- Intro to Electron Configurations
- Method 1: Using only the Periodic Table
- Method 2: Using the Electron Config. Chart
Electron Configurations Worksheet- Examples
- Hydrogen (H)
- Helium (He)
- Lithium (Li)
- Beryllium (Be)
- Boron (B)
- Carbon (C)
- Nitrogen (N)
- Oxygen (O)
- Fluorine (F)
- Neon (Ne)
- Sodium (Na)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Aluminum (Al)
- Silicon (Si)
- Phosphorus (P)
- Sulfur (S)
- Chlorine (Cl)
- Argon (Ar)
- Potassium (K)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Chromium (Cr, Cr2+, Cr3+)
- Copper (Cu, Cu+, Cu2+)
- Iron (Fe, Fe2+, Fe3+)
- Read my article in Science Education based on my dissertation.
Electron Configuration Notation:
-shows the arrangment of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.
- helps chemist understanding how elements form chemical bonds.
- can be written using the period table or an electron configuration chart.
How to Write the Electron Configuration for Helium
Since Helium only has 2 electrons it is one of the the simplest electron configurations to write. Essentially there are just two electron around the Helium nucleus.
Video: Helium Electron Configuration Notation
Helium only has 2 electrons and therefore it has a configuration of 1s2. Because the 1s orbital is full with 2 electrons and any additional electrons would go in a new energy level. The electron configuration for Helium shows a full outer shell and is Helium is therefore called a Nobel Gas. This means it will not react with other atoms.