technique has been used in various forms of spectroscopy and
chromatography for many years (references
74-76), even in some cases using analog electronics.
Mathematically, the technique is a simplified version of a
converging Taylor
series expansion, in which only the even order
derivative terms in the expansion are taken and for which their
coefficients alternate in sign. The above example is the simplest
possible version that includes only the first two terms - the
original peak and its negative second derivative. Somewhat better
results can be obtained by adding a fourth derivative
term, with two adjustable factors k2 and k4:
where Y'' and Y'''' are the 2nd and 4th derivatives of Y. The result is a 21% reduction in width for a Gaussian peak, as shown in the figure on the left (Matlab/Octave script), and a 60% reduction for a Lorentzian peak (script). This is the algorithm that was used in the overlapping peak example above. (It's possible to add a sixth derivative term, but the series converges quickly and the results are only slightly improved, at the cost of increased complexity of three adjustable factors).
There is no universal optimum value for the derivative weighting factors; it depends on what you consider the best trade-off between peak sharpening and baseline flatness. However, a good place to start for a Gaussian peak are k2 = W2/32 and k4 = W4/900, and for Lorentzian peaks, k2=W2/4 and k4 = W4/600, where W is the halfwidth (FWHM) of the peak before sharpening, in x units. With those weighting factors, a Gaussian peak will be reduced in width by 21% and the resulting peak will still fit a Gaussian model with a percent fitting error of less than 0.3% and an R2 of 0.9999 (that is, very nearly a perfect fit). For a Lorentzian original shape, the peak width is reduced by a factor of 3, but the resulting peak fits a Gaussian model with a larger percent fitting error of 1.15% and an R2 of 0.9966. Larger k values will result in a narrower peak, but the baseline on both side of the peak will exhibit a more pronounced negative undershoot. The software described below aids in the selection of the optimum degree of sharpening. Note that the K factors for the 2nd and 4th derivatives vary with the width raised to the 2nd and 4th power respectively, so they can vary over a very wide numerical range for peaks of different width. For this reason, if the peak widths vary substantially across the signal, it's possible to use segmented and gradient versions of this method so that the sharpening can be optimized for each region of the signal (see below).
- it only works if the peaks of interest make a distinct maximum (it's not effective for side peaks that are so small that they only form shoulders; there must be a valley between the peaks);
- the baseline must be zero for best results;
- for noisy signals there is a decrease in signal-to-noise ratio because the smaller width means fewer data points are contributing to the measurement (smoothing can help).
- the method introduces severe non-linearity into the signal, changing the ratios between peak heights (as is evident in the figure above right) and complicating further processing, especially quantitative measurement calibration.|
However, there is an easy way to compensate for this
non-linearity in quantitative analysis application: after the raw
data have been raised to the power n and peaks
heights and/or areas have been measured, the resulting peak
measures can be simply raised to the power 1/n,
restoring the original linearity (but, notably, not the slope)
of the calibration curves
used in quantitative analytical measurements. (This works because
the peak area is proportional to the height times width, and peak
height of the power transformed peaks is proportional to
the nth power of the original height, but the width
of the peak is not a function of peak height at constant n,
thus the area of the transformed peaks remains proportional to nth
power of the original height). This technique is demonstrated
quantitatively for two variable overlapping peaks by the
Matlab/Octave script PowerLawCalibrationDemo.m
(graphic) which takes
the nth power of the overlapping-peak signal, measures
the areas of the power-narrowed peaks, and then takes the 1/n
power of the measured areas, constructing and using a calibration
curve to convert areas to concentration. Peak areas are measured
by perpendicular drop, using the half-way point to mark the
boundary between the peaks. The script simulates a mixture signal
with concentrations that you can specify in lines 15 and 16. You
can change the power and any of the parameters in lines 14-22. The
results show that the power method improves the accuracy of the
measurements as long as the 4-sigma resolution (the ratio of peak
separation to 4 times the sigma of the Gaussians) is above about
0.4. It is most accurate when the peaks are roughly equal in width
and when the ratio of the two concentrations are not very
different from the ratio in the standards from which the
calibration curve is constructed. Note that, even when the random
noise (in line 22) is zero, the results are not perfect due to
effect of peak overlap on area measurement, which varies depending
upon the ratio of two components in the mixture. (Requires gaussian.m, halfwidth.m,
val2ind.m, and plotit.m
downloaded from this web site).
self-contained function PowerMethodDemo.m demonstrates
the power method for measuring the area of small
shouldering peak that is partly overlapped by a much
stronger interfering peak (Graphic).
It shows the effect of random noise, smoothing, and any uncorrected
background under the peaks.
Combining sharpening methods. The
power method is independent of, and can be used in conjunction
with, the derivative methods discussed above. However,
because the power method is non-linear, the order in
which the operations are performed is important. The first step
should be the first-derivative symmetrization if the signal is
exponentially broadened, the second step should be even-derivative
sharpening, and the power method should be used last. The reason
for this order is that the power method depends on, but can not
create, a valley between highly overlapped peaks. The
derivative methods may be able to create a valley between peaks if
the overlap is not too severe. Moreover, when used last, the power
method reduces the severity of baseline oscillations that are a
residue of the even-derivative sharpening (particularly noticeable
on a Lorentzian peak). The Matlab scripts SharpenedGaussianDemo2.m (Graphic) and SharpenedLorentzianDemo2.m
(Graphic on right) make
this point for Gaussian and Lorentzian peaks respectively,
comparing the result of even-derivative sharpening alone with
even-derivative sharpening followed by the power method (and
preforming the power method two ways, taking the square of the
sharpened peak or multiplying it by the original peak). For both
the Gaussian and Lorentzian original peak shapes, the final
sharpened results are fit to Gaussian models to show the changes
in peak parameters. The result is that the combination of methods
yields the narrowest final peak and the closest to Gaussian shape.
Of course, the linearity issues of the power method, if used,
Deconvolution. Another signal processing technique that can increase the resolution of overlapping peaks is deconvolution, which is treated in more detail here. It is applicable in the situation where the original shape of the peaks has been broadened and/or made asymmetrical by some broadening process or function. If the broadening process can be described mathematically or measured separately, then deconvolution from the observed broadened peaks is in principle capable of extracting the underlying peaks shape.
Before Peak Sharpening in
iSignal After peak sharpening in
Real-time peak sharpening in
Matlab is discussed in Appendix