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Last updated: December 15, 2009

Dinosaur Park is open to the public the first and third Saturday's of the month. It was open on November 7 and 21. There were 31 and 41 officially logged visitors respectively on the two Saturdays. On the 21st Gabrille Block, a nine year old girl from Annandale, Virginia found a dinosaur (?) tail bone. The news went viral on the web.

Spring Break Camp dates are still open for the weeks of 3/22, 3/29, 4/5.

The Livingston Road fossil location is still open.

CBS Evening News will be taping on Saturday, December 5th at Dinosaur Park. The Block family is expected to attend. The Park will be open its normal hours from noon to 4PM.

Last updated: November 10, 2009

Dinosaur Park was dedicated with a about a hundred people in attendance on October 26, 2009. Search Dinosaur Park Laurel, Maryland for articles and videos.

Dates for Dinosaur Camp 2010 are the weeks of 3/22, 3/29, 4/5 for Spring Break and 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/19, 8/2, 8/16, 8/30 for Summer. These dates are suggested, other weeks are possible or weeks with insufficient sign-ups will be dropped.

Dinosaur Park will begin programs at the park 13200 Mid Atlantic Blvd. Laurel, Maryland starting November 7, 2009. Open houses first and thrid Saturdays of the month 12-4pm. School and group programs by appointment. Schedule may be expanded if demand increases. Call 301- 627-7755 for details.

There is a likelihood that there may be a Maryland fossil exhibit in the Dinosaur Hall at National History in early 2010 which will include dinosaur fossils.

Last updated: October 6, 2009

Some, perhaps many, thought this day would never come, however, it has arrived. MNCPPC has announced that Dinosaur Park (hereafter known as Dinosaur Park) will be dedicated Monday, October 26, 2009 at 3PM.. The dedication is open to the public. The location of Dinosaur Park is Mid Atlantic Blvd. in Laurel, Maryland. Mid Atlantic Blvd. is a short street 1/2 mile east of US Rte 1 off Contee Road. Although the dedication is a formal recognition, programs will be infrequent at first and by arrangement.

Dr. Thomas Holtz will give the monthly talk at PSW on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 7PM at Smithsonian Natural History building. Meet before 7PM at Constitution Avenue entrance. His subject: Carnivorous dinosaurs.

Dr. Peter Kranz will give a talk on dinosaurs of DC at the October meeting of the DC Science Teachers Association.

Last updated: September 15, 2009

"Walking with Dinosaurs", will be at the Verizon Center September 16-20, 2009.

Discovery Channel expects to air "Prehistoric Washington, DC" in early 2010.

Students from Key ES (DCPS) attended Dinosaur Camp the week of August 17, 2009. DCPS ran a dinosaur dig at Ferebee-Hope ES in August 2009. DCPS is planning further programs this coming school year.

Last updated: August 17, 2009

Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission will be working out the final details this month on how they with the Smithsonian will work together to curate the fossils found at the Dinosaur Park.

Dinosaur Camp has at least two more sessions this summer the weeks of August 17th and 24th.

The article on dinosaur tracks in Frederick County, Maryland which was to appear in Frederick Magazine this month did not. Perhaps it will be in the September issue.

Check the Dinosaur Fund web site in a few days as there may be an update sent out. DC Public Schools is supposed to be planning six programs in August with Dr. Kranz which may be open to public participation.

James Reger, long time supporter of the Dinosaur Fund is retiring from the Maryland Geological Survey. Best of luck, Jim.

Walking with Dinosaurs Dnimatronic Dinosaurs will return to the Verizon Center September 16-20, 2009.

Last updated: July 8, 2009

A sign about the plant life will be added to the interpretive signs at the Dinosaur Park. The formal park opening is tentatively set for Fall 2009.

The Indian Head Hwy site has once again been overspread with straw mulch. The Gallahan Road site is somewhat more exposed due to new construction.

There are several July and August camp spaces still available. The week of July 13 will be added if we get sufficient sign ups.

The Frederick Magazine will be interviewing Dr. Kranz for an article on Maryland dinosaurs.

A new series began on Discovery Channel called "Prehistoric...". The first was "Prehistoric New York" which premiered June 28, 2009.

Other will follow including, "Prehistoric Washington, DC" for which many local paleontologists have been interviewed.

Last updated: June 9, 2009

June beings the Summer season. There are many dates available in June, July and August. Check web site for some suggested weeks for DInosaur Camp.

Father Charles Hall Catholic School has completed a successful week of dinosaur studies in May with Dr. Kranz. Congressional School will do a dinosaur dig with Dr. Kranz in June and again over the summer.

Maryland Science Center is hosting a special exhibit of Dinosaurs from China. See their web site

Fountain Rock Nature Center sponsored a dinosaur dig in early May. Nothing special was found but future digs will be held this Summer.

Last updated: May 4, 2009

We already have a number of registrations for Summer Dinosaur Camps even some from distant states. Space is, however, still available for most camps.

Dinosaur Park site clearing is likely this month. An agreement with the Smithsonian may be concluded this month or next.

Several elementary schools are planning field trips with Dr. Kranz this month and next.

Ward 8 DC Summer Camp Expo will be held Saturday, May 2, 2009 from 10AM -2PM at M.C. Terrell ES, 3301 Wheeler Road SE, Washington, DC 20032. Dr. Kranz will attend.

Last updated: April 7, 2009


Maryland's Lower Cretaceous Vertebrate Tracks and Trackways by Ray Stanford
Maryland Track Project

When: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Where: the Cooper Room, National Museum of Natural History 10th St. & Constitution Ave.

Meet in the Constitution Avenue lobby at---5:00 p.m.---if you wish to join us for dinner, at the "Elephant and Castle," NW corner of 12th & Penna. Ave., NW. Non-Smithsonian visitors will be escorted to the Cooper Room at 6:30 and 6:55 p.m.

Remaining Date for 2008-2009 Season: May 20

The last Spring Break Dinosaur Camp will be the weekend of April 6th.

Dr. Kranz will present his program at 4PM on April 19th at the Chesapeake Children's Museum.

Last updated: March 26, 2009

Final drafts pf sogm texts have been completed. There will be four signs - Mining, Astrodon, Maryland Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Alley. The dedication ceremonies are likely this year, possibly this summer.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp has four scheduled sessions the weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13. Space is still available in all weeks.

Dr. Kranz will present a dinosaur program at 4PM at the Chesapeake Children's Museum on April 19th. Call 410-990-1993 for details.

The British School of Washington will take several field trips with Dr. Kranz in March as part of a class study of dinosaurs.

Last updated: February 9, 2009

Three additional suggested weeks have been added to Dinosaur Camp 2009. The weeks of 3/30, 4/13, 8/31.

The 150 Anniversary Celebration of the Discovery of Astrodon was a great success. Hundreds attended and enjoyed the festivities.

The annual Arlington Camp Fair will be held February 20, 2009 from 6-8 PM at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd Street South. Come meet Dr. Kranz and touch a real dinosaur fossil.

Chesapeake Children's Museum will have a dedication ceremony for two permanent dinosaur sculptures on the grounds in Annapolis on April 19, 2009. Dr. Kranz will give a presentation program. For more information contact or (410) 990-1993.

This is the two hundredth year since Darwin's birth and the 150th year since the publication of the ORIGIN OF SPECIES. There are lots of events including a birthday party at the Maryland Science Center on February 14, 2009 and a lecture at the Library of Congress on February 18, 2009.

Last updated: January 21, 2009

The fence around the park site is complete and the signs are in process.

Two additional dates have been added for Spring Break Camp. With the added dates, the list of weeks is the weeks of 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, and 4/13.

Active construction work is ongoing at the Livingston Road Site despite it being winter.

150th Anniversary Program for the discovery of the Astrodon is from 10AM-2PM at Montpelier Mansion (MD 197 & Muirkirk Rd) on January 10, 2009. Admission is free and open to the public.

Capitalsaurus Day 2009 will be January 28, 2009 (as usual). However, we will combine the activities with the January 10, 2009 150th Anniversary for Astrodon. The is the 111th year since the discovery of Capitalsaurus.

Recently discovered (by me)! One can find online "On Your MARC" December 2007 and Snail's Tales December 2007. Both have stories about the Dinosaur Park and discoveries at Muirkirk. There is also a really cool photo of a dinosaur devouring the train station.

Last updated: December 1, 2008

There has been an uptick in activities related to the park. Jackson Shaw is scheduled to put in the ornamental iron fence during December. Landscaping crews have been maintaining the plantings. Signage is being prepared for the site.

Although it was anticipated that the 150th Anniversary celebration for Astrodon's discovery, which in fact was in November, 1858, would take place in November, 2008, it will take place but instead on January 10, 2009. The celebration will be open to the public. There will be talks by scientists and activities for young children. The venue is near the future site of the Dinosaur Park at Montpelier Mansion at the junction of MD 197 and Muirkirk Road. There will be an exhibit related to the park and dinosaurs which will remain during the rest of January, 2009.

Last updated: November 11, 2008

Dinosaur Camp dates for 2009 are now posted at:

Despite the hope that the park might be dedicated by now, it has not been. However, plans are moving ahead.

An anniversary party open to the public will be held by MNCPPC in late November or early December. Marking the 150th anniversary of the discovery of Astrodon, Maryland's State Dinosaur.

Last updated: October 27, 2008

The fossil sites at Exit 13 on I-495 in Maryland, Indian Head Hwy and the Gallahan Road all still have some exposure.

People who might wish to have access to the Alexandria geologic map may contact Rod Simmons 703-930-8972.

Dr. Kranz has been doing a modified Dinosaur camp with a group of home schoolers.

Dave Hacker has found what appears to be a Grallator Parallelum track in Broad Run Creek in Broad Run, Virginia.

Dr. Kranz and Dr. Tom Holtz and others will be working on the Discovery Channel's "Before It was America" during October, 2008.

Suggested dates for Dinosaur Camp 2009 are the weeks beginning 3/23; 3/30; 4/6; 4/13; 6/15; 6/22; 6/29; 7/6; 7/27; 8/3; 8/17; 8/24; 8/31.

Last updated: September 4, 2008

Dr. Kranz had a productive discussion with representatives of MNCPPC about the development of the Dinosaur Park. It was agreed in principle that there would be an attempt to recognize the 150th anniversary of the discovery of Astrodon this November in conjunction with a possible park dedication. It was also agreed that some sort of cooperation between MNCPPC and the Smithsonian would be mutually beneficial.

The Livingston Road fossil site has been graded and seeded but may still be productive after winter rains.

A new attempt is being made to find acceptable wording to allow the call box project to move forward.

The theropod limb bone collected two years ago which has been visible in the Dinosaur Hall work station is now completely clean and the better side may be exposed for viewing in the coming months.

The exhibits at the I95 welcome stations North and South have been taken down but another exhibit may soon be installed at Rte 15 Welcome Station in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Dr. Kranz's description of the life of a paleontologist is now posted on the website - The Way this is listed is: "What I know about-Paleontology.

Last updated: August 13, 2008

Dr. Kranz has been in touch with folks at Maryland National Capital Park & Planning Commission (MNCPPC), in an attempt to encourage enough progress on the Dinosaur Park so that some significant announcement ceremony can occur in November, 2008. This is the 150th Anniversary of the discovery of the Astrodon johnstoni, the State Dinosaur of Maryland. The discovery occurred in November, 1858 at or near the current park site.

Dinosaur Camp has two remaining summer sessions the week of August 4th and August 18th.

Construction at the old Cherry Hill Farm Site on Gallahan Road in Clinton, Maryland has exposed early and late cretacious sediments. The old and continuing site at Exit 13 on the Maryland side of the Washington Beltway has yielded a mosasaur vertebra.

Last updated: August 13, 2008

Dinosaur Camp has at least two summer sessions left, the weeks of 8/4 and 8/18. Call 202-547-3326 for details.

BARC (Beltsville Agricultural Research Center) has a new Director, Joe Spence. Dr. Kranz & he are discussing possibilities for promoting the dinosaur resources on BARC property.

The Dinosaur Dig program at the Long Branch Nature Center is open to the public. Contact them at 703-228-6535. The Nature Center is located at 625 S. Carlin Springs Road in Arlington. The program runs from 12:30PM -4PM on July 12. Space is limited.

Dr. Kranz will present a powerpoint lecture reviewing the state of dinosaur research in the Washington, DC region on July 20, 2008 at the Maryland Geological Society Meeting. The Meeting begins at 11AM. The public is welcome. Location: 3209 Stonybrook Drive, Bowie, MD 20715.

A dinosaur limb bone whose discovery in September of 2006 is pictured on the Dinosaur Fund website ( is now cleaned and on display at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in the glass enclosed work station of the Dinosaur Hall.

Tony Fleming has recently completed a geologic map of the City of Alexandria which may soon be publicly accessible.

Last updated: June 9, 2008

The plantings and outdoor classrooms are complete at the Dinosaur Park Prince George's Co., Maryland. Parking lots, fences and sidewalks will be going in soon.

Dino Camps still have spaces available. Camp Dates weeks of: 6/16; 6/23; 6/30; 7/7; 7/21; 8/4; 8/18; 8/25.

A public dinosaur dig program will be offered on July 12, 2008 from 12:30 - 4PM at the Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington. Call 703-228-6535 to register. Space is limited.

Last updated: May 7, 2008

Father Charles Hall Catholic School will get t-shirts with ASTRODON and go on a dinosaur hunt on May 16th.

The Welcome Station I-95 N&S will host Maryland Tourism Days on May 15th & 16th. Maryland Dinosaur exhibits will be at both locations beginning in early May. Dr. Kranz will appear on May 15th at the I-95 Welcome Station from 10-3PM. On May 16th a Dinosaur Fund representative will be at I-95S.

Last updated: April 7, 2008

Rick Fulton reports the discovery of a partial amphibian skull in the late Triassic near Emmitsburg.

There is one more week of Dinosaur Camp the first week of April. The next Camp will be June 16, 2008. Check for additional dates.

Watkins Elementary School students attend the Fossil and Mineral show with Dr. Kranz on Saturday, March 29, 2008.

Anne Kyle and Jennifer Jones of Maryland's Office of Tourism toured the Dinosaur Trail with Dr. Kranz and Dave Hacker on March 12. They had fun.

Father Charles Catholic School of Baltimore will be taking several trips with Dr. Kranz to learn about and look at dinosaurs.

Jennifer Jones of Maryland Department of Tourism has arranged for the Dinosaur Fund to place exhibits in the I-95 North and South Welcome Stations and in the Emmitsburg station later in the year.

Dave Hacker has found a dinosaur at his new fossil site northwest of Baltimore/Washington Parkway and Route 100 near Baltimore.

Last updated: March 24, 2008

Dr. Kranz will give a presentation for children at 3PM on Saturday March 8th at Kinder Haus Toys, 220 N. Fillmore St., Arlington, VA. The program is free but reservations are required. Call: 703-527-5929.

On March 12th Dr. Kranz will lead a tour for the Maryland Office of Tourism to the site along the Dinosaur Trail. The Office of Tourism is hoping to include the Dinosaur Trail in future publications.

Despite snow and ice Dr. Kranz's PSW talk was well attended.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camps are the weeks of March 17, 24 & 31. Space is still available - call 202-547-3326 for details.

Staff at the Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington, Virginia is planning a program with Dr. Kranz sometime in July for the purpose of helping Virginia get a State Dinosaur. Stay tuned for further details.

On March 6th, University Park Elementary School will host Dr. Kranz for a Dinosaur Day. On March 7th, Dr. Kranz will lead Mrs. Henerson's class on a geology field trip.

Last updated: February 20, 2008

When Spring arrives we have been told work will begin on the infrastructure of the Dinosaur Park.

One of Tom Holtz's Colleagues from the Univsersity of Maryland, Eugenia Leon, is measuring section and studying the Rocky Ridge site.

Spring Break Camp will be the weeks of 3/17, 3/24 and 3/31.

Call Box negotiations have been reopened. There seems to have been some misunderstandings among the approval committee.

The Livingston Road site remains open and productive.

On Wednesday,February 20th, Dr. Kranz will give a lecture titled "Dinosaurs of the National Capital Region: An Update" at the Paleontological Society of Washington at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Open to the public. High school aged students and adults, no childred allowed. Meet a 7pm at the Constitution Avenue entrance to be escorted to the lecture.

On Friday, February 22nd, Arlington Summer Camp Fair at the Thomas Jefferson Center, 3501 South 2nd St., Arlington, VA. Meet Dr. Kranz and sign up for Spring break and Summer Dinosaur Camps, 6pm-8pm, admission is free. Students looking for volunteer opportunities with Dinosaur Camp should come between 5pm and 6pm. For general Camp Fair information call Gladys Boudouane at (703)228-7660.

On Saturday, March 8th, a child-friendly, hands-on dinosaur program will be held at Kinder Haus Toys, 220 N. Filmore St., Arlington, VA. (Just south of Clarendon Blvd, and two short blocks east from the Clarendon Metro stop with parking just across the street.) Program begins at 3pm, admission is free and seating is limited, please call 703-527-5929 for reservations.

On January 12, 2008 an AP article ran in many major newspapers including USA Today and the Baltimore Sun. The subject of the article was Ray Stanford's work with dinosaur tracks.

Students from the Capitol Hill Montessori class of Ms. Henderson went on an all day fossil trip with Dr. Kranz on January 18, 2008. The class will follow this up with a geology trip in early February.

Dr. Dranz has recently donated some fossil speciments to the collection at the Smithsonian.

Several groups of Scouts will take fossil trips with Dr. Kranz in April, 2008.

Dr. Thomas Holtz's of the University of Maryland new book DINOSAURS is now on sale.

Last updated: January 25, 2008

On Wednesday, February 20th, Dr. Kranz will give a lecture titled "Dinosaurs of the National Capital Region: An Update" at the Paleontological Society of Washington at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Open to the public. High school aged students and adults, no children allowed. Meet at 7pm at the Constitution Avenue entrance to be escorted to the lecture.

On Friday, February 22nd, Arlington Summer Camp Fair at the Thomas Jefferson Center, 3501 2nd St S., Arlington, VA. Meet Dr. Kranz and sign up for Spring break and Summer Dinosaur Camps, 6pm-8pm, admission is free. Students looking for volunteer opportunities with Dinosaur Camp should come between 5pm and 6pm. For general Camp Fair information call Gladys Bourdouane at (703)228-7660.

On Saturday, March 8th, A child-friendly, hands-on dinosaur program will be held at Kinder Haus Toys 220 N. Fillmore St., Arlington, Va. (Just south of Clarendon Blvd, and two short blocks east from the Clarendon Metro stop with parking just across the street.) Program begins at 3pm, admission is free and seating is limited, please call 703-527-5929 for reservations.

Last updated: January 8, 2008

Reminder: The current proposed dates for Dinosaur Camp are:

Spring Break: weeks of 3/17/08; 3/24/08; 3/31/08

Summer: weeks of 6/16/08; 6/23/08; 6/30/08; 7/7/08; 7/21/08; 8/04/08; 8/18/08; 8/25/08.

Arlington Summer Camp Fair will be held at the Thomas Jefferson Center on February 29, from 6-8pm. For those people interested in volunteer Summer or Spring opportunities at Dinosaur Camp, please see Dr. Kranz between 5-8pm. Contact 703-228-7667.

Capitalsaurus Day 2008 will be January 28, 2008.

Some of the staff at Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington will help start a plan to finally get Virginia a State Dinosaur. Stay tuned.

Last updated: November 6, 2007

Dino Days 2007 was held at the Maryland Science Center on November 17 and 18. Among the featured events were puppet shows, fossil making etc. The Dinosaur Fund provided the visitors an opportunity to participate in a real dinosaur dig. Dinosaur Fund also loaned a large turtle fossil which was professionally prepared while the public watched.

On November 19 the entire third grade at St. John's Catholic School inFrederick, Maryland helped Dr. Kranz with a dinosaur dig project. Other grades will continue the dig program in December.

After a long delay the Call Box has suffered a setback. We are told that we will receive a letter explaining why they are not planning to go ahead with the project.

Dave Hacker donated 45 fossil specimens from the Arundel to the Smithsonian in November. The donation included teeth, bones and even a rare mammal jaw.

The suggested dates for Dinosaur Camp are out for 2008. 2007 had the most dinosaur camps ever. Perhaps 2008 will provide even more. Dinosaur Camp is family camp; adults attend with their children. The following list of dates are only suggestions. If too few registrations are received a camp will not run. On the other hand, if people wish dates other than the suggested dates, they may send a fully refundable registration fee stating the desired date.

For information call Dinosaur Fund 202-547-3326 Spring Break Camp Dates: week of 3/17, 3/24, 3/31. Summer Camp Dates: week of 6/16, 6/23, 6/30. 7/7, 7/21, 8/4, 8/21, and 8/28.

Last updated: November 6, 2007

Excavation for curbstones at Dinosaur Park Prince George's County, Maryland removed and stockpiled a small amount of fossil bearing clay during October.

St. John's School in Frederick, Maryland is still scheduled to have its dinosaur dig this November. There is a very good chance for significant finds.

Maryland's Department of Tourism is working with the Dinosaur Fund in a continuing effort to develop the Dinosaur Trail. By 2008 it is likely that there may be some formal publication.

Dave Hacker has found bone near the intersection of Parkway Drive and Park Circle Drive in Hanover, Maryland. The Livingston Road site is still open.

Maryland Science Center will have its Dinosaur Days 2007 the weekend of November 17/18. The Dinosaur Fund will sponsor an outdoor dinosaur dig on one or both days, weather permitting. Contact the Maryland Science Center 1-410-545-5980 for details.

Dr. Kranz attended the new IMAX movie "Sea Monsters" with students of Hanover's Chesapeak Academy. As usual, the animation was superb and the script appalling.

Last updated: October 17, 2007

There are some spaces still left for the Sunday October 7 Dinosaur Hunting along the Dinosaur Trail Trip. Trip leaves at 10AM. Contact The Dinosaur Fund at 202-547-3326 to register. Kinder Haus Toys is Sponsoring a free children's presentation by Dr. Kranz at 2:00PM on Saturday, October 13. Check for details on registration.

A meeting was held in September between the developers of the surrounding Property and MNCPPC to begin construction of the next steps in the development of the Dinosaur Park. This is progress.

The Livingston Rd. +210 site has yielded a very limited amount of shell and bone material today. It is still open, however.

St John's Catholic School of Frederick, Maryland has begun preparing their materials for a dinosaur dig in October. The Columbia Association of Columbia will join Dr. Kranz for a dinosaur dig on October 19th. A school will visit the Smithsonian with Dr. Kranz on October 25th.

Last updated: September 6, 2007

The limits of the fossil beds have been determined by exploratory excavations. This will help determine the placement of infrastructure for the Park.

The Dinosaur Fund has sent a preliminary list of possible sites for the dinosaur trail to the Maryland Department of Tourism and the Department of Natural Resources.

The previously promised Washington Post article on the Dinosaur Trail Road Trip will now appear in the Sunday Source, September 9, 2007.

Walking With Dinosaurs- The Live Experience comes to the Venison Center September 19-22. Tickets are expensive: $30.50 - $82.50.

Finally! The housing site at Indian Head Highway and Livingstone Road in Oxon Hill has exposed fossil bearing Upper and Lower Cretaceous beds.

In conjunction with the appearance of the Washington Post article on the Dinosaur Trail, the Dinosaur Fund will run public field trip programs. Call "Dinosaur Hunting along the Dinosaur Trail". To register call: 202-547-3326 leave phone number and number of persons in your group. Trips will be Saturday and Sunday, September 15-16 and October 6 & 7.

On August 17, 2007, the Baltimore Sun published an article on Page 1 on Ray Stanford's dinosaur track collection. Ray has made the most important dinosaur discovery in the eastern US in the past 100 years. He has found thousands of lower Cretaceous dinosaur tracks at several sites in Maryland. For the scientifically inclined, Ray's article appeared in the 14th issue of Ichnos.

Fios Press Pause will air a feature on the Dinosaur Fund's Dinosaur Camp for the first or second week of September.

Last updated: September 19, 2007

Remaining summer dates for Dinosaur Camp are the weeks of August 13th, 20th, and 27th.

Maryland's Dinosaur Trail is likely to appear in the Sunday source some timein August.

Walking with Dinosuars- The Live Experience is coming to the Verizon Center in Washington, DC September 19-22nd. Tickets range from #30.50- $82.50.

Last updated: July 11, 2007

The Washington Post will be following up on the Maryland Dinosaur Trail concept in July. The Maryland Office of Tourism has also expressed interest. Perhaps by next month there will be concrete results to report.

Dinosaur Camp is almost full for the week of July 9, 2007, but other weeks are available. See for suggested dates.

The Dinosaur Fund will be partnering with Field Trip Earth ( Field Trip Earth tries to give children an idea of how field scientists work.

The Washington Sewer and Sanitary Commission workers thought they found dinosaur eggs which they reported to the Dinosaur Fund. Unfortunately, they were only concretions. However, they did also find some real fossil shark teeth.

On the evening of June 11, 2007, Dr. Kranz gave an invitational lecture to the Gem, Lapidary, Mineral Society of Montgomery County. The subject of the lecture was Dinosaurs of the District of Columbia. The lecture was well received.

Last updated: June 11, 2007

Dinosaur Park Prince George's County, Maryland - Building construction is likely to start in June. There are also plans that may include a new pipe trench.

Paul Olsen has suggested that the Rocky Ridge site is probably the lowest known Lake Lockatong Strata (New Oxford Fm.)

Rick Fulton is looking into the possible purchase of the foot print quarry at Emmitsburg. Rick Fulton has also posted a website

Dinosaur Camp will definitely run the weeks of June 25 and July 9. For other possible date check

Dr. Kranz has sent a proposal for a new tourist attraction called the "Maryland Dinosaur Trail" to the Governor and other state officials. The Washington Post is planning to run a preliminary version of the "Trail" in the "Road Trip" section of the "Sunday Source". The "Trail" will lead visitors to important public dinosaur-related sites in Maryland such as museums and parks.

Last updated: May 10, 2007

This month the final papers for the land transfer to MNCPPC of the Muirkirk fossil site are expected to be signed. Also, excavation which may deliniate the boundaries of the fossil depost may begin.

Charles Hall Catholic School of Baltimore accompanied by Dr. Kranz went on a fossil finding expedition.

Dinosaur Camp Summer Sessions are still open but filling up. See for suggested dates. Two Spring Break Camps ran in April.

The Chesapeak Children's Museum had overflow crowds on April 15 for Dr Kranz's dinosaur talks.

Last updated: April 09, 2007

A fence has been erected around the exposed area of fossils at the future parksite. This was a request of Maryland National Park and Planning Commission preparatory to their signing the documents transferring the fossil land to the Park Commission.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp will meet the weeks of April 2-6 and 9-13. Summer Camp meets June, July, and August (see for suggested dates).

It is the same old song for the potential fossil site at Kirby Hill and Indian Head Highway. Clearing is still taking place. No exposure of fossils yet!

In March the Charles Hall Catholic School of Baltimore visited the Maryland Science Center and the Smithsonian with Dr. Kranz. In April they will join Dr. Kranz on a Fossil Hunt.

The Chesapeak Children's Museum on Annapolis will sponsor two public programs by Dr. Kranz on Sunday April 15, 2007 at 3:30PM and 4:15PM. Call 410-990-1993 for reservations.

Last updated: March 30, 2007

Spring Break Camp is scheduled for the weeks of April 2nd and 9th. Summer Camp dates are posted on

Hope springs eternal this Spring. The Indian Head Highway site is totally clear of trees. Perhaps this bodes well for the imminent construction of foundations and the revelation of many lovely fossils.

Last updated: February 9, 2007

You can sign up for Dinosaur Camp for Spring Break or Summer in person and meet Dr. Kranz at the Thomas Jefferson Recreation Center in Arlington on Friday, February 23rd from 5:30 - 8:00PM. For details call 703-228-7667.

The final wording and design for the long awaited call box have been settled.

Fossil Fest will be held at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum on Saturday, February 10th from 10:00AM - 4PM. Meet paleontologists and see fossils. For details call 202-633-1000.

Rick Smith won 2nd prize in a poetry contest with a poem about Maryland's State Dinosaur, Astrodon.

Last updated: January 2, 2007

Excavation around the borders of land to be donated for the Dinosaur Park has been completed. Infrastructure will likely be developed in the year 2007 as bulding begins on the surrounding site.

The destruction and hence excavation of the old Landover Mall site has begun which means that Upper Cretaceous fossil maybe exposed in 2007.

As yet nothing on Indian Head Highway and Kirby Hill Roads, but we remain hopeful.

Capitalsaurus Day 2007 will be January 28, 2007. Appropriate events will be announced perhaps the display of the large recently discovered dinosaur bone mentioned in previous issues.

Last updated: December 11, 2006

Little excavation has yet been done at the lIvingston (Kirby Hill) site on MD 210 to date. However, a lot of clearing has happened. Perhaps this will lead to some significant fossil exposures in December, 2006.

The proposed dates for Family Dinosaur Camp 2007 are: April 2-6; April 19-13; June 11-15; June 18-22; June 25-29; July 9-13; July 20-August 3; August 13-17; August 20-24; August 27-31.

Of course these dates will only run if there are sufficient registrations. AS always, additional dates are possible, particularly during March, if requested. Dinosaur Camp sesions are one week long and an adult must accompany children.

Last updated: November 6, 2006

The site at Indian Head Hwy. and Kirby Hill has been laid bare. Fossils are likely in November and certainly December.

Two Rivers Charter School of Washington, D.C. went on a fossil collecting trip on October24, 2006. and will do a dinosaur dig on November 8, 2006 at the school.

Last updated: October 9, 2006

Paul Olsen visited the Rocky Ridge site. He believes it to date to Lower Gettysburg. Many new finds have been reported including shrimp, clams, fish (Semionotus and others), reptile bones, and plants.

Final design and working for "Capitalsaurus Call Box" were submitted this month. We are still hopeful it will be up by year's end.

A large dinosaur bone was found in Northern Prince George's County in September, 2006. It is currently being cleaned at the Smithsonian. It is likely a radius from a Sauropod, probably Astrodon. Based on its lenth 65cm, the animal was about 12 meters long and 8 meters tall.

Last updated: September 12, 2006

There will be a meeting of the landowner and MNCPPC staff at the Muirkirk site to discuss the land transfer.

Dinosaur Day planned for this Fall will include the excavation of the turtle fossil which was scheduled last year but did not happen.

Rick Fulton reports that shrimp and fish fossils have been found at the Rocky Ridge site, including a 4 inch SEMIONOTUS.

Final design for the CAPITALSAURUS Call Box sign is being set this month.

Land is being cleared at Kirby Hill Road and Indian Head Hwy. This is the site where the MOSASAUR was found in 1989.

The Dinosaur Fund will be helping the Two Rivers School of Washington, DC with a 10-week dinosaur unit.

Last updated: August 9, 2006

Dinosaur Camp's last two dates for 2006 are the weeks of August 14th and 21st.

The WASHINGTON POST Sunday Source will run an article of the dinosaurs of D.C. featuring Dinosaur Fund activities.

The VALLEY TIMES of Baltimore will run an article on local dinosaurs in the August 2006 issue.

Two Montessori schools, The Boyd School of Virginia and the Montessori School of Alexandria, as well as the El Iman School of Arlington have been doing programs with the Dinosaur Fund.

Last updated: July 5, 2006

Recently a backlog of fossil bones and teeth collected by Dr. Kranz and his students was donated to the Smithsonian.

Annexation of land in Emmitsburg has not gone through but attempts are still in progress.

NCRC has held a meeting on June 28, 2006 to let people know plans for the McMillan site. As yet all they have said is that they plan to protect the historical aspects of the site.

Dinosaur Camps for the weeks of July 10 and August 14 are definitely a go. Other weeks are still possible. If you wish to come to camp, contact or (202) 547-3326.

The Chesapeake Children's Museum in Annapolis, Maryland will hold public programs with Dr. Kranz on July 9, 2006 at 1PM and 2:30PM. Small fee. Contact for directions and details.

Jane Sellman is writing a story for Valley Times of Baltimore for August, 2006. The story will tell about dinosaurs in Maryland.

Tom Lipka has issued a new journal article describing a new turtle taxon from the Potomac Group. Article appears in the Journal of SVP.

Last updated: June 12, 2006

Dinosaur Park Prince George's County - Work on the surrounding area has resumed. Negotiations continue with MNCPPC. The expectation remains that the final transfer will take place before year's end.

Dinosaur Camp dates remain the same. The week's of 6/19; 6/26; 7/10; 8/14 and 8/21

Lake Arbor ES completed their fossil dig program on May 10, 2006. Teacher, Students and Parents enjoyed themselves even though nothing of scientific importance was found.

The note on the Travel Channel activity was inadvertently dropped from the last newsletter. It stated that a film crew of about 8 persons filmed about 20 volunteers digging for dinosaurs on Saturday April 29, 2006. We will be informed about the air date. Tentatively in January, 2007.

D.C. is set to name the Cherry our official fruit. This is a good time to remind people about our official dinosaur - "Capitalsaurus".

Spring Break Camp was a challenge with all campers 5 and under, but it came off well and all had a good time.

Summer Camp Dates: Weeks of June 19, June 26, July 10, August 14, and August 21.

Lake Arbor Elementary School in Mitchelville, Maryland will have a dinosaur dig for 200 students on May 10, 2006.

Last updated: April 13, 2006

The land transfer is currently still awaiting approval in the Prince George's County Council.

Dr. Kranz and a group of volunteers went to Rocky Ridge and spent the day of March 18, 2006 helping to clear rock at the reptile track site. Rick Fulton believes that there are several more track beds and lots more fish fossils to be found. STAY TUNED?

At long last, the sand filtration site has been transferred to the National Capital Revitalization Corporation (NCRC). This is the next step in the development of the site. Whether this translates into a dinosaur park or feature is yet to be determined.

Dinosaur Camp dates for Spring Break have been reduced to the week of April 10th. Summer Camp dates remain the same.

The Call Box design is being reworked at present. With luck it will be completed and in place before year's end.

Watkins Elementary School is continuing with follow-up on their earth materials program.

Dr. Kranz gave a dinosaur talk at the Beltsville Library on March 13, 2006.

Last updated: March 6, 2006

Oliver Goldsmith, a paleobotany student, has identified three taxa from the Rocky Ridge site - a cycadophyte, Nilsonnia sp. and a ginko. More and better specimens are expected.

On March 11, 2006 final approval is expected for the "Call Box" design. The "Call Box" is at New Jersey and E St SE.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp dates are still the weeks of April 10 and 17, 2006.

Final Site plans have been approved for Jackson Shaw Inc. by the County and agreed by MNCPPC. This means the transfer of the land for the park can proceed.

On February 24, 2006 Arlington County held a campfest at T.J.Community Center. The Dinosaur Fund was there and was greeted by old friends and new.

On Sunday March 5, 2006 Dr. Kranz will be interviewed on Michael Buckley's radio program on WRNR 103.1FM between 7AM - 10AM. Check for the exact schedule.

Last updated: Febuary 6, 2006

The Jackson Shaw Company, current owners of the Muirkirk fossil site, will not only turnover the land to MNCPPC; but have offered to landscape parts of the site. Included in the proposal is a dinosaur garden entry and amphitheater and a time line wall.

Dinosaur Camp for Spring Break will be the weeks of April 10 and 17. Some schools have asked for the last week of March as well. If you would like the March date please contact the Dinosaur Fund at or (202)547-3326

Last updated: January 3, 2006

Once again the people at Jackson SHaw are expressing hopes that a final agreement with Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission will take place in January, 2006.

Spring Break Dinosaur Camp will be held the weeks preceeding and following Easter Sunday - April 10 and April 17. Contact Dinosaur Fund at or (202) 547-3326 to register.

Sligo Creek Elementary School in Silver Spring completed its Dinosaur Dig in December, 2005. Unfortunately, no spectacular finds were made. Schools in Potomac and DC are planning Dinosaur Digs in the Spring, 2006.

Last updated: December 15, 2005

The scheduled dates for Dinosaur Camp 2006 are: Spring Break: weeks of April 10 and April 17. Summer: weeks of June 12, June 19, June 26, July 10, August 14 and August 21. As always, camp meets in one week sessions - Monday through Friday. Also, as always, additional sessions can be scheduled as needed.

John Hanson Montessori School had 400 students join The Dinosaur Dig in November, 2005. The major find was a tooth from a large meat-eating dinosaur.

Last updated: November 15, 2005

Final park dedication boundaries are likely to be submitted this month.

After a summer of hot humid weather, work has begun again on the lizard footprint site. Expectations are that larger footprints will be found.

The Maryland Science Center will hold its "Dinosaur Days" event on November 12 and 13. At the program it is expected that preparation of the turtle fossil found during Dinosaur Camp in June, 2004 will begin.

Admission to "Dinosaur Days" is free with paid admission to the Maryland Science Center.

A huge excavation is underway at the Ritchie-Marlboro exit on I-495 in Largo, Maryland. This area has previously yielded large amounts of Paleocene fossils.

Last updated: October 10, 2005

Dr. Kranz joined representatives from Jackson Shaw Inc. to review the proposed park boundaries. Some minor adjustments may need to be made but on the whole the project remains on track with the expectation that sometime before the end of 2006 the land will be transfered to MNCPPC.

Much excitement in Emmitsburg. A new fossil plant horizon has been found. To a best approximation, this is the first really good macro Triassic plant locality known in Maryland. Rick Fulton also reports a new larger reptiletrack at Rocky Ridge.

A new attempt to annex the Silver Fancy Quarry to Emmitsburg will be made. It will include the Dinosaur Park as part of the plan.

Rick says he has plans to get the state to include a dinosaur exhibit at the Route 15 rest stop in Emmitsburg.

Last updated: September 13, 2005

Recently there has been a surprise and unwelcome development. Despite assurances that the 110-year old Maryland Geological Survey would remain intact, it now appears that Maryland's Governor Ehrlich intends to dismantle it and sell its building. This would be a severe blow to geologists and people who depend on them both in and out of the State. Beyond that the Survey's long and distinguished history would be interrupted.

People wishing to protest such a move should call the Governor?s office or the Legislators. If you wish you may send an email to

The Dinosaur Fund wishes to alert people to an important impending anniversary. It often takes many years lead time for large institutions to organize conferences and programs, so it is not too soon to mention that when one considers that the Maryland Science Center has a new Dinosaur Wing and MNCPPC may soon have one or more Dinosaur Parks, that November 2008 is the Sesquicentennial of the discovery of Astrodon, America?s first Sauropod and Maryland?s State Dinosaur. 2008 is also coincidentally the 110th anniversary of the discovery of the Capitalsaurus.

The Dinosaur Fund is soliciting suggestions and ideas as to how these events might be commemorated, perhaps, with Conferences and/or memoir volumes.

The Maryland Science Center is planning a Dinosaur Discovery Day in November, 2005. It is now likely that the fossil skeleton discovered in Dinosaur Camp in June, 2004 will be exhumed from its rock on that day. The event is expected to be on public view.

Last updated: August 9, 2005

The final two summer sessions of Dinosaur Camp will be the weeks of August 15 and 22.

The Call Box design for the commemorative sign for the Capitalsaurus discovery site has been approved.

Last updated: July 5, 2005

The design for the Call Box for "Capitalsaurus Court" will be submitted in July.

Dinosaur Camp has three sessions remaining - the weeks of July 18, August 15, August 22.

Jackson Shaw Inc. believes that the closing date for the property transfer to them will be in July, after which they can dedicate the parcel to the Dinosaur Park.

Last updated: May 24, 2005

More fossils continue to be discovered at the Rocky Ridge site. Most recently fish scales from a gar-like fish have been discovered.

FOX News featured DinosaurCamp on Tuesday May 17, 2005. Camp dates are still the weeks of 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 8/15, 8/22.
Contact (202) 547-3326 for more details.

Last updated: May 24, 2005

Rick Fulton reports that body resting traces have been found of Rhynchosauroides at the Rocky Ridge site. In addition, many more tracks have been recovered.

There are six scheduled Dinosaur Camps this summer. The weeks beginning 6/20l; 6/27; 7/11; 7/18; 8/15/8/22.

The Dinosaur Fund has been allocated a "Call Box" near "Capitalsaurus Court", 1st & F Streets SE. The "Call Box" program uses old fire call boxes to mark historic sites. A plaque will be placed to commemorate the discovery of Capitalsaurus.

Upper Cretaceous beds have been exposed by construction at the junction of Lottsford Vista Road and M.L.K.Jr. Hwy (Rt. 704) in Lanham, Maryland. This site has the potential to be very signficant because beds in the vicinity are the only ones to yield belemnite fossils on the western side of the Chesapeake Bay.

Last updated: April 4, 2005

The soon to be new owners of the Muirkirk dinosaur site have been extremely supportive in the efforts to preserve the resource. During March 2005 they surveyed the portion of the land with dinosaur fossils with the stated intention of trading it to the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George's County. The objective is the preservation and annexation to the existing designated dinosaur parkland.

If you wish to show your appreciation of their positive efforts and cooperation you may email them at and/or

Rick Fulton is continuing his efforts to get the Emmitsburg dinosaur track quarry donated to some public government. Pat Boyle, the land- owner has always been cooperative and supportive of the donation but local and county governments have yet to agree to a plan. You may email Jim Hoover, the mayor of Emmitsburg at and Rick Fulton at to show your support for the donation and acquisition.

On March 24, 2005 Dr. Kranz gave a presentation to COPE, an environmental protection group of Emmitsburg, Maryland. The presentation covered a history of dinosaur track discovery in the Emmitsburg area. Also discussed were problems related to the potential donation of land to the town for a dinosaur track park.

St. Bernadette's of Silver Spring had 300 students and adults sifting dinosaur fossil bearing clay. While it has not yet been completely sorted, they have already discovered a raptor tooth and a crocodile tooth.

The Fountain Rock Nature Center fossil trip is free and open to the public. Meet at 10AM Saturday, April 9, 2005 at the Nature Center in Walkersville, Maryland. Must have private transportation. We will look for fossils from dinosaur times and pre-dinosaur times. Call (301) 898-1460 for details and directions.

Dinosaur Camp for Spring Break was very successful despite the rain early in the week. A new camp date has been added for summer - the week of July 18-22. Weeks already scheduled include June 10-24; June 27- July 1; July 11- 15; August 15-19; August 22-26.

Through the newspaper stories of Rick Fulton, a 10-year delayed discovery discovery of fossil foot prints was brought to light. Apparently in 1994 a Maryland Geological Survey geologist , John Edwards,left a note for a local farmer in Rocky Ridge, Maryland to the effect that there were probably 200 million year old fossil footprints on his property. AS a result of his writing, Rick was contacted by the farmer and visited the site and found more than 30 footprints to date.

These prints were probably made by a small lizard, tentatively identified by Dr. Paul Olsen of Columbia University as Rhynchosauroides.

If you wish to try your hand at an ID you can see posted photos on line at

There is a story in the Baltimore Sun of April 1, 2005 about these prints.

Last updated: April 4, 2005

There are still openings in this month's (March, 2005) Dinosaur Camps March 21-25 and March 28-April 11. Contact (202) 547-3326 or for details.

St. Bernadette's School of Silver Spring, Maryland will hold a school-wide dinosaur dig for its students on March 10/11. Results will be reported next month.

Fountain Rock Nature Center, Walkersville, Maryland will sponsor a public fossil hunt beginning at 10AM on Saturday, April 9, 2005. Call (301) 898-1460 for details.

Chesapeake Children's Museum of Annapolis, Maryland will sponsor a public program on dinosaurs of Maryland presented by Dr. Peter Kranz on Saturday, March 13, 2005. Contact (410) 990-1993 for details.

The MSC will start work on the turtle fossil in March or April, 2005. Interested parties wishing to volunteer to do prep work on the ossil should contact Pete Yancone at (410) 454-5950.

The Capitalsaurus Day events have been postponed until early February, 2005.

Fossil shells are visable in the tailing along I-495 from the Wilson Bridge excavations. Bad weather has prevented close observation.

Dinosaur Camp will be run the March 21-25 and March 29-April 1 weeks of 2005 for Spring Break. Summer dates in 2005 include June 20-24; June 27-July 1; July 11 - 15; August 15-19; August 22-26.

The Chesapeake Children's Museum in Annapolis will sponsor several dinosaur programs in mid-March, 2005.

Last updated: February 7, 2005

The North Side of I-495 at the Wilson Bridge has been cleared down to the Severn Formation. Some fossils might be found there.

**** DINOSAUR CAMP DATES for 2005 *****
Spring Break Session 1: March 21-25;
Spring Break Session 2: March 28-April 1.
Summer Session 1: June 20-24;
Summer Session 2: June 27-July 1;
Summer Session 3: July 11-15;
Summer Session 4: August 15-19;
Summer Session 5: August 22-26.

Family Dinosaur Camp meets for one week sessions Monday-Friday 4-8 hours per day. Parent/caretaker must attend with child. For additional details call (202) 547-3326.

Capitalsaurus Day 2005 activities will be held at the Watkins Elementary School 12th and E St. SE Washington, D.C. Activities include performances, book sale, and a presentation about dinosaurs of the National Capital Region. For additional details call (202) 537-3326.