Ever since I can remember, my parents fought. I never really understood when I was young what they were fighting about; I just know that it didn't look like my dad treated my mom very well. I just figured that's who men were: wife beaters. That is, until I met Ben and Bridget told me that apparently not all men were like that, and there was actually nice guys out there (even if it was just Ben).

When I was in junior high, I would come home often and find my dad at my mom's throat. It took me a while to figure out how to stay out of it. If I came home and went to the kitchen to get a snack, my dad would start to get angry with me too. I learned to just go outside and do my homework on the swing if I heard Kevin yelling at all. I didn't mind so much being alone at home since it meant Kevin left me alone.

I heard in school about parents getting divorces. They said that if parents fought almost every day that divorce was the best option. I always wished my parents would get a divorce. They also said you got to choose which parent to go with, but sometimes the parents chose for you. If it were up to me, I would have gone with Jillian. She wouldn't have cared what I did and hopefully would never make me visit Kevin. I did fear though that if they got a divorce that Kevin would force me to go with him.