A selection of seminar length lectures related to fracture mechanics that
may be of interest to your organization is in preparation. The lectures
planned at this time include:
The Collocation
Method in Fracture Mechanics – Then and Now
The Year 2000 J. L. Swedlow Memorial Lecture presented at the 32nd
National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, June 14, 2000. |
On the
General Solution of Plane Crack Problems in Westergaard Form
This lecture is an update of the one presented at the ICES ’95
conference describing the mathematical basis for the generalized
Westergaard formulation developed by the author and it relation
to other mathematical descriptions of plane problems in elasticity
containing cracks. This lecture is the most mathematical of the
lectures in this series.
From Inglis
to Irwin: An Illustrated History of Fracture Mechanics
Using illustrations from historical papers in fracture mechanics,
this lecture presents the major milestones in the development of the
modern theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics. |
You Ever Wanted to Know About Crack Tip Stress Fields
A thorough understanding of the nature of the stress field in the
neighborhood of a crack tip is fundamental to the development of the
theory and application of linear elastic fracture mechanics. The role
of the stress intensity factor, K, to this stress field is explored
from a historical perspective in this lecture. |
Please contact me
about scheduling of any of these lectures as well as honorarium and travel
expense requirements.
Contact me at: sanford@umd.edu