I met Jack in senior high. I usually ate lunch with Bridget, but Bridget didn't come to school when she had to take her mom to the hospital from a drug overdose. These days I was left eating by myself. Emily and the rest of her squad would make fun of me for the bruises on my neck. They called me a whore and said I just couldn't get enough of Ben. Jack came over one day mid-year, sat down and told me to ignore Emily. He said that Emily was only insecure because her parents were going through a divorce. Ever since that day I never ate lunch alone. Jack would come visit me at my house sometimes; he even met Ben a few times. He did not believe anything that Emily had told me about Ben and I. Jack trusted me and believed everything I said to him. Jack was nice to talk to, but he liked to do the same things Kevin did at night, just in a less forceful way.