- [S22] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1960.
- [S50] Frank Q. DeVoe household, 1920 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, White Plains, page 128 (stamped), sheet 5A, dwelling house 87, family 97, enumerated 19 January 1920; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 1279 (viewed online 6 November 2003 at Ancestry.com; image 256, 9 of 25).

- [S51] Frank Q. Devoe household, 1930 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, White Plains, page 69 (stamped), sheet 19A, dwelling house 244, family 477, enumerated 17 April 1930; National Archives micropublication T626, roll 1666 (viewed online 6 November 2003 at Ancestry.com; image 37 of 47).

- [S65] Edgar A. Josselyn household, 1910 U.S. census, New York, New York, Manhattan Borough, Enumeration District 985, page 108 (stamped), sheet 12A, family 166, enumerated 5 May 1910; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 1036 (viewed online 14 November 2003 at Ancestry.com; image 756, 23 of 33).

- [S74] Interview with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 25 August 2002.
- [S75] Telephone interview with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 16 November 2003.
- [S88] Josselyn family records: Births, reverse side, in possession of Howard DeVoe. The first five lines are in Edgar A. Josselyn's handwriting, and the rest appears to be in that of Ella (Hannah) Josselyn.

- [S89] Josselyn family records: Marriages, in possession of Howard DeVoe.

- [S168] Letter from Gladys Stickler (Seattle, Washington) to Howard DeVoe, 27 January 1989; in possession of Howard DeVoe.
- [S186] Interview with Gladys (Troup) Stickler (3171 NE 81st Street, Seattle, Washington), by Howard DeVoe, 1 July 2003.

- [S191] Interview with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 3 February 2003.
- [S194] Interview by telephone with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), 24 January 2004.
- [S230] Frank Kenneth DeVoe death certificate.
- [S257] Frank Devoe household, 1910 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, White Plains, 2nd ward, enumeration district 131, page 212/7B, dwelling 15, family 137, enumerated 22 April 1910; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 1091 (viewed online 22 February 2004 at heritagequestonline.com).

- [S261] Stephen Holden household, 1910 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, White Plains Township, enumeration district 132, page 3B, dwelling 57, family 57, enumerated 27 April 1910; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 1091 (viewed online 21 February 2004 at Ancestry.com; image 455, 6 of 10).

- [S262] Taped interview with Frank Kenneth DeVoe (at 973 Paulsboro Drive, Rockville, Maryland), by Howard DeVoe, probably 26 December 1992.

- [S310] Wedding invitation, Martha Josselyn and Frank Kenneth DeVoe, in possession of Howard DeVoe.
- [S311] Program, memorial service for Frank Kenneth DeVoe.
- [S313] Telephone interview with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 28 March 2004.
- [S374] Interview with Martha DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 12 July 2002.
- [S376] George W. Bromley and Walter S. Bromley, Atlas of Westchester County, New York (Philadelphia: G. W. Bromley & Co., 1907), Local History Room, White Plains Library, White Plains, Westchester County, New York.
- [S384] Interview with Nancy (DeVoe) Webert (Naples, Florida), by Howard DeVoe, February 2004. F. Kenneth DeVoe had told her this once while they were driving past the house where her friend Patsy lived.
- [S385] Letter from Patsy Dutton to Nancy (DeVoe) Webert, received 3 May 2004.

- [S431] Gravestone inscriptions, Lot 1356, Forest Hills Cemetery, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, original proprietor Alonzo Josselyn; Howard DeVoe, 28 June 1986 and 27 July 2004.

- [S433] Records of the Alonzo Josselyn plot, Forest Hills Cemetery, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.
- [S435] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1998.
- [S491] "Profiles," Chatham Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Newsletter, probably January 1989.
- [S493] "The Lives We Share," UUMH Newsletter, November 2000.
- [S494] Interview by telephone with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 16 August 2004.
- [S495] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1970.
- [S496] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1973.
- [S497] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1978.
- [S498] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1997.
- [S500] Letter from unknown author (New York Telephone Company, 140 West Street, New York, New York) to Frank K. DeVoe, 6 April 1929; in possession of Howard DeVoe.
- [S520] Taped interview with Frank Kenneth DeVoe (6 Trout Pond Lane, Chatham, Massachusetts), by Howard DeVoe, 26 July 1990.

- [S528] Taped interview with Frank Kenneth DeVoe (at 973 Paulsboro Drive, Rockville, Maryland), by Howard DeVoe, 25 December 1990.

- [S531] Taped interview with Martha (Josselyn) DeVoe (Meadowood Retirement Community, Bloomington, Indiana), by Howard DeVoe, 5 December 2004.

- [S536] "Optical and Magnetic Fuzes," online at http://www.smecc.org/optical_and_magnetic_fuzes.htm, viewed 27 January 2005.

- [S537] Address book of Howard DeVoe, 1957-1964.
- [S574] Frank Q. DeVoe household, 1925 New York state census, Westchester County, White Plains.

- [S614] Notes by Martha DeVoe.

- [S615] Letter from Martha DeVoe (Southbury, Connecticut) to Patricia and Howard DeVoe, 6 October 1973.

- [S620] "Frank K. DeVoe, 90," Cape Cod Times, date unknown.

- [S621] Marriage Certificate, Frank Kenneth DeVoe and Martha Josselyn.
- [S712] Frank Kenneth DeVoe, pension application, 20 January 1970.
- [S787] Frank Kenneth DeVoe household, 1940 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, Pleasantville, Mount Pleasant Township, enumeration district 60-128, supervisor's district 25, sheet 63B, enumerated 1940; National Archives micropublication T627, roll 2806.
- [S792] Frank Kenneth DeVoe birth certificate.
- [S794] Martha Josselyn birth certificate.
- [S854] Find A Grave memorial page for Frank Kenneth DeVoe (1908 - 1998), online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 132397529.
- [S1040] Letter from Martha DeVoe, December 1997.