Variable sheet:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- St Input Name Output Unit Comment freq 7.495E13 Hz frequency (Hz) E 4.966E-20 Joule energy (Joule, erg, eV, kcal/mole) v 2500 cm-1 wavenumber (cm-1) 400 lambda nm wavelength of light (mm, , m, nm) --------MONOCHROMATOR---------- 1 m order (unitless) d .00083333 mm grating constant (mm, cm, m) theta 14.386773 degrees rotation angle of grating (radians, de 15 Phi degrees monochromator takeoff angle (radians, alpha 29.386773 degrees incidence angle (radians, degrees) beta .61322672 degrees diffraction angle (radians, degrees) 1200 lines lines/mm grating ruling density (lines/mm) AngDisp 1200.0687 mm-1 Angular dispersion (mm-1, nm-1) LinDisp .36002062 mm/nm Linear Dispersion (mm/mm, mm/nm, mm/) RLD 2.7776187 nm/mm Reciprocal linear dispersion (nm/mm, 300 Fm mm Focal length on monochromator (mm, cm, Sg 1.3888093 nm Geometrical spectral bandpass (mm, m, S 1.395476 nm Spectral bandpass (mm, m, nm, ) Snu .8721725 cm-1 Spectral bandpass (cm-1) 5 H mm Slit height (mm, m) .5 W mm Slit width (mm, m) .5 Top Transmission factor of monochromator Sd .00666667 nm diffraction limited resolution (mm, m N 60000 Total number of lines in grating (unit 50 Wg mm aperture (mm, cm, m) omega .02420353 sr acceptance solid angle, steradians Fnumber 5.6964669 F-number of monochromator As .025 cm2 Slit area (cm2, mm2) Ap 21.783178 cm2 grating area viewed from entrance slit PhiIn .02132818 watts Radiant power input into monochromator .01 Strayli Percent stray light Phi0 1.3896E-7 watts Radiant power passed by monochromator ---------LIGHT SOURCE------------- .5 emisiv emissivity of blackbody 2500 Tb K Temperature of blackbody (K, C) nm 400 nm wavelength in nm peak 1158.8 nm Peak wavelength (nm, , m, cm) B 35.248047 W/sr/cm2 Total radiance over all wavelengths Blambda .00033073 W/sr/nm/c Source spectral radiance (W/sr/nm/cm2) -----PHOTOMULTIPLIER DETECTOR--------- .2 Klam Cathode quantum efficiency g 3.2150301 gain per stage SEF .45146114 secondary emission factor 600 V volts total voltage applied Vd 66.666667 volts voltage per dynode (volts, KV) 9 k number of dynodes M 36699.941 multiplication factor 1000 rt sec-1 cathode thermionic emission rate (sec- .9 eta collection efficiency Rlam .64515324 amps/watt radiant cathode responsivity (amps/wat Flux 2.7981E12 sec-1 Photon flux on cathode (sec-1) rcp 5.5963E11 sec-1 cathode photoelectron emission rate, s ic 8.9652E-8 amps cathode photocurrent (amps, mA, A, nA ict 1.602E-16 amps cathode thermionic dark current (amps, iat 5.291E-12 amps anode thermionic dark current (amps, m 303 T K Temperature of load resistor (K, C) 1000 RL ohms Load (or feedback) resistance (ohms, K sigmai 5.0269E-9 amps signal shot noise current (amps, mA, sigmat 2.125E-13 amps thermionic shot noise current (amps, m 0 excess amps excess noise current (amps, mA, A, nA sigmad 2.125E-13 amps total dark noise current (amps, mA, A sigma 5.0269E-9 amps total shot noise current (amps, mA, A sigmav 5.0269E-6 volts total shot noise voltage (volts, mvolt sigmaJ 2.8919E-9 volts Johnson noise voltage (volts, mvolts) 0 flicfac flicker factor sigmaf 0 volts flicker noise voltage (volts, mvolts) sigman 5.0269E-6 volts total noise voltage (volts, mvolts) 1 t sec integration time (sec) DeltaF .5 Hz noise bandwidth, Hz tau .5 sec RC time constant (sec) resptim 2.5 sec RC response time (sec) ia .00296121 amps reference photocurrent (amps, mA, A, L SNR 589130.53 signal-to-noise ratio of incident inte ----SAMPLE and OUTPUT SIGNAL------- 1 a absorptivity of analyte 1 b cm path length of cell 1 c concentration of analyte A 1 true aborbance ias .00029642 amps sample photocurrent (amps, mA, A, nA Es 2.9615091 volts reference signal voltage (volts, mvolt Ess .29641742 volts sample signal voltage (volts, mvolts) sigmas 1.5904E-9 sample shot noise current (amps, mA, Aobs .99960934 Measured absorbance RSDref 1.6976E-6 RSD of reference signal RSDsamp 5.3656E-6 RSD of sample signal RSD 5.6277E-6 RSD of transmission RSDA .00024434 Percent RSD of absorbance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rule sheet: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RSDA=100*.434*RSD/Aobs d=1/lines AngDisp = m/(d*cos(beta)) LinDisp = Fm*AngDisp RLD=1/LinDisp Sg=W/LinDisp S = Sg+Sd Snu=.1*S/(lambda*lambda) Sd = lambda/(m*N) N = Wg/d beta=Phi-theta alpha=theta+Phi m*lambda=2*d*cos(Phi)*sin(theta) omega=Ap/Fm^2 Ap=Wg^2*cos(alpha) PhiIn=B*As*omega As=0.01*W*H Phi0=Blambda*As*omega*Top*Sg*1e6 Fnumber=Fm/sqrt(4*Ap/pi()) lambda = 1/v Blambda = emisiv*1.19111E16*nm^-5/(exp(1.438e7/(nm*Tb))-1) E = (6.6261E-34)*freq freq = (2.998E10)/lambda B=emisiv*1.8047e-12*Tb^4 peak=2.897e6/Tb nm=lambda*1e6 exponent=1.438e7/(nm*Tb) LambdaT=nm*Tb lambda = 1/v E = (6.6261E-34)*freq freq = (2.998E10)/lambda M=g^k Vd=V/k g=0.17*Vd^.7 " this is partly empirical rcp=Klam*Flux Rlam=(Klam*1.602e-19)/E ia=eta*M*Rlam*Phi0 ic=rcp*1.602e-19 Flux=Phi0/E ict=rt*1.602e-19 iat=M*eta*ict Es=RL*((ia*Straylight/100)+ia+iat) sigmai=sqrt(2*1.602e-19*(1+SEF)*M*ia*DeltaF) SEF=1/(g-1) sigmat=sqrt(2*1.602e-19*(1+SEF)*M*iat*DeltaF) sigmad=sqrt(sigmat^2+excess^2) sigma=sqrt(sigmad^2+sigmai^2) sigmaJ=sqrt(4*1.38e-23*T*RL*DeltaF) sigman=sqrt((RL*sigma)^2+sigmaJ^2+sigmaf^2) sigmav=RL*sigma SNR=Es/sigman DeltaF=1/(2*t) DeltaF=1/(4*tau) resptime=5*tau sigmaf=flicfac*Es A=a*b*c ias=(ia*Straylight/100)+ia*10^(-A) Ess=RL*(ias+iat) sigmas=sqrt(2*1.602e-19*(1+SEF)*M*(ias+iat)*DeltaF) Aobs=log(Es/Ess) RSDref=sigmai/ia RSDsamp=sigmas/ias RSD=sqrt(RSDref^2+RSDsamp^2) RSDA=100*.434*RSD/Aobs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may download the UV-Visible absorption spectrophotometer model in either binary or BIHHEX (text-encoded) mode.
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