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UMD SymbolThe University of Maryland College Park Dining Services is where I began my Food Service rotation. I spent three weeks working with the staff at South Commons Dining Hall. Some of the duties at the dining hall included: serving breakfast, working on the production line, a     training session on a chemical used within the kitchen, and building upon the previous interns work of the     wellness program. Below is a sample of the work done while at dining services:

    Kitchen Strengths and Weaknesses (PDF) -- This assignment required me to go through the kitchen and determine what I felt was a strength or weakness of the South Commons kitchen. I was to identify what parts of the kitchen that I thought were working well and things that could be improved.

    Nutrition Tidbits (PDF) -- Each month in the South Commons Dining Hall a new Nutrition Tidbit is placed at the entrance where trays are picked up. The Nutrition Tidbits that I chose were for April, May, and June and I tried to tie in events pertinent to that particular time in the semester.

    A Call to Wellness (PDF) -- This is a copy of the wellness program that we worked on with in collaboration with the other interns. This copy is based on what has been done thus far on the wellness program.


Erickson Communities    The second portion of my Food Service rotation is spent at Riderwood     Village, part of Erickson Communities. Riderwood is a retirement facility     that contains five different communities on the campus in Silver Spring,     Maryland. While at Riderwood, one of the projects is to have a theme meal     for the residents to attend. The theme for the meal is decided and then all     aspects of the meal from ordering, production, advertising, and serving of     the meal is done by the interns. The theme for our meal is, "A Taste of the     South".

    "A Taste of the South" Menu (PDF) - A copy of our poster that we placed around Riderwood Village for       marketing and a also a copy of the menu.

      "A Taste of the South Binder" (PDF) - A copy of the binder that we put together for our final project.


      Other projects that I completed while at Riderwood are:

      Nutrition and Pregnancy Handout (PDF) - This handout was intended for some of the staff that are pregnant.       This handout provides information on pregnancy weight gain and foods that they need to eat in moderation.

      Trans Fat and Montgomery County (PDF) -- Montgomery Co. recently put a No Trans-Fat Law into effect and       our task was to review the new law and give the Riderwood staff suggestions on things that need to be done to       be in compliance with this law.

Last updated:
June 7, 2008