Week Three    Lesson Plan

My Plate AmbassadorMyPlate GameMary Corbett, a UMD student and MyPlate Ambassador, came to teach the campers about the FDA MyPlate model. She brought plastic food to show how food is divided up into different groups. Afterward she stayed and played a game called "Healthy Helpings" based on MyPlate.

Giant MyPlateGiant MyPlate The next day, children worked together to create a MyPlate for the Jolly Green Giant. Students took turns choosing different foods and placing them on the appropriate section. When there was a question about which group it should go in, children discussed it and came to a consensus. A taco was selected by one boy and he came up with the idea to put it in the middle, since it encompassed several food groups.

Obstacle CourseObstacleCourse As a group, the children designed an obstacle course map using a chalk board. They decided which obstacle should go first and where each consecutive piece should go. Later in the afternoon they set up the course and tried it out.

Pool Picture of the WeekUnderwater

UMD Kehoe TrackRunning

Running became the focus for a fun way to exercise muscles. Ms. Bobotek shared information about being a runner with the children and then they went on a field trip to a close by campus track. When the children got there they stretched and got "hydrated" before running around the track.


Pizza Pizza making

Using a recipe for whole wheat crust, children rolled out their own personal pizza and added toppings to suit their taste. Whole wheat and white flour were put before each child so they could discern the difference. This activity reinforced what Ms. Corbett the MyPlate expert had told the children about 100% whole wheat being better for you.



Caldecott winner Ezra Jack Keats was the featured author/illustrator for this week. Keats' illustrations were examined and it was noticed he tore paper to make some of his collages and that he used stamps. Children learned that Keats started illustrating when he was four years old, about the same age as the campers! The image above shows two girls working cooperatively with collage materials, a favorite medium of Keats.


Maryland Curriculum Standards

Math- Identify mathematical concepts in relationship to life

Children helped to divide the giant MyPlate into first halves and then quarters during group time. The term half and fourths were discussed. Later they had an opportunity to make their own MyPlate place mat by tracing a real plate and dividing the drawing into fourths. The drawings were completed with sketches of different food in the appropriate sections.

Language and Literacy- Demonstrate an understanding of what is heard by retelling and relating prior knowledge

Before reading Keeping Fit by Megan Borgert-Spaniol, children wrote on a chart with their parents, their favorite way to exercise with their families. When reading the informational book at group time these comments were shared and discussed. Some of the ideas were also in the book and some were activities that sparked the children's memories of more items to add to the list.

Exercise Physiology- Recognize the relationship between nutrition and physical activity.

Throughout this week the relationship of food and exercise have been connected. Ms. Bobotek explained to the children that protein and grains helped her when she ran her half marathon. Ms. Corbet told the children that healthy food helped their bodies move and be strong. At lunch nutrition is discussed and nutrition labels are read to show what vitamins and minerals are contained in certain foods.