Chick Weights

Load some chick weight growth experiment data


There are several variables here, Four treatements (1-4), a bunch of chicks (48) and weight measurements over 20 days of feeding. For something like this, ggplot is pretty handy:

ggplot(ChickWeight, aes(x = Time, y = weight, col=Chick))+geom_line ()+ geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Diet)

Clearly, there is variability among individuals, and among treatments, in the slope of growth.

Some linear models

Here’s a linear model with main and interaction effects of time and diet: \[Y_{ij} = (\beta + \gamma_j) T_i + \epsilon_{ij}\]

Note that in this formulation, intercept is 0, but the slope has a mean (\(\beta\)) and a diet specific effect (\(\gamma_j\))

Chick.lm <- lm(weight ~ Time:Diet - 1, data = ChickWeight)
##             Estimate Std. Error  t value      Pr(>|t|)
## Time:Diet1  8.929575  0.2010880 44.40631 8.087458e-188
## Time:Diet2 10.502625  0.2640756 39.77128 4.507463e-167
## Time:Diet3 12.629732  0.2640756 47.82620 2.201654e-202
## Time:Diet4 11.774316  0.2698661 43.63022 1.996372e-184

Note that the “-1” coerced all of the intercepts to 0. Also, all the effects are significant: Weight increases with Time on average at rate 6.85 g/day, some diets lead to a higher overall mean.

A quiz … what’s the difference between the following models? Which one matches the model above

Chick.lm1 <- lm(weight ~ Time * Diet, data = ChickWeight)
Chick.lm2 <- lm(weight ~ Time + Diet, data = ChickWeight)
Chick.lm3 <- lm(weight ~ Time : Diet, data = ChickWeight)

Visualizing the regression lines (with ggplot)

ggplot(ChickWeight, aes(x = Time, y = weight, col=factor(Chick)))+geom_line ()+ geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Diet) + 
       geom_line(data = cbind(ChickWeight, y.hat = predict(Chick.lm)), aes(x = Time, y = y.hat), col="darkred", lwd = 1.5) + theme(legend.position="none")

We will be plotting this kind of prediction plot alot, so let’s make a function that makes it quicker. It will be function of a model fit:

plotFit <- function(ChickModel, ...)
ggplot(ChickWeight, aes(x = Time, y = weight, col=factor(Chick))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + facet_wrap(~Diet) + 
       geom_line(data = cbind(ChickWeight, y.hat = predict(ChickModel)), aes(x = Time, y = y.hat), ...) + theme(legend.position="none")

plotFit(Chick.lm, lwd=1.5, col="darkred")

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: weight
##            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)    
## Time        1 2042344 2042344 1759.757 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Diet        3  129876   43292   37.302 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Time:Diet   3   80804   26935   23.208 3.474e-14 ***
## Residuals 570  661532    1161                       
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

ANOVA tells us everything is significant … but we need to check diagnostic plots.

plot(Chick.lm, 1:2)

Both heteroskedasticity and kurtosis in the residuals are big problems! A lot of that is because each individual bird is quite different for the others.

One option to deal with this is to include individual bird in the model:

Chick.lm2 <- lm(weight ~ Time : Diet + Chick, data = ChickWeight)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: weight
##            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## Chick      49  530105   10818  16.806 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Time:Diet   4 2047136  511784 795.029 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals 524  337315     644                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

plot(Chick.lm, 1:2)

We’ve absorbed a lot of the variability, but there’s still strong structure to the residuals. Somewhat better would be to let each individual have a unique slope as well. For fun, I also added a second order polynomial term to the model:

Chick.lm3 <- lm(weight ~ (Diet * poly(Time,2)) +  Time : (Chick-1), data = ChickWeight)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: weight
##                     Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq   F value    Pr(>F)    
## Diet                 4 8733214 2183303 13985.650 < 2.2e-16 ***
## poly(Time, 2)        2 2038109 1019055  6527.788 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Diet:poly(Time, 2)   6   84264   14044    89.962 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Time:Chick          46  555143   12068    77.306 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals          520   81177     156                        
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

What about now:

plot(Chick.lm3, 1:2)

Well - this is now a much better model (With a terrific R^2 (summary(Chick.lm3)$r.squared = 0.9929361) and decent looking residuals. The big problem, however, is that this has cost us ENORMOUS degrees of freedom! We’ve estimated length(Chick.lm3$coef) = 62 coefficients.

Quick comment on “updating”

Before we fix this problem, a quick comment on a “smarter” workflow for iteratively building models using the update function. This function basically takes your model and adds or removes features as desired.

For example, the Chick.lm1 model above was given by:

## lm(formula = weight ~ Time * Diet, data = ChickWeight)


## lm(formula = weight ~ Time:Diet + Chick, data = ChickWeight)
## lm(formula = weight ~ (Diet * poly(Time, 2)) + Time:(Chick - 
##     1), data = ChickWeight)

You can generate the second model by updating the first one:

Chick.lm2b <- update(Chick.lm1, . ~ . - 1 - Time - Diet + Chick)
## lm(formula = weight ~ Chick + Time:Diet - 1, data = ChickWeight)

As typical in R formula notation, the ‘.’ means whatever was there, the minuses mean remove the variable, and plus means add the variable.

Generate the third model by updating the second one:

Chick.lm3b <- update(Chick.lm2b, . ~ . + poly(Time, 2))

The update command lets you add additional structural elements, like correlations and random effects (as below), change the response variable, or change the data - without rewriting the entire model call.

Mixed effects models

The model fitted above looks something like this: \[Y_{ijk} = \alpha_i + (\beta_i + \kappa_j) T_{ijk} + \gamma_j T^2_{ijk} + \epsilon_{ij}\]

Where \(i \in \{1,2,3,4\}\) refers to diet, \(j \in {1,2, ..., 48}\) refers to individual chicken (each of which has a unique slope - but not intercept) and \(k\) to replicates.

In fact, we don’t ACTUALLY care about individual birds! Wouldn’t it be great if we could take all of those \(\kappa_j\)’s and model them as a random variable? I.e.: \(\kappa_j \sim {\cal N}(\mu_\kappa, \sigma_\kappa)\)? Out of curiosity, lets look at all of the coefficients for the individual chicks:

require(plyr) # for mutate
betas <- data.frame(summary(Chick.lm3)$coef)
betas <- mutate(betas, name = row.names(betas), 
                beta = Estimate, lo  = beta - 2*Std..Error, hi = beta + 2*Std..Error)
betas <- subset(betas, grepl("Chick", name))
ggplot(betas, aes(y=beta, x=name, ymin=lo, ymax=hi)) + geom_pointrange() + coord_flip()

That is exactly what a mixed effects model does! It’s called “mixed” because there are “fixed effects” (here, the diet, and the time are fixed effects, and the individual chick will be “random”).

Mixed effect notation in general


\[{\bf y}_i = {\bf X}_i\beta + Z_i{\bf b}_i + \epsilon_i; \,\,\, i = 1, ..., M\] \[{\bf b}_i = {\cal N}(0, \Phi); \,\,\, \epsilon_i \sim {\cal N}(0, \sigma^2 {\bf I})\]

where \(\beta\) is the (p-dimensional) vector of fixed effects \({\bf b}_i\) is the q-dimensional vector of random effects, \({\bf X}_i\) (\(n \times p\)) is a the known fixed effect regressor matrix, and \({\bf Z}_i\) (\(n \times q\)) is the random effects data matrix.

Applied to the chicks

The nlme package allows you to fit mixed effects models. So does lme4 - which is in some ways faster and more modern, but does NOT model heteroskedasticity or (!spoiler alert!) autocorrelation.

Let’s try a model that looks just like our best model above, but rather than have a unique Time slope for each chick, it will be a random variable. Thus: \[Y_{ijk} = \alpha_i + (\beta_i + K) T_{ijk} + \gamma_i T^2_{ijk} + \epsilon_{ij}\]

Where the slope on Time is given by the random parameter K, which has some distribution: \(K \sim {\cal N}(0, \sigma_k^2)\)

Chick.lme1 <- lme(fixed = weight ~ Diet * poly(Time,2), 
                 random =  ~ (Time-1)|Chick, data = ChickWeight, method = "ML")

The summary output of this function is massive … below a somewhat truncated version:

## summary(Chick.lme1)
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
##  Data: ChickWeight 
##       AIC      BIC   logLik
##   4789.38 4850.414 -2380.69
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~(Time - 1) | Chick
##            Time Residual
## StdDev: 2.46184  12.3999
## Fixed effects: weight ~ Diet * poly(Time, 2) 
##                          Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
## (Intercept)           101.2062   6.15721 520 16.437042  0.0000
## Diet2                  19.6553  10.50328  46  1.871350  0.0677
## Diet3                  39.3727  10.50328  46  3.748609  0.0005
## Diet4                  33.0455  10.50499  46  3.145699  0.0029
## poly(Time, 2)1       1033.6519  95.04407 520 10.875501  0.0000
## poly(Time, 2)2         70.4572  20.65100 520  3.411808  0.0007
## Diet2:poly(Time, 2)1  360.4877 161.54458 520  2.231506  0.0261
## Diet3:poly(Time, 2)1  812.8318 161.54458 520  5.031626  0.0000
## Diet4:poly(Time, 2)1  519.1017 161.67971 520  3.210679  0.0014
## Diet2:poly(Time, 2)2   52.6077  34.38622 520  1.529907  0.1266
## Diet3:poly(Time, 2)2  209.4174  34.38622 520  6.090154  0.0000
## Diet4:poly(Time, 2)2   -6.3517  34.92972 520 -0.181842  0.8558

The fixed effects estimates should be similar as in the linear model, but here we also have a standard deviation (2.46) around the time slopes.

Plotting Mixed-Effects fits and diagnostics

Plot the fit identically as above:


There is a complicated set of plotting functions for lme objects. For example, you can just plot the residuals against fitted values:


plot(Chick.lme1, resid(., type = "p") ~ fitted(.) | Diet, abline = 0)

Or observed weights versus fitted weights by Diet:

plot(Chick.lme1, weight ~ fitted(.) | Diet, abline = c(0,1), cex=0.5)

Or - just the residuals of each chick:

plot(Chick.lme1, Chick ~ resid(.))



Oh no!

LME with serial autocorrelation

The following model adds 1st order autocorrelation to a 2nd order time model with a unique diet effect:

Chick.lme2 <- lme(fixed = weight ~ Diet + poly(Time,2)-1, 
                 random =  ~ (Time-1)|Chick, data = ChickWeight,
                 correlation = corAR1())

Notice that the random grouping term is Time - 1 | Chick, i.e. the slopes for each chick is unique and modeled as a random variable, but the intercepts are always 0. Furthermore the intercept of the main effect variable is also set to 0 (via the -1). This makes sense biologically, but it is also the only way I could make a model with a serial autocorrelation converge.

This is - anyway - an excellent model. The summary:

## summary(Chick.lme2)
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
##  Data: ChickWeight 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   4208.346 4247.488 -2095.173
## Random effects:
##  Formula: ~(Time - 1) | Chick
##             Time Residual
## StdDev: 3.291071 15.73268
## Correlation Structure: AR(1)
##  Formula: ~1 | Chick 
##  Parameter estimate(s):
##      Phi 
## 0.869144 
## Fixed effects: weight ~ Diet + poly(Time, 2) - 1 
##                    Value Std.Error  DF   t-value p-value
## Diet1           119.1190   5.93250  46 20.079049       0
## Diet2           118.7396   6.83475  46 17.372931       0
## Diet3           116.6206   6.83475  46 17.062892       0
## Diet4           120.8724   6.83473  46 17.685023       0
## poly(Time, 2)1 1327.5352  79.13447 527 16.775690       0
## poly(Time, 2)2  128.1690  14.11702 527  9.079045       0

reveals the additional estimate of the serial autocorrelation coefficient: 0.87.

So - is diet a significant covariate?

This is a “simple” question that is not, actually, that instant to answer, since it is difficult to interpret the output of the summary.

The best solution is just to use AIC, comparing a model with and without diet (and, say, with and without autocorrelation), e.g.:

Chick.lme <- lme.formula(fixed = weight ~ Diet * poly(Time, 2), data = ChickWeight, random = ~(Time - 1) | Chick, method = "ML")

Chick.lmes <- list(ChickModel.Diet = Chick.lme, 
     ChickModel.NoDiet = update(Chick.lme, fixed = .~.-Diet:poly(Time,2)),
     ChickModel.Diet.AutoCorr = update(Chick.lme, correlation = corAR1()),
     ChickModel.NoDiet.AutoCorr = update(Chick.lme, fixed = .~.-Diet:poly(Time,2), correlation = corAR1()))

ldply(Chick.lmes, AIC)
##                          .id       V1
## 1            ChickModel.Diet 4789.380
## 2          ChickModel.NoDiet 4842.816
## 3   ChickModel.Diet.AutoCorr 4206.544
## 4 ChickModel.NoDiet.AutoCorr 4245.153

If this “AIC table” is unsatisfactory, there’s a nice function called aictab in the package AICcmodavg:

## Model selection based on AICc:
##                             K    AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt Cum.Wt       LL
## ChickModel.Diet.AutoCorr   15 4207.40       0.00      1      1 -2088.27
## ChickModel.NoDiet.AutoCorr  9 4245.47      38.07      0      1 -2113.58
## ChickModel.Diet            14 4790.13     582.73      0      1 -2380.69
## ChickModel.NoDiet           8 4843.07     635.67      0      1 -2413.41

This table - known sometimes as a “delta AIC” table - sorts the models by increasing information criterion, and provides useful ancillary summaries. These tables are often reported in journal articles. Note that it automatically chose the “AICc” as a criterion based on sample sizes and degress of freedom considerations. But the ultimate conclusion is the same.

Exercise: Does Diet Matter?

  1. Summarize the conclusion of this analysis.
  2. How many parameters are estimated in the “best” model? Report all of their values.
  3. Expand the model selection to include models without the second order Diet term. Are any of those “better”.
  4. Expand the model selection to include corresponding linear models, with individual chick fixed effects. How do they compare?