIMSport
IBM-PC-based interfacing hardware, software, probes, and experiments for chemistry
- Chemistry Hypermedia Project
Brian Tissue, et. al., Virginia Tech.
Extensive set of on-line course and supplementary
materials in chemistry (especially analytical chemistry). Includes
several examples of Interactive Exercises
developed in Javascript and Perl.
- An Introduction to Chemistry on the Internet
A tutorial on "How To Use The Internet" and a collection of useful sites, by
James E. Finholt and Jason E. Borton of Carleton College.
- North American Chapter of the Chemometrics Society
Home page of the North American Chapter of the International Chemometrics Society.
- NMR Concepts
Descriptions of some Freely distribueted software programs; Descriptions of the
commercial NMR software; Mathcad documents that I have developed for teaching
NMR concepts; NMR Data from Advanced Spectroscopy at Widener Unviersity that
highlights several NMR concepts.
- The Ozone Secretariat
The Ozone Secretariat of the United Nation
s WWW site. This site is a clearinghouse of information related to the Ozone an
d the challenges faced in its preservation.
Organic Nomenclature tutorial, by Dave Woodcock
Learning and Problem Solving in Chemistry, by Dave Woodcock
The Chemical Educator, online chemistry education journal
The ChemPrime Project curriculum initiative
Chemistry Course for Non-Science Majors, by Tom O'Haver
- Course on Electronics and Computer Interfacing in Chemistry, by Tom O'Haver
- Chemistry Textbook Archive, by Journal of Chemical Education
List of chemistry textbooks in print, by Journal of Chemical Education
FTP archive of ChemViz (Chemical Visualization project, 1995)
The Chemical Heritage Foundation (history of chemistry)
Resource Modules of the Iowa General Chemistry Network
- Virtual Textbook on Polymers and Liquid Crystals
Virtual Courses on General, Organic & Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry Laboratory; Separations and Chemometrics
CER, Chemical Education Resources (commercial publisher)
CIRRUS: Undergraduate Chemistry Research
Chemistry Teaching Materials, by Scott Van Bramer
- Hyperactive Molecules, Part 1
- Hyperactive Molecules, Part 2
Australian Computational Chemistry via the Internet Project
Gateway to the World of Chemistry, by Ralph Logan
Tutorial on Oxidation and Reduction, Kapiolani Community College
Chemistry Software
- Atom in a Box (real-time visualization of QM atomic orbitals)
Linux4Chemistry: chemistry software for the Linux operating system.
- Macs in Chemistry, a resource for chemists using Apple Macintosh computers
- MacMolecule 2 and PCMolecule 2
- Chemical Engineering Software
- Tom Kuppens' Chemistry Software Reference
- Free Desktop and Web-based IUPAC Naming software
- Chem Spread 3.05: Free Stoichiometric Calculator
- JChem, a chemical database building tool for developers
- Marvin, Java applets for drawing and displaying structures in web browsers
- Software for Introductory Chemistry
- Cherwell Scientific Publishing: scientific software
- Galactic Software, Spectroscopy Software Solutions
- PolyChem, chemistry teaching software
- Falcon Software, chemistry education software
- MoluCAD, a new molecular animation application.
- ChemLab, chemistry lab simulation for Windows and Mac
- Chime, free molecule display browser plugin
- RASMOL, displays rotatable 3D models of molecules.
- Advanced Chemistry Development: Chemsketch and other products
- MS Wizard, IR Wizard, NMR wizard, etc.
- HyperChem molecular modeling software for Windows
- Journal of Chemical Education Online
- "S.P.E.C.T.R.U.M.", freeware signal processing tool and tutorial package
- Interactive Simulations for Analytical Chemistry Instruction
- Steve Lower's ChemCAI: Instructional Software for Chemistry
- Software Reviews from the CTI Centre for Chemistry
- CTI Centre for Chemistry Software Catalogue
- The Sheffield FTP chemistry software archive (Macintosh)
- MathCad in Chemistry
- Study Aids from U. of Kentucky
- Downloadable Macintosh science software, including chemistry
- ChemWindow 6, From Bio-Rad Laboratories
- ChemWeb - free chemical structure drawing tool for HTML documents
- ISIS/Draw, free structure drawing program
- Organic Synthetic Method Computer Database (Free demo)
- Wavefunction, Inc. (Spartan and MacSpartan software)
- CS ChemOffice Net (free molecular model viewer)
- 2D Structure Converter, 3D Model Converter, and other free software
- CHEMiCALC, The Chemists' Calculator
- Chemical process calculator with thermodynamics database
- PTViz: Free Periodic Table Illustrator software for Mac
- The Official Gaussian Home Page
- SCULPT, has been acquired by MDLI.
- WebLab molecular 3D Viewer
- Oxford Molecular Group: computer-aided chemistry and bioinformatics software.
Other lists of chemistry links on the Internet
- About: Extensive set of chemistry links
- Open Directory Project chemistry links
- The Catalyst: Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teache On The WWW
- Organic Chemistry Sources Worldwide
- WWW Links for Chemists (U. of Liverpool)
- Rolf Claessen's Chemistry Index
- Chemistry Education Resources at SciEd
- WWW Virtual Library: Chemistry (last updated 1998)
- The Analytical Chemistry Springboard (Annotated collection by Knut Irgum)
Chemical Data
- Spectra Online, seachable databsse of molecular spectra.
- WebMolecules: Over 150,000 3D molecular models in 6 styles
- Interactive Periodic Table with 9 key attributes
- FTNMR Spectra in NUTS Format
- Integrated Spectral Data Base System for Organic Compounds
- David Sullivan FT-IR Library
- Bio-Rad Software Databases
- NIH "Molecules R US" Utililty (PDB look-up)
- NIST Chemistry WebBook: thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data
- ChemFinder: A versatile searchable chemical database
- 1400+ Molecular Models in .pdb Form
- Chemistry Art Gallery (Finland)
- Material Saftey Data Sheets
- Chemical Safety Information
- WebElements Periodic Table (Canada)
- WebElements 2 Periodic Table (UK)
- The 1999 CODATA Recommended Values of Fundamental Physical Constants
- Protein Data Bank (PDB): an archival computer database of three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules.
- The FTNMR Free Induction Decay Archive
- Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis, CAPITA
- Downloadable food composition databases
- Composition of alloys
- Standard Reducation Potentials
- Dissociation Constants of Common Acids and Bases
- Solubility products
- Concentrations of common commercial acids and bases
- Equilibrium Constants
- Periodic Table -- A Word Perfect 5.1 file, downloadable only
- Food composition
On-Line Conferences
First CHEMCONF On-line Chemistry Education Conference, 1993
First Chemometrics On-line Conference (INCINC '94)
First Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC 1994)
"Faculty Rewards: Can We Implement the Scholarship of Teaching?", 1995
First Electronic Conference on Trends in Organic Chemistry (ECTOC 1995)
Second Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference (ECCC-2 1995)
ChemConf '96: Summer 1996 On-line Chemistry Education Conference
Electronic Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry (ECHET96)
ChemConf '97: Summer 1997 On-line Chemistry Education Conference
Software for chemistry on-line conferences
The Electronic Conference of Chemical Research by Undergraduate Students
- Interactive Conference for
Undergraduate Organic
ChemConf '98 School year conference, January 16 to May 1, 1998
- Chemical Demonstrations Trial Session, Feb. 15 - March 2 1999.
- The Role and Nature of Research by Undergraduates in Chemistry. (April 3 to May 5, 2000)
- CONFCHEM home page
- Einstein's Garage
- ChemWeb, the World Wide Club for the Chemical Community
- The Chlorine Dioxide Water Treatment Resource Center
- Classical & Statistical Thermodynamics & Mechanics Educational Sites
- Technical thermochemistry
- Chemistry Clip Art (Macintosh)
- Molecular dynamics simulations on large systems
- Cornell Theory Center
- MicroWorlds: Interactive tour of LBL's Advanced Light Source
- FUSION energy educational Web site
- Electrochemical Science and Technology Information Resource (ESTIR)
Discussion groups (Listserv Lists and Newsgroups)