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ADA FNCE 2007-- Philadelphia, PA 

Laryessa FNCE poster

Priscilla and Laryessa speaking to Jessica Niblock
Haynes about the University of Maryland Dietetic
Internship Program during Student Recruitment night
at FNCE.

Laryessa during her poster session at ADA 2007.


National Agricultural Library

Jinee and Laryessa at FNIC laryessa at fnic
Jinee and Laryessa working at FNIC Laryessa working on a project at FNIC
FSNE State Conference -- Annapolis, MD
Interns at FSNE conference
The interns at the State FSNE Conference in Annapolis, MD. Aren't we cute???
"A Taste of the South" Theme Meal -- Riderwood

Jinee and Laryessa at the serving table
Jinee and Laryessa serving Mint Juleps and Sweet Tea during the theme meal


Display Table of Food
Display Table for the Theme Meal

Bakers Rack with DecorationsHanging License PlatesTable Decoration

Display of Decorations around Potomac Cafe Dining Area


                                                         Plate Presentations of the Food


Interns in Annapolis -- Senate Session as guests of
Senator Jim Brochin
Interns at Maryland State Capitol
Senate Session in Annapolis
The Internship Class after meeting with Senator Jim Brochin
Overlooking the Maryland State Senate floor at the
begin of Senate Session on March 2, 2008


Maryland Dietetic Association Meeting -- Rockville, MD

Laryessa with MDA Poster

              Laryessa at the MDA Poster Session


Gina and Laryessa MDA

Laryessa and Gina at the Cookbook Booth at MDA


Last updated:
June 7, 2008