These pages and images, are © 2001 Greg Douglass. All rights reserved. This work may be not be reproduced and redistributed, in whole or in part, without prior written permission.
This web page is maintained by Greg Douglass. My resume is available in Adobe's PDF format and in HTML. Report any problems you encounter to Comments and suggestions are welcomed. You may also visit my other web sites: University of Maryland, Department of Environmental Safety, Dr. Peter Kranz's Dinosaur site, and my site.
This site was create for MSIT660 at the University of Maryland, University College. I used WordPad as my Web Development Tool.
As mentioned in the conferences, my page is going to be on how to make fresh pasta. This site is for individuals who have not made fresh pasta before. Its audience is not pasta experts. My audience will likely be primarily interested in learning. As my audience will be making pasta from their home, they will likely be accessing my web site from their home. As most individuals only have modem access at home, I image that most of my audience will only have 56 kbps access. As most people do not have a computer in their kitchen, my audience will likely be taking the information from my site to their kitchen to use.
I will have an introduction page. From this page I will have a link to pages on the required equipment, instructions, shaping pasta, and resources. For navigation, I will have a text navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page. (i.e. Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3) As for the color scheme, once again I am going to keep things simple and easily readable and go with a white background, black text, blue hyperlinks, and red visited links. Pages with instructions are going to have the instructions in one column and a corresponding picture in the other. When appropriate, I will include the ability to click on the picture to obtain a larger and higher resolution image. I will also include a pdf version of the instructions so that the instructions can easily be printed out and taken to the kitchen to use.
As per the MSIT660 assign this page includes a home page, 5 supporting pages, relative links (on every page), absolute links (under resources), a form (under comments), navigation bar, an edited image (numerous pasta photos), a site map (text site map available from the footer), and an electronic resume (under about these pages).