for scientists, engineers, researchers,
instructors, and students working in academia, industry,
environmental, medical, engineering, earth science, space,
military, financial, agriculture, and communications.
This page describes a series of downloadable Matlab
interactive signal processing tools for x,y time-series data.
Technical background, documentation, and examples of application
are provided in "A Pragmatic Introduction to Signal
Processing", available in HTML and
PDF formats.
The interactive functions listed in this section
run in the Figure window and use a simple set of single
keystroke commands, rather than on-screen buttons or menus
or sliders, in order to reduce screen clutter, minimize
overhead, maximize processing speed, and allow you to explore
data and try out various approaches easily and
quickly. Press K
to see the list of keystroke commands within each program. The
Figure window can be re-sized as you wish, including maximized
to full-screen or stretched over a two-screen setup to see the
maximum detail in the signals, and can be Saved in various
formats, Copy/Pasted, or Printed, using the standard Matlab
menus. My goal is to make these programs very easy to get
working, with flexible input syntax, built-in help, extensive online documentation, and many simple examples that
you can copy and paste
into your Matlab command window. Note: all of the functions
described below are written as self-contained Matlab functions
(m-files) and require no add-on toolboxes to run, but the
scripts often call functions that must be downloaded and placed
in the Matlab path. These interactive programs will even work if
you run Matlab
in a web browser, as shown on the right, (just
click on the figure window before using the keypress
functions), but unfortunately the interactive features do
not work in Matlab
Mobile on iPads and iPhones. If you use Octave instead of Matlab, you must use
the separate Octave versions of these programs (indicated by
"octave" added to the file names).
A complete catalog of over 200 of my signal processing
functions and demonstration scripts, both interactive and
command-driven, are listed and described on functions.html. These scripts and
functions are downloaded 500-1000 times per month on average, both
from my web site and from the Mathworks
File Exchange, and they have been used by thousands of
scientists, engineers, researchers, instructors, and students
working in industry, environmental, medical, engineering, earth
science, space, military, financial, agriculture, communications,
and even music and linguistics. They have been applied in many areas of investigation and have
been cited in over 360 published
papers, theses, and patents. Don't miss the amazing unsolicited user comments below from
actual users of these programs. User comments and suggestions have
often resulted in changes and new features being added to the
latest versions (see Matlab File Exchange
of the Week"); keep those emails and
messages coming.
time here? Check out these animated Web demos
of ipeak.m and ipf.m. Or download these Matlab
demo functions that compare ipeak.m with peakfit.m for
signals with a few peaks and signals with
many peaks and that shows how to adjust
ipeak to detect broad or narrow peaks.
These are self-contained demos that include all required Matlab
functions. Just place them in your path and click Run or type their name at the
command prompt. Or you can download all these demos together in (Note: Make sure you don't click on the
"Show Plot Tools" button in the toolbar above the figure;
that will disable normal program functioning. If you do;
close the Figure window and start again).
Author's appreciation: I
wish to express my thanks and appreciation for all those who have
made useful suggestions, corrected errors, and who have sent me
data from their work to test my programs on. These
contributions have really helped to correct bugs and to expand the
capabilities of my programs.
Matlab routines for
locating and measuring the peaks (or valleys)
in noisy time-series data sets. It detects
peaks by looking for downward zero-crossings
(or upward zero-crossings for
valleys) in thesmoothed first derivative then
determines the position, height, and width of
each peak byleast-squares curve-fitting of
the raw data near the detected peaks. (This is
useful primarily for signals that have several
data points in each peak, not for spikes that
have only one or two points).
There are both command-line and interactive
(2) The interactivekeypress-operated
function iPeak, or the Octave version, illustrated on
the right displaying signals from a variety of
sources. Using
iPeak, you can pan and zoom, adjust each of the
peak detection parameters individually and
interactively to optimize peak detection and
measurement, and much
more. For Matlab only. There
is an animated demonstration.
These tools are the ones to use
when (a) the quantities of greatest interest are the
peak positions and amplitudes of the positive peaks in
your signal, (b) the peaks have distinct (even if noisy)
maxima, and (c) when you want all the
peaks numbered and quantified in one operation. You
can use the interactive iPeak function
to determine the ideal input arguments for the various findpeaks command-line
functions. Note: the latest version of iPeak
can perform iterative non-linear curve fitting on the
peaks that it finds, using the built-in peakfit.m
function (described below); this is useful for highly
overlapped or non-Gaussian peaks. For some demos,
simple keystrokes, you can adjust the signal
processing parameters continuously while observing
the effect on your signal dynamically. Click
here to download the ZIP file ""that
also includes some sample data for testing. You
can also download it from theMatlab File Exchange.
This is the tool to use when you want to explore and
clean up your signals and to try smoothing,
differentiation, and peak sharpening. It measures
things like peak-to-peak signal amplitude, standard
deviation, frequency spectra, and the area under the curve
of selected portions of your signal. It's also good for measuring peak
positions, heights, areas (either one peak at a time
or automatically) and for determining how smoothing,
differentiation, and peak sharpening effect the signal and
its frequency spectrum. It can also pre-process signals to
re-sample them by interpolation, and reduce or remove
artifacts such as spikes (with the median filter) and
steps (with a rate-limiting filter).
Peak fitting programs for time-series
signals, which use anon-linear
optimization algorithmto decompose
a complex overlapping-peak signal into its component
parts. The objective is to determine whether your signal
can be represented as the sum of fundamental underlying
peaks shapes. Accepts signals of any length, including
those with non-integer and non-uniform x-values. Fits
groups of peaks of many different shapes).
There two different
(1) peakfit.m,
acommand line version, for Matlab
and Octave,
that fits a predetermined number of peaks, and findpeaksb.m
and related functions that uses findpeaks.m to
locate peaks as input for the peakfit.m function. If
you have large sets of similar data that you need to
fit automatically, you can put peakfit.m into a loop.
function is updated often, mostly to add new
peak shape functions suggested by users, and it
was elected the Matlab File Exchange "Pick
of the Week" in 2016.
(2) Interactive Peak Fitter, ipf.m, akeypress-operated interactive
version, for Matlab
(also available in an Octave version) that
allows you to pan and zoom through the signal to pick
the groups of peaks to fit. Does not
work in Octave. There is an animated demonstration.
Using ipf.m
in Matlab, you can press a single keystroke to
instantly adjust the data range, change the peak shape,
number of peaks, baseline mode, or to re-calculate the fit
with different start or with a bootstrap subset of the
data. Super quick and easy.
The difference between them is that peakfit.m
is completely controlled by command-line input arguments and
returns its information via command-line output arguments; ipf.m
allows interactive control via keypress commands. Otherwise
they have similar curve-fitting capabilities. You
can also download a ZIP file
containing peakfit.m, DemoPeakFit.m,
ipf.m, Demoipf.m, some sample data for
testing, and a test script (testpeakfit.m)
that runs all the
examples sequentially to test for proper
These tools are the ones to use when (a) you need to measure
the peak positions, amplitudes, widths, and areas of the
positive peaks in your signal, (b) the peaks are highly
overlapped, (c) you want specific peaks in your signal
quantified, and (d) your peaks are approximately Gaussian,
Lorentzian, Pearson, Logistic, or exponentially-
broadened Gaussian. You can use the interactive ifp.m function to
determine the ideal input arguments for the peakfit.m and
command-line function. Note: iterative non-linear
curve fitting based on peakfit.m can also performed by the
latest versions of iPeak and iSignal, both
described above. For some demos comparing (older version of)
peakfit.m and iPeak.m, download
iFilter for Matlab, or ifilteroctave for Octave, is an
for time-series signals that allows you to adjust the
filter parameters continuously while observing the effect
on your signal dynamically. Using keystrokes, you can
createlowpass,highpass, bandpass, andband-reject (notch), comb
pass, and comb reject filters with variable,
frequency, width, and cut-off rate. The x-axis is
labeled for time-based signals, where the independent
variable is time in seconds, but the program can be used
with any frequency axis (e.g. spacial frequency, etc).Click here to view or download
iFilter.m You can
also download it from theMatlab File Exchange.
Version 4.1, December, 2014. Octave version December
2021. Press K to see the keystroke commands for
that version.
This is the tool to use when you want to explore the
frequency components of your signals and to design a custom
filter that will optimize your signals.
Matlab implementation of a
computational method for quantitative analysis by
multiwavelength absorption spectroscopy, called the
transmission-fitting or "TFit" method, based on measuring
the underlying absorbance byfitting a modelof the
instrumentally-broadened transmission spectrum to the
observed transmission data, rather than by direct
calculation of absorbance as simply log10(Izero/I).
Advantages of the TFit method compared to conventional
methods are: (a) wider dynamic range; (b) greatly
improvedcalibration linearity;
(c) ability to operate under conditions that are
optimized forsignal-to-noise
rather than for optical ideality. With a linear
response, absorbance can be converted to concentration
simply by multiplying by a constant factor.
Just like themultilinear regression
(classical least squares)methods
conventionally used in absorption spectroscopy, the Tfit
method (a) requires an accurate reference spectrum of
each analyte, (b) utilizes multiwavelength data such as
would be acquired on diode-array, Fourier transform, or
automated scanning spectrometers, and (c) applies both
to single-component andmulti-component mixtureanalysis.
is a command-line demo function for Matlab or Octave. TFitDemo.m is an interactive demo
m-file that works in recent versions of Matlab. Version
2.1, November 2011.
Matlab keyboard-controlled interactive power spectrum
demonstrator, useful for teaching and learning about the
power spectra of different types of signals and the effect
of signal duration and sampling rate. Single keystrokes
allow you to select the type of signal (12 different preset
signals included), the total duration of the signal, the
sampling rate, and the global variables f1 and f2 which are
used in different ways in the different signals. If you know
some basic Matlab programming, you can even add your own
custom signal functions to this program. When the Enter
key is pressed, the signal (y) is sent to the Windows
WAVE audio device. Press K to see a list of all the
keyboard commands.
Click here to view or
download. You can also download it from the Matlab
Exchange. Version 2, October 2011
A set of
keyboard-controlled interactive demonstration modules,
written as self-contained Matlab functions, that are
useful for learning
and teaching the principles ofdiffraction gratings. Shows a working cross
of the geometry of a diffraction grating (a common
illustration in textbooks of optics, spectroscopy, and
analytical chemistry). Single keystrokes allow you to
control such variables as the angle of incidence, grating
ruling density, wavelength, and diffraction order. One module
shows how the operation of a
diffraction grating emerges naturally just by adding up
a bunch of sine waves, without any higher math at all.
Press K to see a
list of all the keyboard commands. Tested in Matlab version
7.8 (R2009a).
Click here
to download ZIP file. You can also download it from
the Matlab
Exchange. Version 2, November 2011.
concerning the interactive functions ipeak.m, isignal.m,
and ipf.m:
Make sure you don't click on the "Show Plot Tools" button
in the toolbar above the figure; that will disable normal program
functioning. If you do; close the Figure window and start again.
(b) To facilitate transfer of settings from one of these functions
to another or to a command-line version,all these functions use
the W key to print out the syntax of other related
functions, with the pan and zoom settings and other numerical
input arguments specified, ready for you to Copy, Paste and edit
into your own scripts or back into the command window. For
example, you can convert an iSignal.m
operation onto a command-line ProcessSignal.m
call, or a curve fit in ipf.m into the command-line peakfit.m
function, or a peak finding operation from ipeak.m into
the command-line findpeaksG.m or findpeaksb.m or findpeaksb3.m
functions. This provides a way to deal with signals that require
different signal processing in different regions of their x-axis
ranges, by allowing you to create a series of command-line
functions for each local region that, when executed in sequence,
quickly process each segment of the signal appropriately.
(c) Recent versions of these three programs use the Shift-Ctrl-S,
Shift-Ctrl-F, and Shift-Ctrl-P keys to transfer the
current signal between iSignal.m, ipf.m, and iPeak.m
2. Live Script functions.
Scriptsin Matlab (available
starting in MATLAB R2016b) are
interactive documents that combine code, output, formatted text,
and interactive controllers in a single environment
called the Live Editor. Live Scripts make it easy to create
sharable interactive document with modern graphical user
interface devices such as file browsers, pull-down
menus, buttons, and sliders to adjust
numerical values interactively. These interactive controls
appear directly in the script code, along with comment lines
that may have helpful hints on operation. In Matlab, you can
open a conventional regular (.m) script in the Live Editor and
insert the interface devices directly into the script. This
results in tools that are arguably easier to use, as they do not
require that you remember keystroke commands. However, the
downside of Live scripts is that they do not work if you use
Matlab in a web browser and the graphics are restricted in
size and can not be expanded to full-screen as can the keystroke
functions. Experienced users who memorize the keystroke command
that they most often use may prefer that mode of operation, but
other users may find the live script versions easier to learn.
A. Live script for smoothing
DataSmoothing.mlx performs
several types of smoothing applied to experimental data stored
on disk. It can perform spike removal, sliding average smooths
with up to 5 passes, Savitsky-Golay and Fourier low-pass
filtering, and wavelet denoising (which requires the Matlab
Wavelet Toolkit). Clicking the "Open data file" button in
line 1 opens a file browser, allowing you to navigate to your
data file (in .csv or .xlsx format; the script assumes that your
x,y data are in the first two columns). All the variables and
settings appear in the Matlab workspace as usual; the finished
smoothed data are in the vector "sy".
The script has several interactive controls.
The two sliders in lines 9 and 10 allow you to select which
portion of the data range to process, from 0% to 100% of the
total range of the data file. The SmoothType
drop-down menu in line 13 selects the smoothing
algorithm; each has one or more controls specific to that type
in lines 16 to 30. The first choice is the recursive sliding
average (fastsmooth.m)
algorithm explained above. The smooth width and number of passes
are controlled by the sliders in lines 16 and 17. Each The other
controls are explained in the accompanying comment lines (in
green). Fourier filtering, Savitsky-Golay and wavelet denoising
are topics that will be explained in other sections. The PlotBeforeAndAfter
checkbox in line 3 gives you the option of plotting the
original signal (in black) along with the processed signal (in
red). The FrequencySpectra checkbox in line 4 allows
you to show the frequency spectrum of the original
and/or processed signals (see HarmonicAnalysis.html). Note:
to view the graphic plots to the right of the code, as shown
above, right-click on the empty space on the right and select
"Disable synchronous scrolling".
B. Live script for
DeconvoluteData.mlx can
perform Fourier self-deconvolution on you own data stored in
disk. Clicking the Open data file button in line 1
opens a file browser, allowing you to navigate to your data
file in .csv or .xlsx format. (The script assumes that your
x,y data are in the first two columns; you can change that in
lines 13 and 14). In the case shown here, the data file is a
portion of the IR spectrum of Heptene, 'HepteneTestData.csv',
shown as the 'file' variable in the workspace. The The startpc and endpc sliders
in lines 9 and 10 allow you to select which portion of the
data range to process, from 0% to 100% of the total range of
the data file.
The PeakShape
drop-down menu in line 17 selects the convolution function
shape (in this case, a Gaussian-Lorentzian blend) and the PCGaussian
slider in the next line allows selection of the percent
Gaussian of that shape. The dw slider in line 21
controls the deconvolution half-width, the DA slider in
line 23 controls the percent denominator addition.
Smoothing, by Fourier
filtering, is controlled by the FrequencyCutoff and
CutOffRate in lines 25 and 27. All variables are
accessible in the Matlab workspace; the final signal is 'syDA'.
Click the FrequencySpectra
check box in line 4 to view the frequency spectra. Click
the PlotAllSteps check box in line 5 to
view all the steps leading up the the final result.
To view the figures to the right as shown below,
right-click on the right-hand panel and select
"Disable synchronous scrolling".
C. Peak
detection tool
is an interactive tool for peak detection and measurement. It
collects into one easy-to-use tool several of the functions
previously described, including a selection of peak detectors,
data smoothing, symmetrization, peak sharpening, and curve
fitting, with interactive sliders and drop-down menus to control
them interactively.
Clicking the OpenDataFile button in line
1 opens up a file browser, allowing you to navigate to your
data file (in .csv or .xlsx format). The startpc and
endpc sliders in lines 5 and 6 allow you to set the
start and end of the region to focus on (expressed as a
percentage of the total data length). You can set controls to
smooth the
data (lines 10 and 11) or to "de-tail" or
symmetrize the peaks (line 9). You can choose a peak
detector using the PeakDetector drop-down menu in
line 20. The ListPeaks and LabelPeaks check
boxes in lines 3 and 4 allow you to number the peaks on the
graph and/or to display a list of peak parameters of the
detected peaks. You can optionally try to sharpen
the peaks, to enable detection of weak side peak or
shoulders, by clicking the SharpenPeaks check
box in line 13. Click the "Show raw data" check box to
plot the raw data as red dots along with the processed
(smoothed, sharpened, or symmetrized data). Smoothing,
symmetrization, and sharpening all use area-preserving
You can also apply iterative least-square curve
fitting, by clicking the FitDetectedPeaks check
box on line 26 and selecting the desired fitting function
shape from the PeakShape drop-down menu on line
27. Here
is an example. The position and width of the peaks
estimated by the peak detectors is used as the first-guess
starting point for the iterative fit; therefore only detected
peaks will be included in the fit. This function requires that
peakfit.m be in
the Matlab path. (Normally, curve fitting is applied only to
the unsmoothed data; however, if peak sharpening or
symmetrization is applied (line 9 or 13), it uses the
processed data).
The function of each of the controls is described in the
associated comment lines. For examples of its application to
several different kinds of peak data, see the PDF file
PeakDetector.pdf, which references a set of .csv data
files which as also downloadable from the same address.
(To see the graphs on the right as above, right-click on the
right panel and select "Disable synchronous scrolling").
D. Peak
Fitter tool
Like the
other Live Scripts described above, PeakFittingTool.mlx
has a file browser button in line 1 and a pair of sliders in lines 4
and 5 for setting the desired segment to work on.
But before opening a file, it's a good idea to temporarily
de-select the "FitPeaks" check-box in line 14, then
when you have set all the other controls, click it back on.
That way you will avoid waiting for unnecessary curve fit
operations until the appropriate settings are complete.
(Sometimes curve fitting operations can be slow and can take
several seconds in difficult cases). With FitPeaks switched off,
the program simply displays a plot of the
selected data file.
Adjust the startpc and endpc sliders in
lines 4 and 5 to isolate groups of closely-spaced peaks that
can be fit together. Try to spread them out as evenly as
possible, as shown in the figure above. (If all the peaks
are well separated and do not overlap, you may be between
off using the Peak Detector Tool(Peakdetector.mlx),
which also has a peak fitting function).
The "PreProcess" check box (line 7) allows for some
optional preliminary pre-processing. The SymmetrizeFactor
slider preforms "symmetrization"
or "de-tailing" for peaks that are skewed by
exponential broadening, by means of the first-derivative
addition. Increase the value of SymmetrizeFactor until the
peak is as narrow as possible without the trailing edge
falling below the baseline. The SmoothWidth and NumPasses
sliders (lines 9 and 10) permit sliding
average smoothing on the signal, which is useful for
cases where high-frequency noise obscures the peaks. The "VerticalShift"
slider (line 11) allows for positive and negative shift in
the baseline position, to compensate for baseline offset.
The PeakShape drop-down menu allows you to select
the peak shape of the fitting model. NumPeaks sets
the number of peaks in the model. NumTrials, restarts the
fitting process "NumTrials" times with slightly different
start values and selects the best one (with lowest fitting
error). NumTrials can be any positive integer. In
many cases, NumTrials=1 will be sufficient, but if that does
not give consistent results, increase it until the result
are stable. The extra slider is used to fine-tune
the certain peak shapes, e.g., the Pearson,
exponentially-broadened Gaussian, and Gaussian/Lorentzian
blend. Adjust this to minimize the fitting error.
After all of these setting have been made, then you can
activate the FitPeaks check-box, a fit will be
performed, and the resulting peak table displayed in the
right-hand panel, as in the graphic above. Thereafter, any
changes in the setting will cause an immediate recalculation
of the curve fit.
In difficult cases, better results can be obtained if you
specify the estimated positions of the peaks, especially if
the peaks are very irregularly spaced or if some peaks
appear only as shoulders or bulges rather than as distinct
peaks. Select the SetStart check box and adjust the
sliders to the predicted relative peak positions, for each
peak in the model in lines 19 to 26. The length of these sliders represents the
x-axis range displayed in the figure.
If the baseline for the group
of peaks is offset from zero, you can correct that by
using the BaselineShift slider in line 28. If
the baseline for the group of peaks is tilted or curved, you
can use the BaselineSelection menu in line 27 to
choose a baseline correction that attempts to estimate the
baseline from the edges of the signal range.
The Bipolar check box (line 29) controls
whether to display both positive and negative signal
values in the graphic or only positive values.
example of Peak Fitting Tool shows
it fitting a group of weak peaks in narrow section
of a much larger signal (chrom.csv), in this case
using the exponentially broadened Gaussian shape
and the "Tilted mode" baseline
correction (line 27).
Additional shapes may
easily be added to the PeakShape menu by selecting
other shapes form the list of predefined shapes and their
corresponding number on,
adding that name and number to the others in the switch/case
statement in lines 52-73, then adding that new shape to the
drop-down menu on line 15. Just follow that pattern
of the shapes already there.
In fitting
asymmetrical peaks what have an exponential skew, you
can either try to remove the asymmetry by using the SymmetrizeFactor
slider (example) followed
by fitting a symmetrical peak shape or by
selecting an exponentially broadened peak shape (example); both
approaches can yield similar results as in these
examples, but the former method is often faster.
Background information on these and other signal processing
methods is available in:
"I find these
routines and the information on your website immensely valuable."
"I recently found
your website and I'm really impressed,
great work! "
" Your
spreadsheets got me rolling quickly!"
tools...are very well made."
"I have been using
your "findpeaks"
routine (matlab version) and it is working
"Your peak picking
algorithm is very helpful to
"As far as I am
concerned your code is perfect..."
"Your peakfit function is very powerful. I had test many data
with success."
"I'm impressed at the convenience of your
Peak Fitter and Interactive Peak Fitter programs."
"I found your Peak
Fitter program to be incredibly useful
for some work I am doing...."
"I found your
Matlab functions for peak
detection very useful for
my research. Thanks for making this resource available, it's
been of great help to me".
"Best fitter
available for Matlab, thanks for this wonderful work."
"...hank you for the great
work you done with the peak finding methods
for Matlab. It is really great."
"I've been using ipeak over
the past few weeks and this is a wonderful
"These are very
good script(s)....The scripts are very
useful to help to solve my problem...."
"[It's] exactly what I needed....The result looks really great!"
"...your interactive peak fitter
Matlab's a wonderfully
powerful and easy to use
program. I have been recommending it to everyone who
asks for peak fitting programs".
"Great code....Wonderfully documented!
"I am using your peakfitter in Matlab
and love it....worked like a charm"
"I've been having great success with ipf
and peakfit..."
" really is a fine manual - your pdf document on curve
"... thanks for all the spectroscopy MatLab scripts that you
have written and meticulously documented.
Finding them has saved me more than a few hours."
"... excellent piece of software...really
useful and instructive".
"... such a wonderful tool for derivative spectroscopy, it
has been much help for me!
"...Interactive Fourier
Filter is a great tool ...
and best of all, you can view the effect of filtering parameters
on your time-series as you change them! " (reference)
" I have been using iSignal for the
past day to analyze my data, and it works GREAT!....
I am able to extract lots of information from my spectra now."
" ...your peak finding utilities ... are very
well done and easy to use."
"...such a great analysis
program....Thank you...for designing such a wonderful program."
"...the tutorials on your website have been of tremendous help to me."
"My data is quite noisy and yet your program is able to fit it
with a very low error."
"Your web site has helped me a lot
to solve one problem, I will send to you the paper after
publishing, so you will see how much important it was for me."
"Your [iSignal] function is very good to explore the smoothing and
differentiation filters, I'll recommend
it to my new colleagues".
"Thank you for your valuable website
& code."
" is going to help my research
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or
sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.