Environmental Science & Technology
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

Zie giving testimony in opposition to a policy which threatened to ban Pride flags and
Black Lives Matter flags within schools in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
(Jeffrey F. Bill/Capital Gazette)
Email: zgoodm10@terpmail.umd.edu
My name is Zie and my pronouns are they/ze. I am a sophomore Science & Global Change Scholar and the Sustainability Mini Grant Coordinator at the University of Maryland College Park. I'm majoring in Environmental Science & Technology, with a minor in Entomology. I am interested in sustainability and restoration; particularly in the fields of soil and watershed sciences. I'm passionate about civic engagement and developing inclusive communities. I try to leave a positive impact wherever I go, and intend to do the same with all of my future endeavors.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery
- Fall 2023 Excursion Report; American Museum of Natural History
- Expectations vs. Reality Reflection Essay
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
- Spring 2024 Excursion Report; Horn Point Laboratory and Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
- Freshman Time Capsule Reflection Essay
- Fall 2024 Excursion Report; Salmon in Kenai Lowlands, Alaska
- Three Semester Review
- Practicum Reflection Essay
External Links:
Zie in the News: providing testimony in opposition of proposed AACPS Policy IS-Display of Flags.