R. J. Sanford, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering

Fracture Mechanics

BiographyPublications ListLecture

Selected Papers on Crack Tip Stress Fields
Copublished by the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). See also MS 137, a companion volume of Selected Papers on Foundations of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

R.J. Sanford, Editor
University of Maryland, College Park
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

676 pages/61 papers
Preface, Introduction, Subject Index, Author Index.
Published 1997

Hardbound, ISBN 0-8194-2621-0

Table of Contents

Section One
Analytical Methods

3 Stress analysis of cracks
Paul C. Paris, George C. Sih (in Fracture Toughness Testing and Its Applications 1965)
57 Westergaard stress functions for several periodic crack problems
Hiroshi Tada (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
61 Analysis of an infinite plate containing radial cracks originating at the boundary of an internal circular hole
O.L. Bowie (Journal of Mathematics and Physics 1956)
73 Rectangular tensile sheet with symmetric edge cracks
O.L. Bowie (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1964)
78 A modified mapping-collocation technique for accurate calculation of stress intensity factors
O.L. Bowie, D.M. Neal (International Journal of Fracture 1970)
86 Solution of plane problems of elasticity utilizing partitioning concepts
O.L. Bowie, C.E. Freese, D.M. Neal (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1973)
92 Elastic field equations for blunt cracks with reference to stress corrosion cracking
Matthew Creager, Paul C. Paris (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1967)
98 The stress intensity factors for cracks in stress gradients
G.G. Chell (International Journal of Fracture 1973)
100 The stress intensity factors and crack profiles for centre and edge cracks in plates subject to arbitrary stresses
G.G. Chell (International Journal of Fracture 1976)
114 Crack-tip, stress-intensity factors for plane extension and plate bending problems
G.C. Sih, P.C. Paris, F. Erdogan (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1962)
121 On cracks in rectilinearly anisotropic bodies
G.C. Sih, P.C. Paris, G.R. Irwin (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1965)
136 Central crack in plane orthotropic rectangular sheet
O.L. Bowie, C.E. Freese (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1972)
145 The stresses around a fault or crack in dissimilar media
M.L. Williams (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 1959)
151 Plane problems of cracks in dissimilar media
J.R. Rice, G.C. Sih (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1965)
157 Stress-intensity factors for the tension of an eccentrically cracked strip
M. Isida (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1966)
159 Discussion: Plane strain crack toughness testing of high strength metallic materials (by William F. Brown, Jr., and John E. Srawley)
C.E. Feddersen (in Plane Strain Crack Toughness Testing 1966)
162 The stress intensity factors of a radial crack in a finite rotating elastic disc
D.P. Rooke, J. Tweed (International Journal of Engineering Science 1972)
168 The stress intensity factor of an edge crack in a finite rotating elastic disc
D.P. Rooke, J. Tweed (International Journal of Engineering Science 1973)
173 Stress intensity factors for some through-cracked fastener holes
A.F. Grandt, Jr. (International Journal of Fracture 1975)
185 Stress intensity factors for hollow circumferentially notched round bars
D.O. Harris (Journal of Basic Engineering 1967)
191 Three-dimensional stress distribution around an elliptical crack under arbitrary loadings
M.K. Kassir, G.C. Sih (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1966)
202 Stress intensity factors for penny-shaped cracks. Part 1--Infinite solid
F.W. Smith, A.S. Kobayashi, A.F. Emery (Journal of Applied Mechanics
208 Stress intensity factors for semicircular cracks. Part 2--Semi-infinite solid
F.W. Smith, A.F. Emery, A.S. Kobayashi (Journal of Applied Mechanics
215 Stress intensity factors for an elliptical crack approaching the surface of a semi-infinite solid
R.C. Shah, A.S. Kobayashi (International Journal of Fracture 1973)


Section Two
Numerical Methods


Stress-intensity factors for a single-edge-notch tension specimen by boundary collocation of a stress function
Bernard Gross, John E. Srawley, William F. Brown, Jr. (NASA Technical Note D-2395 1964)
242 Stress-intensity factors for single-edge-notch specimens in bending or combined bending and tension by boundary collocation of a stress function
Bernard Gross, John E. Srawley (NASA Technical Note D-2603 1965)
256 Stress-intensity factors for three-point bend specimens by boundary collocation
Bernard Gross, John E. Srawley (NASA Technical Note D-3092 1965)
269 Elastic displacements for various edge-cracked plate specimens
Bernard Gross, Ernest Roberts, Jr., John E. Srawley (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1968)
280 Wide range stress intensity factor expressions for ASTM E399 standard fracture toughness specimens
John E. Srawley (International Journal of Fracture 1976)
282 Stress intensity factors for deep cracks in bending and compact tension specimens
W.K. Wilson (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
285 An improved method of collocation for the stress analysis of cracked plates with various shaped boundaries
J.C. Newman, Jr. (NASA Technical Note D-6376 1971)
316 On the finite element method in linear fracture mechanics
S.K. Chan, I.S. Tuba, W.K. Wilson (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
333 A note on the finite element method in linear fracture mechanics
D.F. Mowbray (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
337 Finite elements for determination of crack tip elastic stress intensity factors
Dennis M. Tracey (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1971)
348 3-D elastic singularity element for evaluation of K along an arbitrary crack front
D.M. Tracey (International Journal of Fracture 1973)
351 The computation of stress intensity factors by a special finite element technique
P.F. Walsh (International Journal of Solids and Structures 1971)
361 On the use of isoparametric finite elements in linear fracture mechanics
Roshdy S. Barsoum (International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1976)
374 Crack tip finite elements are unnecessary
R.D. Henshell, K.G. Shaw (International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1975)
387 The weight function method for determining stress intensity factors
P.C. Paris, R.M. McMeeking, H. Tada (in Cracks and Fracture 1976)
405 Numerical evaluation of elastic stress intensity factors by the boundary-integral equation method
Thomas A. Cruse (in The Surface Crack: Physical Problems and Computational Solutions 1972)
423 Three-dimensional elastic stress analysis of a fracture specimen with an edge crack
T.A. Cruse, W. VanBuren (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1971)
438 Stress-intensity factors for a wide range of semi-elliptical surface cracks in finite-thickness plates
I.S. Raju, J.C. Newman, Jr. (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1979)
451 An empirical stress-intensity factor equation for the surface crack
J.C. Newman, Jr., I.S. Raju (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1981)


Section Three
Experimental Methods


The dynamic stress distribution surrounding a running crack--a photoelastic analysis
A.A. Wells, D. Post (S.E.S.A. Proceedings 1958)
485 Discussion of "The dynamic stress distribution surrounding a running crack--a photoelastic analysis"
G.R. Irwin (S.E.S.A. Proceedings 1958)
489 An investigation of propagating cracks by dynamic photoelasticity
W.B. Bradley, A.S. Kobayashi (Experimental Mechanics 1970)
497 Stress distribution in a tension specimen notched on one edge
J.R. Dixon, J.S. Strannigan, J. McGregor (Journal of Strain Analysis 1969)
502 Photoelastic determination of stress-intensity factors
R.H. Marloff, M.M. Leven, T.N. Ringler, R.L. Johnson (Experimental Mechanics 1971)
513 An assessment of factors influencing data obtained by the photoelastic stress freezing technique for stress fields near crack tips
M.A. Schroedl, J.J. McGowan, C.W. Smith (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1972)
524 A general method for determining mixed-mode stress intensity factors from isochromatic fringe patterns
Robert J. Sanford, James W. Dally (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1979)
535 Investigation of the rupture of a Plexiglas plate by means of an optical method involving high-speed filming of the shadows originating around holes drilled in the plate
Peter Manogg (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1966)
545 Analysis of the optical method of caustics for dynamic crack propagation
Ares J. Rosakis (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1980)
562 On crack-tip stress state: an experimental evaluation of three-dimensional effects
Ares J. Rosakis, K. Ravi-Chandar (International Journal of Solids and Structures 1986)
576 An optical method for determining the crack-tip stress intensity factor
E. Sommer (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
590 An optical-interference method for experimental stress analysis of cracked structures
P.B. Crosley, S. Mostovoy, E.J. Ripling (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1971)
604 The determination of Mode I stress-intensity factors by holographic interferometry
T.D. Dudderar, H.J. Gorman (Experimental Mechanics 1973)
609 Discussion of "The determination of Mode I stress-intensity factors by holographic interferometry"
M.E. Fourney (Experimental Mechanics 1974)
611 Fracture analysis by use of acoustic emission
H.L. Dunegan, D.O. Harris, C.A. Tatro (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1968)
630 Acousto-elastic measurement of stress and stress intensity factors around crack tips
A.V. Clark, R.B. Mignogna, R.J. Sanford (Ultrasonics 1983)
638 Strain energy release rate for radial cracks emanating from a pin loaded hole
D.J. Cartwright, G.A. Ratcliffe (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1972)
645 Strain-gage methods for measuring the opening-mode stress-intensity factor, KI
J.W. Dally, R.J. Sanford (Experimental Mechanics 1987)


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Last Modified March 28, 2002