Internet Resources for Science and Mathematics Education, collected by Tom O'Haver.
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[Biology, Biochemistry, and Natural History]
[Earth Science and Paleontology]
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[History of Science]
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[Family and personal interest]
[State of Maryland and the Local Area]
Last updated and all links checked: February 28, 2001.
Hint: Looking for something specific? Use the Find command in the Edit menu
(or press Ctrl-F) to search for keywords.
- Teacher Education Materials Project:
A Database for K-12 Mathematics and Science Professional Development
Providers (TE-MAT)
This site was developed to support professional development providers as they design and implement programs for pre-service and in-service K - 12 mathematics and science teachers, including a searchable collection of reviews to help development providers more readily select materials appropriate for their program goals.
- Teacher Zone Lesson Plans
Arts, Assesment, Bilingual Education, Collaboration, Curriculum,
Gifted & Talented, Health, Languages, Mailing Lists, Math, Multicultural,
Science, Social Studies, Special Education.
- Project Galileo
Innovative teaching ideas and materials. You will find here only class-tested, ready-to-use methods that can readily be implemented in your own classes. Funded in part by the National Science Foundation.
- Bill Benetta's "The Textbook League"
Independent, expert reviews of textbooks that publishers are selling to schools right now, with emphasis on middle-school and high-school books in history, geography, social studies, health, and the various branches of natural science. These book reviews are augmented by evaluations of classroom videos and by articles about topics that are important to people who must choose instructional materials.
- Education World
On-line magazine with articles for administrators, cirriculum, site reviews, lesson planning, school planning, etc.
- Understanding the Common Essential Learnings:
A Handbook for Teachers
From Understanding to Action; Communication; Numeracy; Critical and Creative Thinking;
Technological Literacy; Personal and Social Values and Skills; Independent Learning.
- Teaching and Learning on the Web
Sites that are connected to specific courses or learning activities,
rangeing from courses delivered entirely via the web to courses that offer specific activities related to class assignments or courses that offer class support materials via the web.
- Quia: Online quiz database and construction tool
Quia is a free Web site with a directory of thousands of online games and quizzes in more than 40 subject areas; templates for creating twelve different types of online games, including flashcards, matching, concentration (memory), word search, hangman, challenge board, and rags to riches (a quiz-show style trivia game); tools for creating online quizzes; quiz administration and reporting tools.
- Teaching Templates
Teaching Templates is a authoring program with many examples of the tests, quizzes and exercises it can create - some for English grammar and vocabulary and some "just for fun" (Prepositions, Abbreviations, Proverbs, James Bond, Academy Award Winners, Dates in History, American Presidents etc.) Makes HTML files which can be viewed with any web browser. The tests, quizzes and exercises you make can be inegrated in a web page or run as stand-alone programs at home or in the classroom. Includes sounds and images to liven up the exercises.
- Blackline masters for language arts
Commercial collection of over 400 Language Arts and Time Saving blackline masters in MS Word `97 or Word for Mac format so that you can edit them on your PC, print the changes and save your own implementation. Several free examples are available.
- The Five Paragraph Essay Wizard
How to write an essay. Writing prompts to help you develop skill. Structure of the Essay; Getting Started; How to Write the Essay; Editing, Revising, and Evaluating; Expository, Narrative, and Persuasive Essay and Prompts; General Writing Prompts for Your Use; Tips and Techniques for Effective Essays
- SchoolZone
30,000 free educational resources. Students & Children: help with studies, careers, life... and fun!;
Teachers: find free resources, news, worksheets help, advice etc.
At Home: parents and governors guides to educational issues.
Education News: what's going on in education: a daily round up.
Education Events: Inset and other activities anywhere in the UK
Shopping on-line: our pick of the best sites for education and home
- The WebQuest Page
A resource to those who are using the WebQuest model to teach with the web. By pointing to excellent examples and collecting materials developed to communicate the idea, all of us experimenting with WebQuests will be able to learn from each other.
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
- The Lesson Bank
Hundreds of lesson plans posted by teachers in all subject areas and grade levels. Posting your lesson plan or curriculum development ideas is easy. Just complete a few bits of information and cut and paste or type your lesson plan directly into the form!
- Electronic Emissary
A "matching service" that helps K-12 teachers and students with access to the World Wide Web locate other Internet account-holders who are experts in different disciplines, for purposes of setting up curriculum-based, electronic exchanges among the teachers, their students, and the experts.
- Computer-based Manipulatives
Overview of freeware, shareware, demonstration software and Web sites that support discovery-oriented student experiences, with an emphasis on science and math.
- Center for Applied Special Technology
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a new paradigm for teaching, learning, assessment, drawing on new brain research and new media technologies to respond to individual learner differences. National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum provides a vision of how new curricula, teaching practices, and policies can be woven together to create practical approaches for improved access to the general curriculum by students with disabilities.
TAPPED IN™ is a growing community of over 6000 K-16 teachers, staff, and researchers engaged in professional development programs and informal collaborative activities with colleagues. Members hold real-time discussions and classes, browse Websites together, explore professional development options, and interact via mailing lists and discussion boards all in a single venue.
- Education Week Online
News, Special Reports, Jobs, searchable archive of past articles.
- Teacher Magazine
Features, Current Events, Commentary, Research, Grants and Fellowships.
- Teachers Helping Teachers
Basic teaching tips for inexperienced
teachers; ideas that can be immediately
implemented into the classroom.
New ideas in teaching
methodologies for all teachers. Chat rooms and lesson plans for teachers.
- The Gateway to Educational Material
Search by subject, title, keyword or grade level. Sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education.
- New York Times Learning Network
Current events, daily lesson plans, activities, articles, links.
- Promising Practices: Progess Toward the Goals 1999
National Educational Goals panel. See which states have made the
most progress toward the National Education Goals.
- Teachers' Net
Teachers' "chat" center: discussion boards, etc.
- Teacher Change
A collection of resources from the Eisenhower National
to help educators and professional
development providers facilitate
discussion and reflection on improving
K-12 mathematics. The materials include
professional development activities,
TIMSS publications, articles about
teacher change, and teacher narratives.
- US Registry of Teachers
Annually updated, voluntarily submitted
database of grade K-12 teachers in the
major academic disciplines.
- Knowledge Adventure
Commercial educational supplies and software, games, teacher resources.
- CollegeNet
A portal for applying to college over the web.
CollegeNET lets applicants complete, file, and pay for their admissions applications entirely through the internet. Over 350 colleges
and universities including Virginia Tech, Ohio State, and Stanford Graduate School have contracted with us to serve their official
web-based admissions applications.
- Discovery School
Online materials for teachers and students, using the
resources of Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Animal
Planet, and the Travel Channel; lesson plans, classroom activities,
online expeditions, and
special features to support curriculum commonly taught in schools.
- Blue Web'n: Blue Ribbon Learning Sites on the Web
Tutorials; activitirs, projects, references; organized by subject area.
- Marcia's Lesson Links
Lesson plans: recent additions include Games on Graphs; Kite Glyphs; Sample Glyphs; Animal Printouts;
The Teeth Unit; Terrific Teeth; Inside our Teeth... A Worms Eye View; Kids World Coloring Book; Teethy Songs.
- Free Worksheets
Worksheets in all subjects areas. There are now 8000 free worksheets on this website.
eachers may make as many copies of these as you
need for your students. The worksheets are copyrighted and
may not be sold or used on any other website.
- PBS TeacherSource
1400 lessons and activities in arts and literature, health and fitness, math, science and technology, social studies.
- Study Skills
Study Skills Help page created by Dr. Carolyn Hopper, Study Skills Coordinator for the Developmental Studies Department at Middle Tennessee State University. Practice Tests and Games, Powerpoint presentations, etc.
- Scholastic's Homepage
Scholastic is a global
children’s publishing
and media company in
both education and
- The Educational System in the United States:
Case Study Findings
The landscape of education in the United States is characterized by diversity. This includes diversity in the socioeconomic
backgrounds of students, curricula, types of programs, size of classes, and resources available to schools. Diversity was
evident in the actual practices and resources among the schools in the three locations.
- Preparing our Children:
Math and Science Education in the National Interest (Feb. 1999)
In this report, the National Science Board (NSB) offers four recommendations that promote student achievement in mathematics and science. Drawing on
research and analysis, the report asserts that stakeholders working in their home communities can converge on what matters most:
rigorous content standards; high expectations that all students can meet these standards;
Further, the report suggests how scientists and engineers, both individually and through their institutions, can assist students,
teachers, and schools.
- History and Philosophy in Science Teaching: Curriculum Modules K-12
One of the most exciting aspects of teaching science is conveying how science is done and
engaging students in the process of discovery for themselves. History of science is one of the best
resources for this. Here you have access to several ready-to-use curriculum modules
created by a group of Minnesota teachers
- NARST Research Matters - to the Science Teacher
Series of articles on education research in science education.
- TERC - The Regional Alliance Hub
TERC houses articles, curriculum, and project reports organized by key
topics in education reform: Assessment| Equity | Evaluation of Systemic
Reform| Mathematics| Professional Development | School Reform |
Science | Standards and Curriculum | Technology
- World Wide Words
World Wide Words is devoted to the English language - its history,
quirks, curiosities and evolution. The Words site is organised into
sections, each with its own index to help you find your way about.
- Practical Teaching Information and Guidlines
University of Hawaii
Community Colleges faculty handbook with items such as handling
disruptive students, harassment issues, grading, liability, improving teaching abilities .
Publications related to learning styles; Assessment of Learning Style Preferences.
The Index of Learning Styles is a self-scoring questionnaire for assessing preferences on four of the five
dimensions of the Felder-Silverman model.
- Demonstrating Educational Effectiveness
The aim of this site is to promote educational effectiveness
in vocational education and training by:
stimulating conversation,
improving understanding,
exploring benchmarking and
inviting collaboration.
- Project Appleseed, the National Campaign for Public School Improvement
There are over 70 million parents in the United States of America. Parental
involvement is essential for meaningful
education reform. True education reform cannot take place without an
involved, effective and educated parent constituency
in all 15,000 public school districts. When parents are involved, their
children do better in school and they go to better
- US Department of Education Technology Initiatives
Technology Programs information, E-Rate information.
- Learning About Education Through Statistics
U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) gathers data on all aspects of education from across the
country, organizes the data in useful forms, and releases the
resulting surveys and studies as survey reports, information compendia,
and special reports that focus on specific educational topics.
- The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center is an independent nonprofit information clearinghouse established in 1956.
The Center's mission is to foster public understanding of the foundation field by collecting,
organizing, analyzing, and disseminating information on foundations, corporate giving, and related
subjects. The audiences that call on the Center's resources include grantseekers, grantmakers,
researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public.
- Pathways to School Improvement
Pathways to School Improvement an online road map for
enhancing America's educational system. The North Central Regional
Educational Laboratory (NCREL)'s Pathways project has developed a
schemata of critical educational issues, organized into areas such as
Professional Development, School to Work, Math, Science and
Learning. Each area is broken down into "Critical Issues" and combined
with links to other useful online resources. Click on "Assessment," for
instance, and you find issues such as "Integrating Assessment and
Instruction in Ways That Support Learning" and "Emerging Student
Assessment Systems for School Reform" examined at length.
Pathways to School
Improvement lights the crossroads at which American education now
stands, and offers suggested routes for the future.
- TeachNet: The Teachers Network
Impact II/The Teachers Network is "a
nationwide, educational, non-profit organization that supports innovative
teachers who exemplify professionalism, independence, and creativity in
public school systems." TeachNet lets educators share their techniques
and ideas through the Let's Talk bulletin board and the Sharing
Curriculum database of classroom projects.
- Middle School MSPAP Website
The files below have been developed for helping teachers understand Maryland's MSPAP
- EdWeb: Exploring Technology and School Reform
"An intelligent, detailed, informed and practical guide, both to education related
issues concerning the Internet, and to educational resources on the World
Wide Web...."
Harvard Educational Review
- The National Academy Press
Full books, free for the reading, first page to last, and lots of them. More than a thousand, actually. They're available in a variety of version, including scanned pages in image format, hypertext HTML books, and Adobe Acrobat PDF. Browse Titles by Category
- Essays on constructivism and education
A collection of essays from various sources on cognition, constructivism, and learning.
- NSTA's Scope, Sequence & Coordination Project
Detailed explanations of the National Science
Education Content Standards, listings of
applicable concepts, laws, and theories, and materials
presented as Micro-Units designed to achieve the NSE
Standards offered for download and free use in your science
class.The individual science Micro-Units are arranged
within grade level by Content Standards and sub-topics of the NSES.
Assessments to meet the National Science Education Standards
- Scholarships
Search over 180,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and grants for
financial aid assistance!
- The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Publications; Professional Development; Education Issues 1996
ASCD Online Catalog; Education Links.
- Expect the Best for a Girl and that's what you'll get.
How to encourage girls in math and science.
Over 3000 resources on a variety of educational issues.
Peer Education Programs, Therapy; Family Life:
Home Schooling, Child Care;
Educational Levels:
K-12 Education, Higher Education; General Education;
Motivation, Learning Theories;
Educational Management:
Scheduling, Education Reform; Librarianship:
School Libraries, Librarian Education;
Educational Technology:
Internet, Technology Planning; Specific Populations:
Disabilities, High-Risk Students;
AskERIC, Clearinghouses; Subjects
Mathematics, Science;
Alternative Assessment, Standards; Teaching:
Planning, Teacher Quality;
Statistics, Law.
- Ameritech Family Education Outpost
Resources for learning in the classroom and at
home. Treasures of the Internet;
Innovation Exchange; Technology Advisor;
A primer on the Internet and Internet safety for parents.
- Susan's "Teachers Helping Teachers"
Ideas; computers, book; learning sytles; how children learn.
- The BrainTainment Center
The BrainTainment Center - home of the World Brain - receives a daily
feed of uplinked Brainpower scores from players of THINKfast - the new
brain game that claims to grow your brain as you play the game (does
it hurt?). This one-stop neuro-cog shop also features an on-line
5-minute IQ test, left/right brain analysis, etc.
- Virtual University
Catalog of on-line classes on various topics.
- World Lecture Hall
World Lecture Hall publishes links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver course materials in any language.
Some courses are delivered entirely over the Internet. Others are designed for students in residence. Many fall somewhere in between, and all can be visited by anyone interested in courseware on the Internet, faculty developers and curious students alike.
Because World Lecture Hall does not administer the courses it links to, visitors who want to know more about a specific course should use the contact information published at that particular course Web site.
- Edutech
Edutech is an on-line resource for education and technologies. This site offers a variety of options including: sites of the month, an alphabetical search for themes, a query search, and an opportunity to submit a theme to Edutech's data base.
- The Explorer project at the University of Kansas
The Explorer is a collection of educational resources (instructional software, lab activities, lesson plans, student created materials ...) for K-12 mathematics and science education. You may browse through mathematics and science education curricula (we plan to expand to other curricula) or conduct searches that focus on specific interests. Many resources are available in the Adobe Acrobat format that is readable by Macintosh, Windows and other OSs.
- Critical Thinking
Across the Curriculum Project
- Critical Thinking
- Critical Thinking On The Web: A Directory of Quality Online Resources
- Problem-Based Learning at the University of Delaware
Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation
Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway
National Science Teachers' Association Science
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
University of Virginia Instructional Technology
AskERIC Lesson Plans
Annotated collection of pointers to math and science resources
Instructional Technology Connections (University of Colorado)
Engines for Education (Hyperbook)
The Exploratorium - Museum of Science, Art, and Human Perception
U.S. Department of Education
WWW Virtual Library of Educational Technology
Argonne N. L. Division of Educational Programs
Maryland K-12 Community
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Franklin Institute (Philadelphia)
Pedagogy for the 21st Century (Institute of Learning Technology)
Directory of information sources about online communication and the Internet
E-GEMS Electronic Games for Education in Math and Science
Online Education Journals
Education Newsgroups
Discussion of education discussison group (
Children and their behavior discussison group (
Informal discussion among teachers discussison group (
Industrial Arts and vocational discussison group (
science education discussison group (
science education discussison group (
science folklore discussison group (
multimedia education discussison group (
History of science discussison group (