How Technology is Used in the MCTP Project

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An adequate utilization of technology is essential to prepare our teachers to live, work, learn, and teach in an uncertain future that, despite the innate conservatism of the educational bureaucracy, is sure to be more technological than it is now, not less. Although there is understandably some variation in the extent of technology access to faculty and students across the institutions, most campuses have recently added or expanded computer and other technology facilities. The larger campuses already have extensive computer labs for students, but even the smaller campuses now have suitable facilities. For example, Coppin has recently installed an IVN facility and two student labs of PCs which are now being networked. BCCC has a Science Learning Center and a Math Learning Centers with new computers. Frostburg has a new Macintosh lab. Bowie has sufficient networked computer facilities that they offer a series of summer workshops in computer applications and Internet literacy for local teachers and faculty.

The two main aspects of the use of technology by the MCTP project are the use by project participants to conduct project-related business and the use by students within the MCTP courses.

Use of Technology by Project Participants

Use of Technology in MCTP Courses

Last updated December, 1996.