1 The Goal:

We want to compute the density of linear elements (lines - in this case) with a radius \(r\) of any location in the figure. This is what ESRI/ArcGIS refers to as the Line Density Tool. Here’s a figure of their schematic:


2 Data

Loading some linear element data, and getting a manageable crop (as in the previous primer).

BEAD.lines <- st_read("_data/BEAD/BEADlines2015_NT1_Bistcho_Calendar_MaxH_Yates_HRL_clip.shp")
## Reading layer `BEADlines2015_NT1_Bistcho_Calendar_MaxH_Yates_HRL_clip' from data source `C:\Users\Elie\Box Sync\caribou\NWT\rsf\primers\_data\BEAD\BEADlines2015_NT1_Bistcho_Calendar_MaxH_Yates_HRL_clip.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 4063 features and 32 fields
## geometry type:  MULTILINESTRING
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: -1299584 ymin: 2381243 xmax: -1048374 ymax: 2673503
## epsg (SRID):    NA
## proj4string:    +proj=aea +lat_1=50 +lat_2=70 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
BEAD.crop <- st_crop(BEAD.lines, extent(-1253e3, -1228e3, 2547e3, 2578e3))

3 getLineDensity function

The following function computes the line density at point pt from a set of lines at radius r

getLineDensity <- function(pt, lines, r, plotme = FALSE){
  pt.circle <- st_buffer(pt, r) 
  intersect <- st_intersection(pt.circle, lines)
  length <- sum(st_length(intersect))/1e3 # in km
  density <- (as.numeric(length)/(pi*(r/1e3)^2)) # in km/km^2
    plot(pt.circle, add = TRUE, border = 2)
    plot(intersect, add = TRUE, col =3)

The key functions here are (a) st_buffer, which draws a circular buffer around a point, (b) st_intersect, which intersects the lines through that buffer, and (c) st_length, which calculates the length of that intersection. The plotme toggle is just there so you can visualize the intersection.

For example, here is a point somewhere in the middle of the figure (note, for all the advantages of simple features, just creating a points is ugly!):

point <- st_point(c(-1240e3, 2560e3), dim = "XY") %>% st_sfc %>% st_sf(crs = st_crs(BEAD.crop))
getLineDensity(point, BEAD.crop, r = 5e3, plotme = TRUE)

## [1] 0.1615591

The value tells us, in km/km^2, what the density of linear elements within a 5km radius is about 0.16. For a larger radius (that captures most of the area):

getLineDensity(point, BEAD.crop, r = 15e3, plotme = TRUE)

## [1] 0.2194583

Note, you can easily break this down into the various components, e.g. road density:

getLineDensity(point, subset(BEAD.crop, Class == "Road"), r = 15e3, plotme = FALSE)
## [1] 0.06358726

vs. seismic line density

getLineDensity(point, subset(BEAD.crop, Class == "Seismic"), r = 15e3, plotme = FALSE)
## [1] 0.155871

3.1 Filling a raster

What we’d like to do is fill a raster with these values for each point. We follow the basic outline of the previous primer. We (1) create an empty raster, (2) obtains points for the center of every point in the raster, (3) compute the line densities at each of those points, and (4) fill the empty raster.

Here we do this in a loop, and time it. Note the dimensions of the raster is 62x50 (with a 500m resolution), i.e. 3100 cells:

density.raster <- raster(extent(BEAD.crop), resolution = 500, crs = st_crs(BEAD.crop))
density.poly <- rasterToPolygons(density.raster) 
density.poly.sf <- st_as_sf(density.poly)
st_crs(density.poly.sf) <- st_crs(BEAD.crop)

densities <- rep(NA, nrow(density.poly.sf))
  for(i in 1:length(densities))
    densities[i] <- getLineDensity(density.poly.sf[i,], lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3, plotme = FALSE)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   42.09    0.10   42.26
values(density.raster) <- densities

This is pretty slow (nearly a minute on a decent desktop), considering that the resolution of thies raster is not THAT low. There are a few ways to speed this up …

3.1.1 Speed up #1: apply functions

The R apply family of functions can often be faster than looping. Here’s an example where we use the split function to break the raster points into a list, and then use sapply to go down the whole list. Why is this faster? I’m not sure (apply functions aren’t supposed to be necessarily faster than loops), but …

density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf, 1:nrow(density.poly.sf))
  densities <- sapply(density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   45.04    0.00   45.15
values(density.raster) <- densities

it is faster by about 10% (on my computer).

3.1.2 Speed up #2: Buffering lines

Plenty of points in the raster are outside of the 1km radius, and we shouldn’t even bother to calculate those. The following code excludes those points:

r <- 1e3
BEAD.crop.buffered <- st_buffer(BEAD.crop, r) %>% st_union

We can use this to preemptively only compute the density values within that buffer. This time we only loop through the indices in which.in.buffer:

which.in.buffer <- st_intersection(st_transform(density.poly.sf, st_crs(BEAD.crop.buffered)), st_geometry(BEAD.crop.buffered)) %>% row.names %>% as.numeric

densities <- rep(0, nrow(density.poly.sf))
density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf[which.in.buffer,], 1:length(which.in.buffer))

  densities.in.buffer <- sapply(density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   27.37    0.05   27.41
values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer

That cut computation time by nearly a factor of 3 compared to our first loop. A big improvement!

3.1.3 Speed up #3: Parallelization!

Once you’ve reduced a computation to its bare essentials, the next best way to speed up a computation is by parallelizing code, i.e. letting the multiple, usually idle, cores in your computer do some work for you. We are doing a simple loop here, so there is no reason that we can’t split this job up among several processors. There are plenty of resources on-line on parallel processing in R (e.g. here, here and here), and several packages that are helpful. There might be some differences between Windows and OS-X or Linus machines, but the basic ideas are similar. Below, I perform this process on my Windows laptop.

Here I will go through the workflow of performing the operation above using the doParallel package. First, the package(s):


Determine the number of cores:

n <- detectCores()

Create the cluster … the object cl is a useful one:

cl <- makeCluster(n)

Each cluster needs to be fed the function and the necessary packages with the following commands:

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sf))
## [[1]]
## [1] "sf"        "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets" 
## [7] "methods"   "base"     
## [[2]]
## [1] "sf"        "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets" 
## [7] "methods"   "base"     
## [[3]]
## [1] "sf"        "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets" 
## [7] "methods"   "base"     
## [[4]]
## [1] "sf"        "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets" 
## [7] "methods"   "base"
clusterExport(cl, "getLineDensity")
  densities.in.buffer <- parSapply(cl, density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.03    0.03   14.59
values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer

A MAJOR improvement, almost 90% over the first loop. It’s a good idea (so R doesn’t get too confused) to close a cluster after creating it:


4 Putting it all together

The base function:

getLineDensity <- function(pt, lines, r, plotme = FALSE){
  pt.circle <- st_buffer(pt, r) 
  intersect <- st_intersection(pt.circle, lines)
  length <- sum(st_length(intersect))/1e3 

Another function perform all the necessary parellelization steps:

makeLineDensityRaster <- function(lines, resolution, radius){
  # data prep
  density.raster <- raster(extent(lines), 
                           resolution = resolution, 
                           crs = st_crs(lines))
  density.poly <- rasterToPolygons(density.raster) 
  density.poly.sf <- st_as_sf(density.poly)
  st_crs(density.poly.sf) <- st_crs(lines)
  # buffering lines
  lines.buffered <- st_buffer(lines, radius) %>% st_union
  which.in.buffer <- st_intersection(density.poly.sf, lines.buffered) %>% 
    row.names %>% as.numeric
  # cluster prep
  density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf[which.in.buffer,], 1:length(which.in.buffer))

  cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
  clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sf))
  clusterExport(cl, "getLineDensity")
  densities.in.buffer <- parSapply(cl, density.poly.list, 
                                   getLineDensity, lines = lines, r = radius)
  values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer
  density.raster[is.na(density.raster)] <- 0

Run it on the cropped data, 200 m resolution, 3km radius:

  raster.200.3km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.crop, 200, 3e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   43.11    0.19  171.29

This was slowed considerably by the larger radius, which left few places outside of the analysis.

Let’s run this on the entire dataset at 5km resolution, 10km radius:

  raster.2km.10km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.lines, resolution = 2e3, radius = 10e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   38.27    0.14  238.68
require(gplots) # for the "rich.colors" palette
plot(raster.2km.10km, col = rich.colors(100))
plot(st_geometry(BEAD.lines), col = "white", add = TRUE)

  raster.2km.5km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.lines, resolution = 2e3, radius = 5e3)
##    user  system elapsed 
##   73.03    0.09  268.43
require(gplots) # for the "rich.colors" palette
plot(raster.2km.5km, col = rich.colors(100))
plot(st_geometry(BEAD.lines), col = "white", add = TRUE)

These seem like reasonable times for a landscape-scale computation on a decent laptop with 4 cores. On a more serious machine (e.g, a desktop with 8 or more cores) it is that much faster. It is possible, however, that for the level of resolution that is of actual interest (e.g. < 100m), this is prohibitively slow. One idea - since these are actually very smooth surfaces, is to compute them coarsely and then increase the resolution with a bilinear interpolation via the disaggregate function.

5 Complete code

Click below to show complete code from this document.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, cache=TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
par(mar = c(1,1,3,5))
BEAD.lines <- st_read("_data/BEAD/BEADlines2015_NT1_Bistcho_Calendar_MaxH_Yates_HRL_clip.shp")
BEAD.crop <- st_crop(BEAD.lines, extent(-1253e3, -1228e3, 2547e3, 2578e3))
getLineDensity <- function(pt, lines, r, plotme = FALSE){
  pt.circle <- st_buffer(pt, r) 
  intersect <- st_intersection(pt.circle, lines)
  length <- sum(st_length(intersect))/1e3 # in km
  density <- (as.numeric(length)/(pi*(r/1e3)^2)) # in km/km^2
    plot(pt.circle, add = TRUE, border = 2)
    plot(intersect, add = TRUE, col =3)
point <- st_point(c(-1240e3, 2560e3), dim = "XY") %>% st_sfc %>% st_sf(crs = st_crs(BEAD.crop))
getLineDensity(point, BEAD.crop, r = 5e3, plotme = TRUE)
getLineDensity(point, BEAD.crop, r = 15e3, plotme = TRUE)
getLineDensity(point, subset(BEAD.crop, Class == "Road"), r = 15e3, plotme = FALSE)
getLineDensity(point, subset(BEAD.crop, Class == "Seismic"), r = 15e3, plotme = FALSE)
density.raster <- raster(extent(BEAD.crop), resolution = 500, crs = st_crs(BEAD.crop))
density.poly <- rasterToPolygons(density.raster) 
density.poly.sf <- st_as_sf(density.poly)
st_crs(density.poly.sf) <- st_crs(BEAD.crop)

densities <- rep(NA, nrow(density.poly.sf))
  for(i in 1:length(densities))
    densities[i] <- getLineDensity(density.poly.sf[i,], lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3, plotme = FALSE)

values(density.raster) <- densities
density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf, 1:nrow(density.poly.sf))
  densities <- sapply(density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
values(density.raster) <- densities
r <- 1e3
BEAD.crop.buffered <- st_buffer(BEAD.crop, r) %>% st_union
which.in.buffer <- st_intersection(st_transform(density.poly.sf, st_crs(BEAD.crop.buffered)), st_geometry(BEAD.crop.buffered)) %>% row.names %>% as.numeric

densities <- rep(0, nrow(density.poly.sf))
density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf[which.in.buffer,], 1:length(which.in.buffer))

  densities.in.buffer <- sapply(density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)

values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer
## Rprof("_sandbox/Rprofile.out")
##   for(i in which.in.buffer)
##       densities[i] <- getLineDensity(density.poly.sf[i,], lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
## Rprof(NULL)
## summaryRprof("_sandbox/Rprofile.out")
n <- detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster(n)
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sf))
clusterExport(cl, "getLineDensity")
  densities.in.buffer <- parSapply(cl, density.poly.list, getLineDensity, lines = BEAD.crop, r = 1e3)
values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer
getLineDensity <- function(pt, lines, r, plotme = FALSE){
  pt.circle <- st_buffer(pt, r) 
  intersect <- st_intersection(pt.circle, lines)
  length <- sum(st_length(intersect))/1e3 
makeLineDensityRaster <- function(lines, resolution, radius){
  # data prep
  density.raster <- raster(extent(lines), 
                           resolution = resolution, 
                           crs = st_crs(lines))
  density.poly <- rasterToPolygons(density.raster) 
  density.poly.sf <- st_as_sf(density.poly)
  st_crs(density.poly.sf) <- st_crs(lines)
  # buffering lines
  lines.buffered <- st_buffer(lines, radius) %>% st_union
  which.in.buffer <- st_intersection(density.poly.sf, lines.buffered) %>% 
    row.names %>% as.numeric
  # cluster prep
  density.poly.list <- split(density.poly.sf[which.in.buffer,], 1:length(which.in.buffer))

  cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
  clusterEvalQ(cl, library(sf))
  clusterExport(cl, "getLineDensity")
  densities.in.buffer <- parSapply(cl, density.poly.list, 
                                   getLineDensity, lines = lines, r = radius)
  values(density.raster)[which.in.buffer] <- densities.in.buffer
  density.raster[is.na(density.raster)] <- 0
  raster.200.3km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.crop, 200, 3e3)
  raster.2km.10km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.lines, resolution = 2e3, radius = 10e3)
require(gplots) # for the "rich.colors" palette
plot(raster.2km.10km, col = rich.colors(100))
plot(st_geometry(BEAD.lines), col = "white", add = TRUE)
  raster.2km.5km <- makeLineDensityRaster(BEAD.lines, resolution = 2e3, radius = 5e3)
require(gplots) # for the "rich.colors" palette
plot(raster.2km.5km, col = rich.colors(100))
plot(st_geometry(BEAD.lines), col = "white", add = TRUE)