n <- 10
p <- 0.2
x <- 0:n
f <- dbinom(x, p=p, size = n)
plot(x,f, type="h"); points(x,f, pch=19)
We can easily create our own distribution function:
binom.pdf <- function(x, n, p)
choose(n, x) * p^x * (1-p)^(n-x)
Note that the “choose” function is conveniently vectorized:
binom.pdf(0:10, 10, .2)
## [1] 0.1073741824 0.2684354560 0.3019898880 0.2013265920 0.0880803840
## [6] 0.0264241152 0.0055050240 0.0007864320 0.0000737280 0.0000040960
## [11] 0.0000001024
sum(binom.pdf(0:10, 10, .2))
## [1] 1
Mean and variance are defined as: \[ E(X) = \sum x_i * p_i\] \[Var(X) = E((X - E(X))^2)\sum (x_i - E(X))^2\]
So, in R,
(mean.x <- sum(x*f))
## [1] 2
(var.x <- sum( (x - mean.x)^2 * f))
## [1] 1.6
or: \(Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2\)
(var.x <- sum(x^2 * f) - mean.x^2)
## [1] 1.6
Note, to show output surround the command with “()”:
(mean.x <- sum(x*f))
## [1] 2
(var.x <- sum( (x - mean.x)^2 * f))
## [1] 1.6
Compare with theory:
n * p
## [1] 2
n * p * (1-p)
## [1] 1.6
Compare with simulations:
## [1] 1.9927
## [1] 1.615176
Recalling that if \(X \sim Bernoulli(p)\) random variables, then: \[Y = \sum_{i=1}^n X \sim Binomial(n,p)\]
n <- 10
p <- .2
X <- c()
for(i in 1:1000)
X <- c(X,sum(rbinom(n, 1, p)))
## X
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
## 99 282 302 199 74 34 9 1
The table()
function conveniently counts these (obtains a frequency), but we would like to get the proportion of each count and plot it. The black bars are the simulation, the red dots are the theoretical prediction:
plot(table(X)/length(X), type="h")
points(x,f, col=2, pch=19, cex=2)
Pretty close!
Show the mean and variance of the Geometric distribution (geom
) are consistent with theory.
n <- 1000
p <- 0.05
x <- 0:n
f <- dgeom(x, p)
## plot(x,f, type="h", xlim = c(0,150))
Compute the mean and variance
(X.mean <- sum(x * f))
## [1] 19
(X.var <- sum( (x - X.mean)^2 * f))
## [1] 380
Compare with Geometric theory
(1-p)/p == X.mean
## [1] TRUE
(1-p)/p^2 == X.var
## [1] TRUE
Compare with random draws from geometric process
## [1] 19.0526
## [1] 371.916
and plot
plot(x, dgeom(x, p), type="h", xlim=c(0,100))
abline(v = X.mean, col=2, lwd=2)
abline(v = X.mean + c(-1,1)*(sqrt(X.var)), col=3, lwd=2, lty=2)
You can run this code with any other discrete random distribution, such as:
r,n,d,p - pois(lambda)
r,n,d,p - nbinom(size, prob)
More interesting - show that the geometric distribution accurately models the number of failures before a success in a string of Bernoulli trials.
The most intuitive way to do this is with a while loop, for example:
X <- c()
p <- 0.2
for(i in 1:100){
nattempts <- 0
success <- rbinom(1,1,p)
success <- rbinom(1,1,p)
nattempts <- nattempts+1
X <- c(X, nattempts)
## [1] 2 5 2 18 9 1 5 1 1 3 0 3 4 2 0 4 1 2 1 2 13 2 1
## [24] 8 10 10 4 11 0 2 1 2 5 1 9 12 0 9 8 6 2 0 1 1 4 2
## [47] 2 0 1 1 0 2 6 13 3 6 10 6 0 0 1 3 2 2 4 1 8 4 8
## [70] 1 4 2 1 1 1 0 8 7 1 2 1 6 7 14 14 13 0 7 4 4 0 0
## [93] 0 2 2 0 1 6 3 5
## [1] 3.9
## [1] 3.98862
plot(table(X)/length(X), type = "h")
points(x, dgeom(x, p), col=2, pch=19)
The more efficient way to do this is with the rle()
(run lengths) command. Experiment with this command (with a smaller sample size than below) and try to understand what it is returning, and why the following code works (and why I subtract 1 from the X):
Attempts <- rbinom(10000, 1, p)
X <- rle(Attempts)$lengths[rle(Attempts)$values == 0] - 1
## [1] 4.022599
## [1] 4.369779
plot(table(X)/length(X), type = "h")
points(x, dgeom(x, p), col=2, pch=19)
Consider the Avacha model, where volcanoes are uniformly distributed [RANDOM uniform!] for the past, say, 4000 years with mean 50 year interval:
Tmax <- 4000
Rate <- 1/50
# total number of earthquakes
N <- Tmax*Rate
Avacha <- sort(runif(N, 0, Tmax))
Note that the sorting is important to keep the eruptions chrnological.
Let’s plot the explosion times, and their histogram
plot(Avacha, rep(0, length(Avacha)), pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,0,.2))
hist(Avacha, col="grey", xlab="Eruption Times")
Creata a vector of waiting times (intervals) between eruptions:
W <- diff(Avacha)
# Draw a histogram of the waiting times
hist(W, col="grey", breaks=20)
# It looks sort of exponential. Let's redraw it is a density histogram
hist(W, col="grey", breaks=20, freq=FALSE)
# And superimpose the exponential distribution on the waiting times:
curve(Rate * exp(-x * Rate), add=TRUE, col=2, lwd=2)
# You can also do this with the "dexp" function
curve(dexp(x, Rate), add=TRUE, col=3, lwd=2)
According to the exponential function, the mean and variance are (1/Rate) and (1/Rate)^2 respectively. Let’s see if that’s true for W:
## [1] 49.75575
## [1] 59.82441
the numbers should be close to 50.
Note that you can get means and expectations of continuous variables by integrating in R.
Test to see if a distribution is valid:
integrate(function(x) Rate * exp(-Rate * x), 0, Inf)
## 1 with absolute error < 6.4e-06
Obtain the mean:
integrate(function(x) x * Rate * exp(-Rate * x), 0, Inf)
## 50 with absolute error < 0.0022
obtain the variance
integrate(function(x) (x - 1/Rate)^2 * Rate * exp(-Rate * x), 0, Inf)
## 2500 with absolute error < 0.0013
Incidentally, the layout
command gives considerably freedom for arranging plots. You provide a matrix that enumerates which plot goes in which window. The layouts can be arbitratily complex.
Illustrating all the relationships now goes like this:
plot(Avacha, y=rep(0,N), pch=19, col=rgb(0,0,.4,.3), xlim=c(0,Tmax),
ylab="", yaxt="n", xlab="Year", cex=2, bty="n", main="Simulated Avacha eruptions")
hist(Avacha, breaks=10, freq=FALSE, bor="darkgrey", col="grey")
hist(diff(Avacha), col="grey", freq=FALSE, breaks=12, bor="darkgrey")
curve(dexp(x,rate=Rate), add=TRUE, lwd=2)
Download the Vesuvius data and assess whether the uniform + exponential model appears valid. The data file is available on the course home page or at: https://terpconnect.umd.edu/~egurarie/teaching/Biol709/data/.
The cut()
function is very useful for breaking down quantitative data into discrete factors. For example, reducing our simulated Avacha data into centuries:
Avacha <- sort(runif(N, 0, Tmax))
Avacha.100 <- cut(Avacha, seq(0,Tmax,100))
To count how many eruptions there were per century, we tabulate:
## [1] 1 1 1 2 3 3 0 2 1 1 3 4 2 0 2 4 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 0 4 2 3 0 1 7 0 2 4 2
## [36] 1 4 4 0 1
Note that tabulate()
is similar to table, but simply returns a vector (which for our purposes is very convenient).
As is typical for the “hist” function applied to discrete data, the breaks are awkward around zero. An alternative is to tabulate the tabulation!
## 0 1 2 3 4 7
## 6 11 10 6 6 1
You may or may not get something that looks like the Poisson distribution of numbers, i.e. discrete values (that include 0) and tabulate the number of eruptions per 100 year block
Let’s get a vector of proportions:
P.Avacha.100 <- table(tabulate(Avacha.100))/length(tabulate(Avacha.100))
And draw the Poisson distribution over it. Recall that the lambda parameter in a Poisson distribution is the expected count in a block. In this case, the block is 100 years x rate of 1/50 = 2.
lines(0:8, dpois(0:8, 2), type="h", col=rgb(1,0,0,.2), lwd=10)
So it looks like the Poisson approximation is quite close.
Let’s do this (compactly) for any break:
Interval <- 25
lambda <- Interval * Rate
Avacha.cut<- cut(Avacha, seq(0,Tmax,Interval))
P.Avacha.cut <- table(tabulate(Avacha.cut))/sum(table(tabulate(Avacha.cut)))
lines(0:8, dpois(0:8, lambda), type="h", col=rgb(1,0,0,.2), lwd=10)
Experiment with different break-ups of the Avacha simulation, and see if the Poisson relationship holds for the Vesuvius data.