Jason Liu
A little bit about me...
My Major:
Information Science
My program:
College Park Scholars
Science and Global Change
My favorite website:
My email:
This is my portfolio, where I can share and provide information about myself. I am an undecided engineer in the College Park Scholars Program. As an aspiring engineer, I joined the Science and Global Change program to educate myself on the environmental aspect of engineering, so that I can apply my knowledge about global change in the future. Below, there are various links and information relating to my work here in the SGC program, ranging from different assignments to different excursions.

Clubs I'm involved in
- Terps Racing
- Startup Shell
- Snider Consulting Group
- Metro Scavenger Hunt
- Virtual Excursion - "The History and Physical Science of Global Warming"
- Carbon Footprint Assignment
- Time Capsule Essay
- Expectations vs. Reality Essay
- NMNH Excursion 2023
- SGC Three Semester Review
- Practicum Poster