Rivers, Creeks and Ponds; A Summer Project

Week 3 Lesson Plan

This weeks trip took us to a small pond that was full of strange insects. We took some back to the classroom to observe and look up. One larvae stumped us. We looked on line, in a field guide, and even asked a biologist. Finally, we found it on an online field guide and asked another biologist to confirm our identification. It was a Crane Fly Larvae. The UM biologist also magnified some of the water so we could see the microscopic life. Below is a type of protist from magnified pond water.

A Protist

Children took clipboards down to the pond and did some observational drawings. Some attached actual leaves to their illustrations.

The class continued to take measurements to fill out the comparison chart. It was determined that David was about 5 feet tall. Using this as a standard of measurement, we asked, "How many David's will it take to go across Dragonfly Pond." Once this was estimated, children multiplied 5 feet times the amount of David's to determine the width of the body of water.


Maryland State Curriculum-

Week Three

This week was busy! In addition to our Rivers, Creeks and Ponds study we went bowling, swimming and learned about Chinese culture. Ms Mc Ginnis from the Confucius Institute, came and taught us about Chinese Holidays, food, calligraphy, geography etc. Thank you Ms. Mc Ginnis! Some of us are taking or have taken, Asian Martial Arts classes and those students demonstrated some of their learned techniques.

Poetry- We had a discussion about poetry and most students already had a great background in technique. They remembered onomonopia, metaphors, similes etc. After reading a poem about water boatman from Song of the Water Boatman by J. Sidman, we found one swimming at the pool, or so we thought. After researching it, it turned out to be a Backswimmer, also known as a Water Bee. Ouch!

Children's Poems and Drawings

Observational Drawing

Ponds by Eli

the fish
zip zap
go the water bugs
wish wash
goes the seaweed
and plink plank
go the frogs


by David and Ulito

that's wobbly-sometimes
not usually clean
doesn't flow

Untitled 2
by David and Ulito

it can lay eggs
has gills

Observational Drawing

Observational Drawing

Dragonfly Pond Quotes-

We went to a small pond near our school. The pond was very muddy. It had a lot of trash in it. Lots of people had fun catching pond creatures.- Risa

At the pond we caught two water spiders but they died. We looked them up when we came back and found out they were fishing spiders. -Ulito

It was very hot and there was lots of tall plants and the water inside the pond was very murky. -Seo Young

I found a grasshopper and it jumped out of my net and Uli caught it. -David