R. J. Sanford, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering Publications |
BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Kies, J.A., Krafft, J.M., Sanford, R.J., Smith, H.L. and Sullivan A.M., "Historical Note on the Development of Fracture Mechanics by G.R. Irwin," LINEAR FRACTURE MECHANICS, Envo Publishing Co., Lehigh Valley, PA 1975(1-27). 2. Sanford, R.J., "Fringe Patterns in Photoelastic Holography," PROGRESS IN EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Catholic University Press, 1975 (167-190). 3. Sanford, R.J., ed., FRACTURE MECHANICS: FIFTEENTH NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, STP 833, ASTM, Phil. PA, 758 pages, 1984. 4. Sayre, C.L., Jr. and R.J. Sanford, INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, classroom edition, 283 pages, 1987. 5. Sanford, R. J. ed., SELECTED PAPERS ON FOUNDATIONS OF LINEAR ELASTIC FRACTURE MECHANICS, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 137, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA, 638 pages, 1997. Co-published by Soc. Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT as SP-001. 6. Sanford, R. J. ed., SELECTED PAPERS ON CRACK TIP STRESS FIELDS, SPIE Milestone Series, Volume MS 138, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA 656 pages, 1997. Co-published by Soc. Experimental Mechanics, Bethel, CT as SP-002. 7. Sanford R.J., PRINCIPLES OF FRACTURE MECHANICS, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 422 pages, 2003. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 1. Clark, A.B.J. and Sanford, R.J., "A Comparison of the Static and Dynamic Properties of Photoelastic Materials," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 3(6), June 1963 (148-151). 2. Sanford, R.J., "The Validity of Three-dimensional Photoelastic Analysis of Non-homogeneous Elastic Field Problems," BRIT. J. APPL. PHYSICS, 17(1), January 1966 (99-108). 3. Liebowitz, H., Vanderveldt, H.H. and Sanford, R.J., "Stress Concentrations Due to Sharp Notches," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 7(12), December 1967 (513-517). 4. Sanford, R.J. and Durelli, A.J., "Interpretation of Fringes in Stress-Holo-Interferometry," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 11(4), April 1971 (161-166). 5. Sanford, R.J. and Stonesifer, F.R., "Fracture Toughness Measurements in Unidirectional Glass-Reinforced Plastics," J. of COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 5, April 1971 (241-245). 6. Sanford, R.J., "Computer-Simulated Stress-Optic Patterns," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 11(9), September 1971 (418-420). 7. Sanford, R.J. and Parks, V.J., "Discussion of An Application of Holography to Complete Stress Analysis of Photoelastic Models," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 12(11) November 1972 (528-529). 8. Sanford. R.J., "Differential Stress-Holo-Interferometry," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 13(8), August 1973 (330-338). 9. Sanford, R.J. and Parks, V.J., "On the Limitations of Interferometric Methods in Three-Dimensional Photoelasticity," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 13(11), November 1973 (464-471). 10. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "On the Role of Material and Optical Properties in Complete Photoelastic Analysis," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 16(12), December 1976 (441-447). 11. Sanford, R.J. and Beaubien, L.A., "Stress Analysis of a Complex Part: Photoelasticity vs. Finite Elements," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 17(12), December 1977 (441-448) 12. Sanford, R.J. and Parks, V.J., "A Holographic Method for Matching and Measuring the Refractive Index of a Photoelastic Material," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 18(3), March 1978 (112-114). 13. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Photoelastic and Holographic Analysis of a Turbine-Engine Component," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 18(9), September 1978 (328-334). 14. Dally, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Classification of Stress Intensity Factors from Isochromatic Fringe Patterns," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 18(12), December 1978 (441-448) 15. Sanford, R.J. and Dally, J.W., "A General Method for Determining Mixed Mode Stress Intensity Factors from Isochromatic Fringe Patterns," ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, 11, 1979 (621-633). 16. Sanford, R.J., "A Critical Re-examination of the Westergaard Method for Solving Opening-Mode Crack Problems," MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 6(5), 1979 (289-294). 17. Sanford, R.J., "Application of the Least Squares Method to Photoelastic Analysis," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 20(6), June 1980 (192-197). 18. Sanford, R.J., "Photoelastic Holography-A Modern Tool for Stress Analysis," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 20(12), December 1980 (427-436). 19. Parks, V.J., Sanford, R.J. and Cernosek, J., "Analysis of Turbine Blades with New Photoelastic Methods," J. OF AIRCRAFT, 18(3), March 1981, (213-219). 20. Phillips, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Effect of Higher-Order Stress Terms on Mode I Caustics in Birefringent Materials," PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRACTURE MECHANICS, STP 743, ASTM, 1981 (387-402). 21. Sanford, R.J., "Visualizing Stress Fields with Photoelastic Holography," OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 21(3), May/June 1982 (489-495). 22. Dally, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Multiple Ruby Laser System for High Speed Photography," OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 21(4), July/August 1982 (704-708). 23. Chona, R., Irwin, G.R., Sanford, R.J., "The Influence of Specimen Size and Shape on the Singularity-Dominated Zone," PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14th NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRACTURE MECHANICS, STP 791, Vol. 1, ASTM, 1983 (I-1 - I-23). 24. Dally, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "A New High Speed Photographic System for Experimental Mechanics," MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 9(5) Sept/Oct 1982 (337-341). 25. Clark, A.V., Mignogna, R.B. and Sanford, R.J., "Acoustoelastic Measurement of Stress and Stress Intensity Factors Around Crack Tips," ULTRASONICS, March 1983 (57-64). 26. Sanford, R.J. and Chona, R., "Photoelastic Calibration of the Short-Bar Chevron-notch Specimen," CHEVRON-NOTCH SPECIMENS, TESTING AND STRESS ANALYSIS, STP 855, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA 1984 (81-97). 27. Barker, D.B., Sanford, R.J. and Chona, R., "Determining K and Related Stress Field Parameters from Displacement Fields," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 25(4), December 1985 (399-406). 28. Dally, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Strain Gage Methods for Measuring the Opening Mode Stress Intensity Factor, KI," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, 27(4), December 1987 (381-387). 29. Judy, R.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Correlation of Optical Caustic Behavior with Fracture Properties of High Strength Steels," THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NON-LINEAR FRACTURE MECHANICS, ASTM STP 995, 1989, (340-357). 30. Graham, S.M. and R.J. Sanford, "The Influence of Grating Characteristics on Moire' Fringe Multiplication," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS," Vol. 28, No. 4, Dec. 1988 (329-335). 31. Sanford, R.J. and J.R. Berger, "The Numerical Solution of Opening Mode Finite Body Fracture Problems Using Generalized Westergaard Functions," ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1990, (461-471). 32. Sanford, R.J. "Determining Fracture Parameters with Full Field Optical Methods," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. 29, No.3, Sept 1989 (241-247). 33. Sanford, R.J. and R.E. Link, "Holographic Measurement of the Elasto-plastic Boundary Surrounding Cold Expanded Holes," J. STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, Vol. 24, No. 2, 1989 (103-106). 34. Dally, J.W. and R.J. Sanford, "Measuring the Stress Intensity Factor for Propagating Cracks with Strain Gages," J. TESTING AND EVALUATION, ASTM, Vol. 18, No. 4, July 1990 (240-249). 35. Berger, J.R., J.W. Dally, and R.J. Sanford, "Determining the Dynamic Stress Intensity Factor with Strain Gages Using a Crack Tip Locating Algorithm," ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 36, No. 1, 1990, (145-156). 36. Link, R.E. and R.J. Sanford, "The Residual Strains Surrounding Split-sleeve Cold Expanded Holes in 7075-T651 Aluminum," J. AIRCRAFT (AIAA), Vol. 27, No. 7, July 1990 (599-604). 37. Sanford, R.J. and R.W. Judy, Jr., "Application of the Method of Caustics to J-testing with Standard Specimen Geometries," PROCEEDINGS 21st NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRACTURE MECHANICS, ASTM, STP 1074, 1990 ( ). 38. Sanford, R.J., J.W. Dally, and J.R. Berger, "An Improved Method for Measuring KID for a Propagating Crack," J. STRAIN ANAL. FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1990 (177-183). 39. Kirk, M.T. and R.J. Sanford, "A KI Calibration for a Modified Single Edge Notched Tension Specimen," J. TESTING AND EVALUATION, Vol. 18, No. 5, Sept. 1990, (344-351). 40. Dally, J.W., R.K. Agrawal and R.J. Sanford, "A Study of Hysteresis in the KID-a Relation," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. 30, No. 2, June 1990 (177-183). 41. Sanford, R.J. and M.T. Kirk, "A Global Collocation Technique for Solution of Opening Mode Crack Problems," INT'L J. FRACTURE, Vol. 49, No. 4, June 1991 (273-289). 42. Sanford, R.J. and M.T. Kirk, "A Comparison of Boundary and Global Collocation Solutions for KI and CMOD Calibration Functions," EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. 31, No. 1, March 1991 (52-59). 43. Feng, Z., R.E. Rowlands and R.J. Sanford, "Stress Intensity Determination by an Experimental-Numerical Hybrid Technique," J. STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1991 (243-251). 44. Feng, Z., R.J. Sanford and R.E. Rowlands, "Determining Stress Intensity Factor from Smoothing Finite-Element Representation of Photomechanical Data," ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, Vol. 40, No. 3, 1991 (593-601). 45. Yi. W. and R.J. Sanford, "On a Circular Inclusion Embedded in an Infinite Matrix Subjected to a Point Load," J. THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS, 7, APRIL 1994 (165-177). 46. Bearden, K., J.W. Dally and R.J. Sanford, "Experimental Determination of KI for Short Internal Cracks," J. APPLIED MECHANICS, 68, Nov. 2001 (937-943). PROCEEDINGS AND EXTENDED ABSTRACTS 1. Kies, J.A., Sanford, R.J. and Mulville, D.R., "Reliability and Safety Aspects of Glass as a Deep Ocean Structure," 1970 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING IN THE OCEAN ENVIRONMENT, TECHNICAL DIGEST, September 1970 (203-205). 2. Sanford, R.J., "A General Theory of Polarization Holography and Its Application to Photoelastic Analysis," PROCEEDINGS OF SYMPOSIUM ON ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF HOLOGRAPHY, February 1972, SPIE, Bellingham, WA (331-343). 3. Sanford, R.J. and Parks, V.J., "On the Limitations of Interferometric Methods in Three-Dimensional Photoelasticity," PROCEEDINGS OF THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Los Angeles, CA, May 1973. 4. Sanford, R.J., "Photoelastic Holography-A Status Report," PROCEEDINGS 10TH ANNIVERSARY MEETING, SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES, November 1973, Raleigh, NC. 5. Parks, V.J., Sanford, R.J. and Dally, J.W., "Optical Fracture Mechanics and Stress Analysis of a Turbine Engine Fan Disk," CASE STUDIES ON STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND RELIABILITY, Proceedings, Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, September 1978 (113-131). 6. Sanford, R.J. and Chona, R., "Analysis of Photoelastic Fracture Patterns with a Sampled Least Squares Method," PROCEEDINGS, 1981 SESA SPRING MEETING, Dearborn, MI, May 1981. 7. Sanford, R.J. and Chona, R., "Characterizing Fracture Mechanics Specimens by Photoelastic Methods," PROCEEDINGS, 1982 SESA SPRING MEETING, Hawaii, May 1982. 8. Sanford, R.J. and Hughes, R.G., "Analysis of Stress Waves in Flawed Solids with a Multi-laser Camera," PROCEEDINGS, 15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTONICS, San Diego, CA, August 1982. 9. Sanford, R.J., "Principal Stress Fringe Patterns with Photoelastic Holography," PROCEEDINGS, 1982 SESA FALL MEETING, Hartford, CT, November 1982. 10. Barker, D.B., Sanford, R.J. and Chona, R.,"Stress-intensity-factor Determination From Displacement Fields," PROCEEDINGS, 1983 SESA SPRING MEETING, Cleveland, OH, May 1983. 11. Fourney, W.L., Chona, R. and Sanford, R.J., "Dynamic Crack Growth in Polymers," WORKSHOP ON DYNAMIC FRACTURE, California Institute of Technology, Feb. 1983. 12. Sanford, R.J., "The Influence of Nonsingular Stresses on Experimental Measurements of the Stress Intensity Factor," MODELLING PROBLEMS IN CRACK TIP MECHANICS, J.T. Pindera (Ed), Martinus Nijhoff Publications, 1984. 13. Chona, R., Fourney, W.L., Sanford, R.J. and Shukla, A., "Determining Stress Intensity Factors for Running Cracks," MODELLING PROBLEMS IN CRACK TIP MECHANICS, J. T. Pindera (Ed), Martinus Nijhoff Publications, 1984. 14. Sanford, R.J. and Link, R.E., "Local Collocation - A Hybrid Technique in Fracture Mechanics," TWELFTH SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, 1984. 15. Sanford, R.J., Chona, R. and Barker, D.B., "Simple Techniques for Generating Computer Fringe Patterns," FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Montreal, Canada, June 1984. 16. Sanford, R.J. and Iyengar, V., "The Measurement of the Complete Photoelastic Fringe Order Using a Spectral Scanner," PROCEEDINGS 1985 SPRING MEETING, SEM, June 1985. 17. Dally, J.W. and Sanford, R.J., "Strain Gage Methods for Measuring the Opening Mode Stress Intensity Factor," PROCEEDINGS 1985 SPRING MEETING, SEM, June 1985. 18. Link, R.E. and Sanford, R.J., "Mirco-Moire - A High-Sensitivity Moire Technique for Determining the Displacement Fields Using Phase Gratings as Amplitude Grantings," PROCEEDINGS 1985 SPRING MEETING, SEM, June 1985. 19. Chona, R., Fourney, W.L., Link, R.E. and Sanford, R.J., "The Recoverability of Plastic Zone Energy in Crack Arrest," PROCEEDINGS 1985 SPRING MEETING, SEM, June 1985. 20. Sanford, R.J., Barker, D.B. and Chona, R., "Computer Generated Fringe Patterns in Speckle Analysis," PROCEEDINGS, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPECKLE, SPIE, San Diego, CA, August 1985. 21. Graham, S.M. and Sanford, R.J., "Simplified Technique for High Sensitivity Classical Moire Measurements," PROCEEDINGS, 1986 SPRING MEETING, SEM, New Orleans, June 1986. 22. Sanford, R.J., "On the Range and Accuracy of Spectrally Scanned White Light Photoelasticity," PROCEEDINGS 1986 SPRING MEETING, SEM, New Orleans, June 1986. 23. Sanford, R.J., and Berger, J.R., "Application of Generalized Westergaard Functions to Boundary Collocation," PROCEEDINGs 23RD ANNUAL MEETING, SOCIETY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE, August 1986. 24. Dally, J.W. and R.J. Sanford, "Applications of Photoelasticity to Elastodynamics," PROCEEDINGS, INT'L CONFERENCE ON PHOTOMECHANICS AND SPECKLE METROLOGY, SPIE Vol. 814, Part one, pp. 28-35, (August 1987). 25. Graham, S.M. and R.J. Sanford, "Extension of Classical Moire to Micromechanics," PROCEEDINGS, INT'L CONFERENCE ON PHOTOMECHANICS AND SPECKLE METROLOGY, SPIE Vol. 814, Part one, pp. 269-276, (August 1987). 26. Sanford, R.J. and J.S. Gerstein, "Design and Calibration of a Multi-lens Caustic Camera," PROCEEDINGS OF THE VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. I, Portland, OR, June 6-10, 1988, pp. 134-140. 27. Graham, S.M., and R.J. Sanford, "A Study of Residual Stress Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth Using Moire," PROCEEDINGS OF THE VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. I, Portland, OR, June 6-10, 1988, pp. 286-291. 28. Chona, R., and R.J. Sanford, "Analyzing Crack-tip Isochromatic Patterns," PROCEEDINGS OF THE VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. II, Portland, OR, June 6-10, 1988, pp. 751-760. 29. Sanford, R.J., "Determining Fracture Parameters with Full Field Optical Methods," PROCEEDINGS OF THE VI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Vol. II, Portland, OR, June 6-10, 1988, pp. 975-981. 30. Dally, J.W. and R.J. Sanford, "On Measuring the Instantaneous Stress Intensity Factor for Propagating Cracks," PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE VII (ICF7), Houston, TX, March 1989 (3223-3230). 31. Sanford, R.J., Dally, J.W., Berger, J.R., "An Improved Method for Measuring KID for a Propagating Crack,", PROCEEDINGS 1989 SEM SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Cambridge, MA, 1989, pp. 655-661. 32. Dally, J.W., Agarwal, R.K. and R.J. Sanford, "A Study of the Hysteresis in the KID-a Relation," PROCEEDINGS 1989 SEM SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Cambridge, MA, May 1989, pp. 640-647. 33. Sanford, R.J. and Alan McGinnis, "Automating Birefringence Measurements for Inspection and Quality Control," Proceedings, 36th INT'L INSTRUMENTATION SYMPOSIUM (ISA), Denver, CO, pp. 799-809, May 1990. 34. Sanford, R.J. and J.W. Dally, "Applications of a Reflective Mode Cranz-Schardin Optical System to Dynamic Fracture and Stress Analysis," PROCEEDINGS 37TH INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTATION SYMPOSIUM (ISA), San Diego, CA, pp. 63-73, May 1991. 35. Sanford, R.J. and Alan McGinnis, "New Method for Measuring Low Level Birefringence Using a Spectral Scanner," PROCEEDINGS, 37th INT'L INSTRUMENTATION SYMPOSIUM (ISA), San Diego, CA, pp. 1029-1041, May 1991. 36. Berger, J.R., J.W. Dally and R.J. Sanford, "Extent of Validity of Three-parameter Crack Tip Strain Fields," PROCEEDINGS, 1991 SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 572-578, June 1991. 37. Feng, Z., R.J. Sanford and R.E. Rowlands, "Stress Intensity Determinations by Hybrid Moire-Numerical Techniques," PROCEEDINGS, 1991 SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 370-377, June 1991. 38. Sanford, R.J., "A Moire Study of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Aluminum", PROCEEDINGS, 1991 SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Milwaukee, WI, pp. 344-349, June 1991. 39. Sanford, R.J. and Drude, B.T., "Determining the Stress Intensity Factors of Internal Cracks Using Local Collocation," PROCEEDINGS, 1993 SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Dearborn, MI, June 1993. 40. Sanford, R.J., "The Effect of a Tint Plate on Fringe Order Extraction in White Light Spectroscopic Photoelasticity.", PROCEEDINGS, 1993 SPRING CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Dearborn, MI, June 1993. 41. Yi. W. and R.J. Sanford, "On a Circular Inclusion Embedded in an Infinite Matrix Subjected to a Point Load," PROCEEDINGS, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR COMPOSITES, EIGHTH TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, Cleveland, OH, October 1993. 42. Sanford, R.J. and Sayal, .S., "A New Strain Gage Method for Measuring the Crack Propagation Toughness in Non-isothermal Fields", SEM VIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, Nashville, TN, June 1996. REPORTS 1. Clark, A.B.J. and Sanford, R.J., "A Comparison of the Static and Dynamic Properties of Photoelastic Materials," NRL Progress Report, October 1961 (20-21). 2. Clark, A.B.J. and Sanford, R.J., "A Comparison of the Static and Dynamic Properties of Photoelastic Materials," NRL Report 5940, May 1963. 3. Sanford, R.J., Stonesifer, F.R. and Mast, P.W., "Failure Studies of Structural Plastics," (Compression Failure Mechanisms in Glass-reinforced Plastics), Report of NRL Progress, September 1964 (22-23). 4. Sanford, R.J., "An Investigation of the Validity of Three-dimensional Photoelastic Analysis of Non-Homogeneous Elastic Field Problems," Master's Thesis, George Washington University, February 1965. 5. Sanford, R.J. and Stonesifer, F.R., "The Behavior of Strain Energy Release Rate in Unidirectional Fiberglass Laminates," Report of NRL Progress, May 1965 (25-27). 6. Mast, P.W., Mulville, D.R., Clark, A.B.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Compression Failure in Glass," Report of NRL Progress, June 1966 (13-16). 7. Sanford, R.J. and Withrow, S.P., "Strength Distribution of Etched Glass," Report of NRL Progress, September 1967 (33-35). 8. Kies, J.A., Sanford, R.J. and Mulville, D.R., "Prediction of the Strengths of Internal Cavities in Glass Under Compressive Loads," NRL Report 7020, January 1970. 9. Sanford, R.J. and Stonesifer, F.R., "Fracture Toughness of Filament Wound Composites, Part I. Effect of Material Variables," NRL Report 7112, June 1970. 10. Sanford, R.J. and Durelli, A.J., "Interpretation of Fringes in Stress-Holo-Interferometry," CUA Report 24 to ONR, Catholic University of America, July 1970. 11. Sanford, R.J., "A General Approach to the Analysis of Holographic Optical Systems for Stress Analysis," Catholic University of America, Doctoral Dissertation, October 1971. 12. Chaskelis, H.H., Cullen, W.H., Hart, S.D. and Sanford, R.J., "Determining the Integrity of Drive Shafts for Semi-Submerged Twin-hulled Platforms," Report of NRL Progress, October 1974 (30-34). 13. Sanford, R.J. and Chaskelis, H.H., "Acoustic Imaging of a Titanium Casting," NRL Report 8031, August 1976 14. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Experimental Stress Analysis of the TF-30 Turbine Engine Third-Stage Fan-Blade/Disk Dovetail Region," NRL Report 8149, August 1977. 15. Sanford, R.J. and Dally, J.W., "Stress Intensity Factors in the TF-30 Turbine Engine 3rd Stage Fan Disk," NRL Report 8202, May 1978. 16. Vaughan, W.H., Sanford, R.J., Krafft, J.M., Cullen, W.H. and Dally, J.W., "Failure Studies of a Third Stage Fan Disk from a TF-30 Turbine Engine," NRL Memo Report 3874, November 1978. 17. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Three-Dimensional Photoelastic Stress Analysis for the Dovetail Region of the TF-30 Turbine Engine's Third-Stage Fan," NRL Report 8276, December 1978. 18. Phillips, J.W., Sanford, R.J. and Beinert, J., "Effect of the Constant-Stress Term on Mode I Caustics," T&AM Report 436, University of Illinois, December 1979. 19. Irwin, G.R., Barker, D.B., Sanford, R.J., Fourney, W.L., Metcalf, J.T., Shukla, A. and Chona, R., "Photoelastic Studies of Damping, Crack Propagation and Crack Arrest in Polymers and 4340 Steel," NUREG/CR 1455, University of Maryland, May 1980. 20. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Photoelastic Stress and Fracture Analysis of Two Neutron Tube Designs," NRL Memo Report 4363, October 1980. 21. Sanford, R.J., Fourney, W.L., Chona, R. and Irwin, G.R., "A Photoelastic Study of the Influence of Non-Singular Stresses in Fracture Test Specimens," NUREG/CR-2179, University of Maryland, August 1981. 22. Parks, V.J. and Sanford, R.J., "Stress Analysis of Two Mini-hat Pressure Gage Designs," NRL Memo Report 4780, February 1982. 23. Sanford, R.J., Chona, R. and Link, R.E., "Photoelastic Analysis of Metal-Brittle Material Structures," Progress Report for the period June 1, 1982 to September 30, 1983, to Sandia National Laboratories, U. of Md. Photomechanics Laboratory Report, September 1983. 24. Sanford, R.J. and Oktay, H. Semih, "Design Concepts for a Reflective Mode Cranz-Schardin Camera," Final Report to National Bureau of Standards, January, 1984. 25. Sanford, R.J., Graham, S.M., and Link, R.E., "Mechanics of Cold Expanded Fastener Holes in 7075-T651 Aluminum," Final Report to Naval Air Systems Command, Contract N00019-83C-0305, Oct. 1986. 26. Graham, S.M. and Sanford, R.J., "Moire Interferometry of Dropped-Ply Composite Panel," Final Report for the Period Dec. 1985. to Dec. 1986, ATR, Inc., Dec. 1986. 27. Collison, P.D. and Sanford, R.J., "Moire Interferometry of Dropped Ply Composite Panel," Final Report for Period Sept. 1987 to April 1988, ATR Inc., April 1988. 28. Sanford, R.J., "Dynamic Fracture of Naval Airframe Structures," Final Report for the Period August 1987 to December 1990, Naval Air Development Center, January 1992. 29. Sanford, R.J., "Valve Lifter Reliability Improvement Study," Phase One Progress Report, Maryland Industrial Partners Program, Mack Trucks, April 15, 1992. 30. Balachandran, B., Sanford, R.J. and Padmanabham, M., "Vibration tudies with Turbine Blades," Technical Report to Material Engineering Associates, Inc., June 1995. 31. Balachandran, B., Sanford, R.J., Padmanabham, M. and Cullen, W.H.," Aircraft Turbine Blade Sample Testing," Final Report, MEA 2564, Support Systems Associates, Inc. June 27, 1995.
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