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Photomultiplier Signal

TK Solver Model for the signal and dark signal of a photomultiplier tube.

Variable sheet:
St Input     Name    Output    Unit      Comment                                
             freq    9.9933E14 Hz        frequency (Hz)                         
             E       6.622E-19 Joule     energy (Joule, erg, eV, kcal/mole)     
             v       33333.333 cm-1      wavenumber (cm-1)                      
   25        Tc                C         temperature of photocathode (K, C)     
   4.27      delta                       gain per stage                         
             V       899.9377  volts     total voltage applied (volts, KV)      
             Vd      99.993077 volts     voltage per dynode (volts, KV)         
   9         k                           number of dynodes (integer)            
             m       471900.98           multiplication factor                  
   100       rt                sec-1     cathode thermionic emission rate (sec- 
   2         Ec                eV        cathode work function (Joule, erg, eV, 
   1         eta                         collection efficiency (unitless)       
   .2        Klam                        quantum efficiency (unitless)          
             Rlam    .04838649 amps/watt radiant cathode responsivity (amps/wat 
             Phip    1.51019E9 sec-1     photon flux on cathode (sec-1)         
   1E-9      Phi               watts     radiant flux on cathode (watts, mwatts 
             rcp     302038035 sec-1     rate at which electrons emitted from c 
             ic      4.839E-11 A         cathode photocurrent (amps, mA, A, nA 
             ia      2.2834E-5 A         anode photocurrent  (amps, mA, A, nA, 
             Thresh  620.78274 nm        threshold wavelength (nm, , m, cm)   
             ict     1.602E-17 amps      cathode thermionic current (amps, mA,  
             iat     7.56E-12  amps      anode thermionic current (amps, mA, A 
             C       1.0913E12           thermionic emission constant           
   1         Ac                cm2       area of photocathode                   

Rule sheet.
* lambda = 1/v                                                                  
* E = (6.6261E-34)*freq                                                         
* freq = (2.998E10)/lambda                                                      
* m=delta^k                                "page 111; 2nd  after 4-24                          
* Vd=V/k                                   "Figure 4-22                                         
* delta=0.17*Vd^.7                         "Empirical equation                                  
* rcp=Klam*Phip                            "4-23                                                
* Rlam=(Klam*1.602e-19)/E                  " after 4-28                                        
* ia=eta*m*Rlam*Phi                        "4-30                                                
* ic=rcp*1.602e-19                         "4-24                                                
* Phip=Phi/E                               " after 4-28                                        
* Thresh=6.6261E-34*2.998E10/Ec            " page 110, 1st                              
* ict=rt*1.602e-19                         " 4-24 for thermionic current                        
* iat=m*eta*ict                            " 4-29 for thermionic current                        
* ict=C*Ac*Tc*Tc*exp(-Ec/(Tc*1.3805e-23))  "Page 112, 2nd                      
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T. C. O'Haver, Chem 623, 1994