I am an assistant professor in the College of Information Studies (iSchool) at the University of Maryland. I am also a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL).

My research goal is to build technologies that address real-world problems by integrating data-driven methods and human-computer interaction. I am interested in investigating human needs and challenges that may benefit from advancements in artificial intelligence. My focus is both in building new models to address these challenges and in designing evaluation methodologies that assess their impact. Typically my research involves application of machine learning and analytics research to benefit people with disabilities, especially assistive technologies that model human communication and behavior such as sign language avatars and independent mobility for the blind.

Recent Publications

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  1. People with Visual Impairment Training Personal Object Recognizers: Feasibility and Challenges.
    Kacorri, H., Kitani, K.M., Bigham, J.P., and Asakawa, C. CHI 2017.
    Best Paper Honorable Mention
  1. Regression Analysis of Demographic and Technology Experience Factors Influencing Acceptance of Sign Language Animation.
    Kacorri, H., Huenerfauth, M., Ebling, S., Patel, K., Menzies, K., and Willard, M. TACCESS 2017.


  1. Supporting Orientation of People with Visual Impairment: Analysis of Large Scale Usage Data.
    Kacorri, H., Mascetti, S., Gerino, A., Ahmetovic, D., Takagi, H., and Asakawa, C. ASSETS 2016.
    Best Paper Finalist
  1. Continuous Profile Models in ASL Syntactic Facial Expression Synthesis.
    Kacorri, H. and Huenerfauth, M. ACL 2016.
  1. Selecting Exemplar Recordings of American Sign Language Non-Manual Expressions for Animation Synthesis Based on Manual Sign Timing.
    Kacorri, H. and Huenerfauth, M. INTERSPEECH - Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT 2016)
  1. Centroid-Based Exemplar Selection of ASL Non-Manual Expressions using Multidimensional Dynamic Time Warping and MPEG4 Features.
    Kacorri, H., Syed, A.R., Huenerfauth, M., Neidle, C. LREC - Representation and Processing of Sign Languages 2016.
  1. Eyetracking Metrics Related to Subjective Assessments of ASL Animations
    Huenerfauth, M. and Kacorri, H. Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, Volume 4, 2016.
  1. Data-Driven Synthesis and Evaluation of Syntactic Facial Expressions in American Sign Language Animation.
    Kacorri, H. Doctoral Dissertation, Computer Science, Graduate Center, CUNY.