Photography: Summer Camp 2013
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Week 3 Lesson Plan
This week continues the investigation of photography by learning how cameras work and what things can be done with a image in a photo lab.
Maryland State Curriculum-
- Reading- Develop knowledge of organizational structure of informational text to understand what is read. In preparation for a photo editor next week, children read a news article and deciphered the who, what, when where and why from it. For writers workshop they wrote their own preliminary article using the same format and sketched what they thought would be a good image to go along with it.
- Science- Explain that when parts are put together, they can do things that they couldn't do by themselves. Learning about the 3 main parts of a camera showed what is possible with a lens, body and sensor.
- Math- Write word problems for addition and subtraction situations. During writers workshop, children had an opportunity to write an addition word problem as a group and one in their journal to share with a friend.
- Social Studies- Identify examples of specialized workers in the school and community- On a visit to a photolab many examples were seen-

taken by a Team 3 member
Week 3
Word Wall
This week we focused on learning about how a camera works, some of the settings or "modes" and composition. As a result our Photography Word Wall has grown immensely! Our word wall is positioned on the main bulletin board situated right in the front of the class. Children are responsible for writing each word that is they learn them.
Parent Involvement
One of our Dad's, Mr. Chris, who is an amateur photographer,
came in to teach the children about cameras using his DSLR and a point and shoot camera as a examples. He explained about the three main parts of a camera, body, lens and sensor or film. He also showed how light is an important part of taking a picture and that the shutter opens to let the sensors capture the image. The children learned that the lens is made in a convex shape to allow for more of the surroundings to be included in the photograph. Mr. Chris also expressed how important photography is by showing some examples.
Field Trip to a Photo Lab

The class took a trip to a local photo lab in Silver Spring called Dodge-Chrome. The tour showed the children many possibilities for printing photographs. They were shown different papers and surfaces with fantastic photography printed on them. Previous to the tour the children chose a photograph they had taken to be printed so that they were able to see the entire printing process from start to finish watching their own photograph. The photographs rolled out on a big machine all together and then were cut and packaged individual as a souvenir of the trip. In the end, the class was also given a beautiful forest photograph that they had watched being printed on a piece of aluminum and images printed on sticker material that they had observed too. Other highlights of the tour were seeing a dark room, examining and photographing the amazing galleries of images throughout the building, and looking at the frame shop with it's ability to cut intricate designs. Many thanks to Todd Harris and Ms. Ann Dominiski for an incredible tour.
Green Committee Notes
While they were playing outside a couple of kids were fiddling with the video mode on their cameras. One got an idea to make a video based around being "green". They worked on a few clips with another child helping them act out situations like recycling and using the rain barrel. During the committee meeting they pitched their idea as a project to work on for the Eco-School award and it was unanimously accepted. The checklists completed the previous week were also reviewed.