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December 1, 2019

November was a quiet month. Max found some whole bones.

Dinosaur Camp dates weeks beginning 4/6, 4/13, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/13, 7/27, 8/10, 8/24, 8/31.

Tenley Library Program was attended by a crowd of more than seventy people.

Luckstone quarry is not open for visitors until Spring 2020. Stay tuned.

Dave Hacker and JP represented Dinosaur Park at FossilFest on November 16.

Matt Carrano, curator of Dinosaurs at Smithsonian will dissect an alligator in a Q?rius Lab on December 5, 2019. Open to public. Free.

November 1, 2019

October 26, 2019 was the tenth anniversary of the dedication ceremony of Dinosaur Park. There may be a planned commemorative program.

Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks beginning 4/6, 4/13, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/13, 7/27, 8/10, 8/24, 8/31.

No event was held in DC for National Fossil Day in 2019.

Hellbender Brewery of Washington, DC produced a craft beer this past summer labeled "Capitalsaurus." It maybe will return for an encore next summer.

Dinosaur Programs by Dr. Kranz will happen at Cleveland Park Library on November 13 at 4PM and at Tenleytown Library on November 19 also at 4PM. A program at Tenleytown Library at 7PM for adults on November 19.

There are other dinosaur programs at libraries for "Dinovember" throughout the city.

October 1, 2019

Cooler weather brought a record-smashing crowd to the Open House on September 7th (516 recorded visitors).

Max Bovis found a complete theropod limb bone (about 18 inches). One of the best finds in years.

No rain for almost all of September has made the park dusty and limited visitor finds.

Dinosaur Camp dates for 2020 are the weeks beginning 4/6, 4/13, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/13, 7/27, 8/10, 8/24, 8/31.

Yinan Wang has published a book called "The 50 State Fossils." It includes Astrodon johnstoni for Maryland and Capitalsaurus for Washington, DC.

September 1, 2019

Summer is ending. It was a hot one. Despite the heat we had record breaking crowds.

The dinosaur track from SE DC has been archived into the NPS East Parks Collection.

The Town courier interview with Dr. Kranz was published in the August 16 and 30 editions of Gaithersburg newspapers.

August 1, 2019

The second Open House of July 2019 was cancelled when the heat index was expected to reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

The last two Dinosaur Camps for 2019 are expected to be the weeks of August 12 and 26.

The dinosaur track found in a southeast DC creek appears to be the first credible track found within the boundaries of the District of Columbia.

June 1, 2019

Improving weather has brought record numbers of visitors to the Park in May.

The June 17th camp still has openings for more families. Later summer camps the weeks benign 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26 also have space.

There is also space in Fossil Camps the week of 7/15.

The Fossil Hall at Natural History is scheduled to open June 8, 2019.

Despite much promising development excavation, no new fossil sites have come to light. In addition, heavy rains have caused many former sites to have become overgrown with vegetation

May 1, 2019

The weather has finally turned. Lots of visitors came to Dinosaur Park during April 2019.

Dinosaur Camp dates for Summer 2019. Weeks beginning 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26.

June 1, 2019 until August 31, 2019 there will be dinosaur models scattered through the National Zoo. In addition there will be a paid show at the visitor center. For more information call the Zoo at 202-633-4888.

The St. Stephen's and St. Agnes' fossil camp will be the week of July 15-19, 2019. This is a drop off camp for children of upper elementary school age. Call Ted at 202-215-3397 for details about activities and requirements.

The Dinosaur Hall at the Smithsonian is supposed to open June 2019. We are all looking forward to its return.

April 1, 2019

Dinosaur Park finally saw a dry Open House. More than a hundred visitors took advantage of the nice conditions. A four year old girl found a large carnivore tooth.

The week of July 15, 2019 has been added to the suggested weeks for Dinosaur Camp.

Construction continues on the Purple Line. Although much of the work is at grade, there is some excavation currently along Maryland Rt 410 in New Carrolton and along University Blvd west of College Park, MD. Neither location has produced any fossils yet.

Dr. Jorge Santiago-Blay will be joining Dr. Peter Kranz in a field trip during April 2019 to look for amber in the Early Cretaceous beds of Maryland. If you have any amber or amber locations in Maryland, please contact Dr. Kranz at

March 1, 2019

The weather continues to plague us. Rain, snow and cold weather blocked the collecting of fossils at Dinosaur Park during February 2019.

Spring Break camps will be the weeks beginning April 15 and 22. Summer dates are weeks beginning 6/17, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26.

The Maryland Dinosaur Exhibit at the Calvert Marine Museum has been taken down.

According to people who worked at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum the New Fossil Hall is still expected to open summer 2019. It will include dinosaur and other fossils.

Dr. Kranz will present a program for people of any age about dinosaur fossils found in Washington, DC.The program will be at the DC Public Library Tenley Branch on Wisconsin Ave on March 28, 2019 @ 6:30PM.

February 1, 2019

Inclement weather closed Dinosaur Park Open Houses both days in January 2019.

January 1, 2019

Soggy year, soggy December. Both open house dates in December 2018 were curtailed because of heavy rain. Let's hope 2019 brings slightly higher open houses.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp dates are expected to be weeks beginning 4/15 and 4/22 because of late Easter but new dates might be added if local schools decide to hold early Spring Breaks. Summer dates are weeks beginning 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26.

On a recent scouting trip, Dr. Kranz was encouraged by the many new construction sites east of DC in areas like Bright Seat and Largo, Maryland. In the past this has produced abundant Late Cretaceous fossils. However, for the last 20 or so years, little construction activities have been started in this once productive region. Let's hope this is a good sign.

Arlington Camp Fair will be held 6-8pm on February 8, 2019. Inclement weather date February 15. Come meet Dr. Peter M. Kranz at the Camp Fair! This year's site is Kenmore Middle School 200 S. Carlin Springs Road Arlington, VA.

December 1, 2018

Late in the season and even in bad weather, visitors continue to come to Open Houses on the first and third Saturdays at Dinosaur Park in record numbers.

Dinosaur Camp dates for 2019 are weeks beginning 4/15, 4/22, 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26.

Dr. Kranz and Dave Hacker led a field trip for Calvert Marine Museum Director, Stephen Godfrey, to Late Cretaceous fossil sites in Prince George's County, Maryland. Fossils from these locations will be archived at the museum.

Apparently without much notice or fanfare, the exhibit of "Dinosaurs in Our Backyard" was removed along with its website from the Smithsonian. This means that the Calvert Marine Museum's Maryland Dinosaur exhibit and the Maryland Science Center are the currently remaining displays of Maryland dinosaur fossils.

November 1, 2018

Dinosaur Camp dates for 2019. Weeks beginning 4/15, 4/22, 6/17, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26.

Stephen Godfrey joined Dr. Kranz and Rick Fulton on a survey of Maryland Triassic Fossil localities in late October 2018. He plans to have fossils from these sites deposited at the Calvert Marine Museum. He also hopes to have collecting trips and excavations at some of the sites. Stay tuned.

October 1, 2018

Dinosaur Park continues to draw record breaking crowds. During the summer, several record breaking days of 200-300 visitors came. On September 1, 2018 over 300 visitors came to the Park.

Dinosaur Camp dates set for 2019 are the weeks of 4/15 and 4/22, 6/17 and 6/24. More dates next month.

National Fossil Day events will be on the Mall opposite the Natural History Museum on October 3 from 10am-2pm.

The Calvert Marine Museum has recently been designated as the state depository for Maryland Fossils. This means they will be expanding their collection of fossils from the entire state not just Calvert County.

The Washington Post featured the Capitalsaurus in "Capital of curiosities" in "Weekend" September 21 see link: and "Express" September 27.

September 1, 2018

University of Maryland College Scholars annual clean-up at Dinosaur Park took place on August 24. The highest visitor total ever-370- was August 4, 2018. It has been a crowded summer at Dinosaur Park.

Dinosaur Camp 2018 is over. Spring Break camp 2019 will be weeks beginning April 15 and April 22. Summer 2019 dates will be posted next month.

Tom Lipka and others have published a review paper of fauna of the Arundel clay and Dinosaur Park. Free access through "Faunal Composition and Paleo environment of the Arundel Clay" Lead author Joseph A. Frederickson.

Last updated: August 1, 2018

Progress is being made on maintenance at Dinosaur Park. Plantings have been added. Weeds have been cut, and new displays have been added. The month of July has been very wet in the later half which it hoped will expose many good fossils.

Valerie Horn is planning to visit historic Cycad localities in search of potential new finds. We wish her luck.

The new Dinosaur Hall is set to open in June 2019. Stay tuned.

Apparently the Maryland Geological Survey has not allowed walk in map and publication purchases for some time now. They say most of their materials are online now. Should you wish hard copies you can order them and they will be mailed or call 410-554-5505 and make an appointment to come to the building at 23rd and St. Paul, Baltimore Maryland.

Last updated: July 1, 2018

The grass which was treated is dead but not yet removed.

Dinosaur Camps dates the weeks beginning 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/20, 8/27.

Last updated: June 1, 2018

May has been a very soggy and wet time at Dinosaur Park. As a result, some school programs have had to be rescheduled. However, there was enough time to begin the process of removing some grass to expose new areas for fossil hunting.

Dinosaur Camp dates weeks beginning 6/18, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/20, 8/27 going drop-off camp weeks beginning 6/25 and 7/2.

Calvert Marine Museum's Maryland Dinosaur opened May 6. Includes both early and late cretaceous specimens but not Triassic or Jurassic.

The fossil site at Oxon Hill High School was recently plowed and hydroseeded. Damage seems pretty bad. It remains to be seen how the rains have changed the condition.

National Parks East will be working for the coming year on a fossil survey of their park and parkways. If you know of any fossil exposures in these parks you can contact them or the Dinosaur Fund.

Last updated: April 1, 2018

Students have been sweeping test squares to search fossil distribution patterns. No clear patterns yet.

Dinosaur Camp dates are weeks beginning 6/18, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/20, 8/27. Joint Camp Drop-off Camp weeks of 6/25 and 7/2.

Opening date for exhibit of Maryland dinosaurs postponed to April 6, 2018.

Dr. Kranz will aid National Park Service in their survey of fossils in the National Capital Region.

Last updated: March 1, 2018

Many new casts have been added to Dinosaur Park displays.

Maryland Dinosaur Exhibit at the Calvert Marine Museum will begin a week earlier on March 23. Dr. Kranz is expected to speak at the opening.

Last updated: February 1, 2018

The January 6th open house was canceled due to extreme cold, wind and snow.

Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks 3/26, 4/2, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/23, 8/6, 8/20, 8/27.

The Calvet Marine Museum in Solomons, Maryland has planned an exhibit on Maryland Dinosaurs beginning March 29, 2018 and lasting through 2019.

Dr. Kranz will teach a one day field course on the Cretaceous Geology and Dinosaurs of Maryland for the Northern Virginia Community College on Sunday April 15, 2018. One must sign up through NVCC.

Arlington's Annual Camp Fair will be held Friday February 9th from 6-8pm at a new location Kenmore Middle School 200 S. Carlin Springs Rd Arlington, VA 22204.

Last updated: July 1, 2017

One hundred seventy visitors came to the May 20th Open House at Dinosaur Park. More than a dozen finds were made, many of them teeth.

Dinosaur Camp will be held weeks beginning 6/19, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/28. Joint Program with St. Stephens and St. Agnes weeks of 6/26 and 7/3.

Fossil Festival is the rededication of Dinosaur Park. It will be held the 10th and 11th of June from noon to 4pm both days. (NB The 11th is a very rare Sunday opening). Normal open house activities plus clay sculpture and other activities will be added. We celebrate our new playground and new bathroom facilities. Free. No reservation required.

Last updated: May 1, 2017

Water fountain is finally on. Cut out of the largest dinosaur bone found east of the Mississippi River has been placed on the fence at Dinosaur Park.

Dinosaur Camp weeks beginning 6/19, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/28. Joint camp with St. Stephens and St. Agnes week of 6/26 and 7/3.

Dr. Kranz will give a lecture called "Maryland Dinosaurs" on May 2 at 7pm at the Laurel Library. Lecture is free.

Last updated: April 1, 2017

A recent paper says that there are two different types of "ostrich dinosaurs” represented by fossils from Dinosaur Park. The fossils used for this conclusion were found by both staff and visitors. The paper is linked to the Dinosaur Park website.

The joint camp with St. Stephens + St. Agnes are the last week of June and first week of July. The currently most promising dates for Family Camp are the weeks of June 19 and August 14.

Dr. Kranz will give an Earth Day speech on Maryland dinosaurs at Riderwood Residences at 10am April 18 at 1pm.

Dr. Kranz will give a public lecture on Maryland dinosaurs at 7pm on May 2 at the Laurel Public Library.

Capitol Hill Day school recently visited the Dinosaur Park and has taken some fossil washings to sort at school. We hope they make some great finds.

Ben Miller, Program manager at Dinosaur Park, will speak to the Paleontological Society of Washington’s regular meeting at 7pm April 19 on Dinosaur Art. Free. Public welcome.

Last updated: March 4, 2017

Permanent signs will be installed at the park this month. On the first open house in February there were nearly 150 visitors--very rare for a winter open house. The pace of sign-ups for tour programs is way ahead of last year. This may mean a busy season.

Spring Break dates still April 10 and 17. St. Stephens and St. Agnes dates have many early sign-ups for the last week of June and first week of July. Other summer dates are moving slowly.

Dr. Kranz will speak on "Maryland Dinosaurs" Friday March 3, 2017 at the Cromwell Valley Park. No admission charged. Address: 2175 Cromwell Bridge Road Markville, Maryland. Start time: 7:30pm.

Last updated: February 1, 2017

Despite the weather not being ideal, around a hundred visitors came to the Dinosaur Park for the Open House on January 21, 2017. Unfortunately, no great discoveries were made. However, Spring is always a good time for new finds.

Spring Break camps are the weeks beginning April 10 and 17. Drop-off camp weeks of June 26th and July 3rd. Remaining dates 7/17, 7/31, 8/14 and 8/28.

Arlington Camp Fair 6-8pm February 20, 2017. Dr. Kranz will be there to greet the public. Location 3501 South 2nd Street Arlington, VA. (Thomas Jefferson Community Center). Inclement weather date 2/17. Admission free.

Last updated: January 1, 2017

Bad weather limited attendance at open houses in December 2016, in particular December 17th, when ice coated the park.

Dinosaur Camp weeks for Spring Break are the weeks beginning 4/10, 4/17. Summer dates weeks beginning 6/19, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/28. The joint camp with St. Stephens and St. Agnes School will be the weeks beginning 6/26 and 7/13. Joint camp is drop off camp from 9am to 3 pm for upper elementary aged children. All other camps are family camp and adults must accompany the child.

Last updated: December 1, 2016

Most of the Stage 1 park improvements are in. Visitors have begun to enjoy the new bathrooms, seating area and playground.

Some of the dates for Dinosaur Camp may be supplanted by Fossil Camp dates (St. Stephens and St. Agnes). Fossil Camp is a drop off camp restricted to upper elementary age children. Current Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks beginning 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28.

Laurel Library is now open. The dinosaur-themed children's room is very airy and inviting

If you have not seen it yet, there is a well done video presentation about Dinosaur Park on MNCPPC website.

Lots of excavation is happening along the margins of MD210 in Oxon Hill and Fort Washington and Accokecek. Fossils are being exposed briefly.

If you have not seen it yet, the Smithsonian website has a feature about local dinosaurs called "Dinosaurs in Our Backyard."

Last updated: November 5, 2016

Phase 1 of Dinosaur Park improvements are mostly complete. There are working bathrooms, a playground, program seating and running water. There is also handicap accessible parking and Dinosaur Garden plantings. Some time in the Spring, 2017 there will be a grand opening.

Dinosaur Camp dates 2017 are the weeks beginning 4/10, 4/17, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/28.

The Laurel Library and its dinosaur themed children's section will open November 28, 2016 with special grand opening events in December 2017.

Ben Miller has organized a news clipping file of a Dinosaur Park related chronology. The file is at the main archeology headquarters of the MNCPPC. The file is available for research. A list of the contents will be posted on the Dinosaur Fund website

Last updated: October 3, 2016

Sewer lines are connected. Paving and functional water and bathrooms likely by end of October. Playground should be installed as well. Grand opening not likely until Spring 2017.

Current dates for Dinosaur Camp 2017 weeks beginning 4/10, 4/17, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/17. 7/31, 8/14, 8/28.

Valeri Horn investigated the Virginia construction fossil sites but found nothing promising as of yet.

Laurel Library has been turned over to the library system. Should open in November or December.

Dinosaur Park staff will do double duty on the October 15. Park will be open for normal open house. While some staff members will be at Natural History representing the park at the National Fossil Day Program.

Last updated: September 1, 2016

The bathrooms are complete but not yet functional. Perhaps by the end of September work may be complete. University of Maryland college scholars came on August 26 for the annual park cleanup.

Road work at I-66 and RT15 in Haymarket, Virginia and along Loudon County Parkway near Sterling, Virginia have generated huge piles of layered Triassic/Jurassic red shales, slates and mudstones. These rocks can potentially contain fossil footprints.

Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks beginning 4/10, 4/17, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/28.

The new Laurel Public Library is expected to open in late Fall 2016. It will have a dinosaur-themed Children's Room.

In the Summer issue of the University of Chicago Magazine "Notes" an item appeared about Dr. Kranz's being honored by having two fossils named after him: Juditherys kranzi, a turtle, and Ceratodus kranzi, a lungfish.

National Fossil Day 2016 is Wednesday, October 12, 2016.

Dr. Kranz will repeat his dinosaur class at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus on Saturday April 23, 2017.

Last updated: August 1, 2016

Drenching rains in the Spring, extreme heat in the Summer, and general construction issues have plagued the park improvement schedule. The bathroom building is complete but all else is still to be done. We are now told completion maybe end of September.

Remaining Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks beginning 8/15, 8/22, and 8/29.

A sidewalk was installed on the west side of the Dinosaur Park, outside the park. Jackson Haw has renewed its original offer to have a timeline established along the sidewalk showing the evolution of life on Earth. Designs are currently being considered.

There is a need for greater plant diversity in the Dinosaur Park plantings. Anyone wishing to donate non-flowering plants, shrubs, or trees should contact the Dinosaur Fund at dinosaur or call 202-547-3326. A list of suggested plants appears on the Dinosaur Fund website

Last updated: July 1, 2016

The May rains slowed progress. Although improvements were scheduled to be done by the end of July. Nonetheless, the bathrooms are almost complete and some plantings have taken place. Over the past severals months visitors have found several pieces of a large bone in one area. Student volunteers have been enlisted to see if the rest can be recovered.

The week of July 25 is no longer available for registration. The camp weeks still available are weeks beginning on 7/4, 7/11, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22 and 8/29.

Last updated: June 1, 2016

A month of rain has set back the construction schedule, but work continues.

Summer camp dates weeks beginning 6/20, 6/27, 7/4, 7/25, 8/7, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29

Ben Miller has produced a FindingAid for newspaper articles relating to the development of Dinosaur Park. Actual copies of the article are being kept at the Archaeology Division offices. The FindingAid when complete will be posted on the

A new where to find dinosaur sites book has been published. It is called "Dinosaur Destinations". Dinosaur Park has been included in the book.

Last updated: May 1, 2016

Construction is well underway and should be completed by July. Open houses and tours continue throughout construction.

Summer weeks of camp 6/20, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29.

NOVA Field class had 8 students and perfect weather.

Tom Lipka reports that he had a recent publication in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The publication describes a new species of lungfish, Ceratodus kranzi, found at DinosaurPark fossil site. The species name kindly honors Dr. Kranz for his work on Maryland Mesozoic fossils.

Last updated: April 1, 2016

This is no April Fool. Construction work has actually begun at Dinosaur Park. The slab has been poured for the new bathrooms. The work has disrupted the usual locations for the next several week’s programs, which will continue, but visitors will enter through the upper gate and will not be able to use the Pavilion.

The upper elementary camps (drop off), run with St Stephens and St Agnes, will run the last week of June and first week of July. The suggested weeks for family camp are those beginning 6/20, 7/11,7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, and 8/29. The week of 8/15 already has enough to run.

From April 1 through 30—The Dinosaur Fund will have a fossil exhibit at the Martha Washington Branch of the Fairfax Public Library in Alexandria, Virginia.

Last updated: March 1, 2016

The much anticipated park improvements maybe beginning. We are told the work will begin early March.

Ben Miller has brought the model of the large claw by Max to Tom Holtz who is studying it to determine what type of dinosaur it may be from.

Because Easter comes in March all Spring Break Camps will be in March. The weeks of March 21 and 28. The drop off camps for upper elementary schools are the weeks of June 27 and July 4.

An excellent juvenile book which helps readers to understand how paleontologists figure stuff out about dinosaurs is "Scaly, Spotted, Feathered, Frilled" by Catherine Thimmesh. It's not your usual ABC dinosaur book.

Last updated: February 5, 2016

Despite the Blizzard of 2016, the warm temperatures and a three week break, Dinosaur Park will be open on February 6. Also, once again we have proof for why all the fossils are kept by the Park. A claw was successfully reunited when the two parts were found at successive open houses.

Dinosaur Camp Spring Break dates the week of March 21 and March 28. Summer dates weeks of 6/20, 6/27, 7/4, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29.

Registration for Sunday April 17, 2016 NVCC class is possible from now through the date of the class. To register go to NVCC.EDU and search GOL135 #13450.

St. Stephens and St. Agnes drop off camps are the weeks of 6/27 and 7/4. These camps are for upper elementary students. To register go to and search Fossil Camp. Dr. Kranz is a camp teacher.

February 3, 2016 there will be a lecture on the history of Muirkirk Iron Works, the current site of Dinosaur Park. Location: South Bowie Library 15301 Hall Road Bowie, Maryland 20721. Time: 4PM Free admission.

Arlington County Summer Camp Fair 2016 will be held at TJ Community Center 3501 S. 2nd Street Arlington, VA 22204 6-8pm on Friday February 12 (bad weather date 2/19/16). Meet Dr. Kranz at the event to learn more about Dinosaur Camp.

Last updated: January 5, 2016

No progress yet on Park improvements. In 2016 Dinosaur Park will have a new Park Manager. Don Creveling is retiring and will be replaced by longtime assistant Kristin Montaparto.

Dinosaur Camp 2016 dates are weeks beginning 3/21, 3/28, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 7/29. Several weeks my be converted to accommodate St. Stephens and St. Agnes Camps which are expected to run for two - 1 week sessions this summer. St. Stephens and St. Agnes is a drop off camp for upper elementary childred. Dates are not yet set. In addition, there is the one-day college class with Northern Virginia Community College on Sunday April 17, 2016.

No special events are planned for Capitalsaurus Day, 2016, however, we are hoping a special event may occur by then. We are awaiting Dr. Thomas Holtz’s identification of the large theropod claw found by Max Bovis in 2015. Perhaps he may be able to say what type of theropod it might belong to.

Last updated: December 5, 2015

As yet, no start has been made on the Park developments. There are, however, banners of the new park signs which are hung on the fence for visitors to read.

Suggested dates for Dinosaur Camp 2016 are the weeks of 3/21, 3/28, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29.

Dr. Kranz will lead a fossil hunting trip in Maryland Cretaceous on Sunday 17 April 2016. It is a class at Northern Virginia Community College if you want credit. Contact them at for registration details. Class is GOL135 #49748

Last updated: November 5, 2015

Thanks all for your support. It materially contributed to MNCPPC reversing its decision. Dr. Kranz will have new contract for 2016.

Last updated: November 1, 2015

As of this writing, MNC PPC is declining to renew Dr. Peter M. Kranz’s annual contract as the paleontologist at Dinosaur Park. If the situation does not change Dr. Kranz will no longer be present at Dinosaur Park after December 1st, 2015. We believe this will seriously diminish the professionalism and appeal of Dinosaur Park. After all, when people come to the park they want to meet the paleontologist. As there are no plans to have another paleontologist on staff, that will no longer be possible.

Dinosaur Camp dates for 2016 are the weeks beginning 3/21, 3/28, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29. To sign up contact Dinosaur Fund at or call (202) 547-3326.

Last updated: October 1, 2015

Latest information says that renovations at Dinosaur Park may begin mid-October , 2015. Let’s hope.

Suggested weeks for Dinosaur Camp 2016 6/20, 6/27, 7/1, 7/25, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, 8/29

Dinosaur Park will have a table at the Smithsonian Natural History on October 10.

Dr. Kranz’s lecture has been rescheduled to a start time at 1:15PM

PSW will meet on October 2 at 7PM for the first time in the Q?rius Auditorium.

Hans Sues will so a webcast on Q?rius October 8 at 11AM & 2PM

Last updated: September 4, 2015

Jackson Shaw has begun building new warehouses to the west of Dinosaur Park. This is the precursor to the fossil time wall they have planned for the walkway outside the Park. College Park Scholars did Park cleanup on August, 28.

Dinosaur Camp has ended for 2015, however, it will return in 2016. Some the planned dates are the weeks of 3/21, 3/28, 6/20, 6/27.

It seems that National Fossil Day 2015 is going to be held on a Saturday this year. Smithsonian has scheduled activities on October 10 from 10AM -4PM on the first floor at Natural History.

The Natural History Society of Maryland will hold a fossil event open to the public from 1-4 PM on October 11 at their HQ: 6908 Belair Road, Baltimore, MD 21206. Dr. Peter Kranz will give a lecture on dinosaurs beginning at 2:30PM.

Last updated: August 4, 2015

A Contractor has been chosen for the Dinosaur Park improvements. The Contractor expects to complete the work before the end of the calendar year.

A Visitor found the distal end of a theropod tibia in July.

Dinosaur Camp available any week in August including August 31. Contact or 202-547-3326.

Last updated: July 23, 2015

Some progress is happening in the improvements at Dinosaur Park. Workers have moved some of the large trees and horsetails out of the gardens to begin the reorganization of the entrance to Dinosaur Park. The easy access to updated information about the Park and other interesting facts is to go to and search Dinosaur Park and click " Dino Blog."

Remaining camp dates are the weeks of July 6th and 13th and any week in August. Remember July 6 and August 3rd are join programs with St. Stephens and St. Agnes.

Dr. Kranz led a recent field trip to search for dinosaur tracks in Gettysburg, PA and Emmitsburg, MD. Some results were heartening, others distressing. Tracks from the Trostle Quarry near York Springs, PA are found on the Gettysburg Battlefield on a small bridge over Plum Run. Others are in the possession of the Adams County Historical Society but are currently in storage. The quarry itself are semi accessible. Dr. Kranz was able to recover a single track from the vicinity. On the distressing end the slabs recovered from the Flat Run Quarry in Emmitsburg which were rescued by Mill Meredith were moved when The Archives building at Mt St Mary's University was closed in 2009. In the move information was lost. The slabs became separated. Currently the whereabouts of the large slab is unknown. The small one was rescued from an outdoor garden when Dr. Kranz's request to see them was received.

No word yet, but the bid process for park development has closed. Continuing work on the site where scrappy bone is being found has yet to yield anything significant.

Summer Dinosaur Camp dates are the weeks of 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24 and 8/31. Weeks of 7/16 and 8/3 are joint weeks with St. Stephens and St. Agnes School. For details call 202-547-3326

Excavation on the west side of Indian Head Highway (Rt. 210) in Fort Washington is likely to yield fossil material. The area so far extends from Swann Creek Road south to Piscataway Creek.

Jurassic World (movie) opens June 12, 2015.

Although some work was done to clear the area where possible, rib bones seemed to be arranged in an orderly manner, nothing more than more fragments have turned up to date. There has been an important development regarding the future possibility of donations of money to Dinosaur Park. The Parks and Recreation Foundation has gotten its 501c3 status. This means that it will now be possible to establish methods of accepting money earmarked for Dinosaur Park. The methods are still to be worked out.

Ben Miller has "Dinosaur Park Post" up and running. This is a site where current information about Dinosaur Park and related events can be seen and posted. The address is:

Summer Dinosaur Camp Dates are weeks of 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31. Weeks 7/6 and 8/3 are joint weeks with St. Stephens and St. Agnes. For details contact 202-547–3326.

The following relatively new books are recommended by Dr. Kranz.

Dinosaurs Grand Tour Keiron Pim 2013
How to be a Dinosaur Hunter Scot Forbes 2013
Dinosaurs in your Backyard Hugh Brewster 2009

The worst winter ever since the Park opened appears to be over.

With luck, there will be lots of great discoveries this Spring. There appears to be some progress toward putting out bids on the Park improvements. Let's hope that it is completed this year.

Spring Break Camps for the weeks of April 6 and 13 still have openings.

There seems to be a possibility that the county will allow an honorary street sign for MidAtlantic Blvd which highlights the dinosaur character of the street. Several names have been suggested like "Astrodon Avenue", "Mid Cretaceous Blvd" or "Dinosaur Dead End."

On Sunday March 22 a young fossil hunter found a large specimen of a Cretaceous nautiloid. The American Museum of Natural History has expressed an interest in acquiring the specimen.

With the economy improving and winter ending, there should be more construction.This should lead to more fossil exposures. Keep your eyes open.

Last updated: March 2, 2015

Snow closed Dinosaur Park February 21, 2015 A very rare occurrence.

Spring Break Camps are the weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13

Last updated: February, 2015

The weather has not been kind to us this Winter. Most open houses, have been chilly and wet. Let's hope Spring brings the sun.

Spring Break is fast approachingj. Scheduled dates for Dinosaur dates for Dinosaur Camp are the weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13. For summer dates see

Arlington SummerCamp Fair will be 6-8PM Friday February 20 at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 Second St. South, Arlington, VA 22201. Come and meet Dr. Peter Kranz and see some real dinosaur fossils.

St. Stephen and St. Agnes School will hold two sessions of fossil camp with Dr. Kranz the weeks of July 6 and August 3. Campers must be between the ages of 9 and 12. Parents are not required. For details contact or 703-212-2942.

Last updated: January 2, 2015

Dave Hacker discovered a classic Astrodon tooth in December.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp dates have been expanded. Offer dates now are the weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/16, 4/13. for Summer Camp dates see

Capitalsaurus Day 2015 is as normal, January 28. As yet no events are planned.

Jurassic Park 4 is scheduled to open June 12, 2015.

Dr. Kranz and Grace Johnson are pinups for the October 2015 Calendar of the March Funeral Homes. If you would like one you may contact