Students use descriptive language arts skills and begin research skills.
Use of computer skills in writing and editing.
Create a product that can be used as a resource and viewed by
family and friends.
Children draw a letter of the alphabet from a basket and inform teacher
of their "lucky" draw.
Teacher assigns the "Beanie Baby" animal that corresponds
with the letter.
Children bring in the various "Beanie Babys" and
the child with the assigned Beanie writes a description including:
the animal
the Beanie name
the Beanie birthday
The pictures drawn of the Beanie Baby, should be authentic to Beanie Baby
in color and detail. Color picture completely and outline in black.
Students begin animal research by looking for the animal's:
name of young
life span
uniqueness of animal
Information is written in paragraph form and first edited by partner.
Format for Beanie Baby writing should be:
24 point font for "A is for Ally the Alligator" (title)
18 point font for paragraph writing (content)
First paragraph on animal research
Second paragraph on Beanie Baby including
birth date and description.
Paragraphs are typed and spell check is used.
First print-out is edited by teacher.
Students make corrections on computer and make print-out number 2.
Second print-out sent home for sharing and editing with a parent.
Corrections made and final print-out handed in for grading.
Picture of student and Beanie Baby taken using digital camera.
Student imports his/her picture into writing.
Student drawn picture of Beanie Babies scanned.
Rubic or Grade Sheet for Beanie Baby Project:
____/10 first draft (hand written)
____/05 second draft (first edit)
____/05 third draft (second edit)
____/05 title (A is for .....etc.)
____/15 paragraph one (research)
____/10 paragraph two (Beanie Baby facts)
____/05 correct font and size used
____/05 large size
____/05 simple (no background)
____/05 authentic to Beanie Baby
Presentation (complete and accurate)