Abstract   *    Introduction    *    Media    *    Procedure    *    Results    *    Discussion
Our Theoretical Protocol    *    References and Links


Total of at least 5 samples--preferably 10--primarily from compost, potting soil, and mulch

5-10 test tubes with 100ul saline solution

40 plates per media/2 types of media (GYM and starch-casein media)
5-10 motility slants
5-10 MacConkey's plates
5-10 glass slides for each test:
    gram stain
    tape mount
    catalase test
4 organisms (e.g.. E. coli, S. marcenes, S. aureus, and B. subtillus)
5-10 oxidative fermentation tubes
5-10 thiogylcolate tubes (checks mostly for motility and fermentation)
H2O2, cotton swabs
Scotch tape (required for tape mount)
Anaerobic chamber

1.) Place about 15 grams of each soil sample into separate empty petri dish. Dry (heat) for at least 1.5 hours at 40°C.

2.) Using a spatula or scoopula, transfer 0.5 inches of sample into test tube with 100mL of saline solution. Vortex.

3.) Immediately transfer plate 100uL of mixture onto plate. Spread evenly. Cover and incubate one plate per temperature
(23°C and 29°C). Observe after 5-7 days.

4.) Choose colonies sharing physical characteristics of Streptomyces. Re-streak each colony on starch-casein media until pure
colonies are obtained.

5.) Streak and maintain pure colonies on GYM media.

6.) Test each pure colony in following nine (9) tests:

a.) Gram stain

b.) MacConkey’s (confirm gram stain)

c.) Motility stabs

d.) Catalase test

e.) Tape mount

f.) Anaerobic culture jar growth (use an aerobic control)

g.) Oxidative fermentation tubes

h.) Thioglycolate tubes (confirm motility, anaerobic growth)

i.)  Antibiotic test (increase chances of retrieving antibiotic by allowing growth for 5-7 days before testing)

7.) Compare test results with references and past protocols.