R. J. Sanford, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering

Fracture Mechanics

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Selected Papers on Foundations of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Copublished by the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). See also MS 138, a companion volume of Selected Papers on Crack Tip Stress Analysis.

R.J. Sanford, Editor
University of Maryland, College Park
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

660 pages/38 papers
Preface, Introduction, Subject Index, Author Index.
Published 1997

Hardbound, ISBN 0-8194-2620-2

Table of Contents

Section One
Precursors to Modern Fracture Mechanics

3 Stresses in a plate due to the presence of cracks and sharp corners
C.E. Inglis (Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects 1913)
18 Bearing pressures and cracks
H.M. Westergaard (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1939)
23 The distribution of stress in the neighbourhood of a crack in an elastic solid
I.N. Sneddon (Proceedings of the Royal Society A 1946)
55 The distribution of stresses in the neighbourhood of a flat elliptical crack in an elastic solid
A.E. Green, I.N. Sneddon (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1950)
60 The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids
A.A. Griffith (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 1921)
96 The theory of rupture
A.A. Griffith (in Proceedings of the First International Conference for Applied Mechanics, C.B. Biezeno and J.M. Burgers, editors, 1925)
105 Direct measurements of the surface energies of crystals
John J. Gilman (Journal of Applied Physics 1960)
116 Fracture dynamics
G.R. Irwin (in Fracturing of Metals 1948)
136 Critical energy rate analysis of fracture strength
G.R. Irwin, J.A. Kies (Welding Journal, Research Supplement 1954)
142 Energy criteria of fracture
E. Orowan (Welding Journal, Research Supplement 1955)
146 Experiments on brittle fracture of steel plates
D.K. Felbeck, E. Orowan (Welding Journal, Research Supplement 1955)
152 The propagation of cracks and the energy of elastic deformation
H.F. Bueckner (Transactions of the ASME 1958)


Section Two
The Modern Theory of Fracture Mechanics


On the stress distribution at the base of a stationary crack
M.L. Williams (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1957)
167 Analysis of stresses and strains near the end of a crack traversing a plate
G.R. Irwin (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1957)
171 Crack-extension force for a part-through crack in a plate
G.R. Irwin (Journal of Applied Mechanics 1962)
175 Fracture
G.R. Irwin (in Handbuch der Physik, S. Flugge, editor, 1958)
215 A continuum-mechanics view of crack propagation
G.R. Irwin, A.A. Wells (Metallurgical Reviews 1965)
267 Plastic zone near a crack and fracture toughness
G.R. Irwin (in Mechanical and Metallurgical Behavior of Sheet Materials [Seventh Sagamore Conference] 1960)
280 Yielding of steel sheets containing slits
D.S. Dugdale (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1960)
285 The mathematical theory of equilibrium cracks in brittle fracture
G.I. Barenblatt (in Advances in Applied Mechanics, H.L. Dryden, Th. von Karman, editors, 1962)
360 On the Westergaard method of crack analysis
G.C. Sih (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1966)
363 On the modified Westergaard equations for certain plane crack problems
J. Eftis, H. Liebowitz (International Journal of Fracture Mechanics 1972)
373 A critical re-examination of the Westergaard method for solving opening-mode crack problems
R.J. Sanford (Mechanics Research Communications 1979)
379 Influence of non-singular stress terms and specimen geometry on small-scale yielding at crack tips in elastic-plastic materials
S.G. Larsson, A.J. Carlsson (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics ofSolids 1973)
393 Limitations to the small scale yielding approximation for crack tip plasticity
J.R. Rice (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1974)
403 Biaxial load effects in fracture mechanics
H. Liebowitz, J.D. Lee, J. Eftis (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1978)
424 A novel principle for the computation of stress intensity factors
H.F. Bueckner (Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathemetik und Mechanik 1970)
442 Some remarks on elastic crack-tip stress fields
James R. Rice (International Journal of Solids and Structures 1972)


Section Three
Subcritical Crack Growth Analysis


Recent observations on fatigue failure in metals
W.A. Wood (in Symposium on Basic Mechanisms of Fatigue 1958)
465 A two stage process of fatigue crack propagation
P.J.E. Forsyth (in Proceedings of the Crack Propagation Symposium 1962)
484 Mechanisms and theories of fatigue
Campbell Laird (in Fatigue and Microstructure 1979)
539 A rational analytic theory of fatigue
P.C. Paris, M.P. Gomez, W.E. Anderson (The Trend in Engineering 1961)
545 A critical analysis of crack propagation laws
P. Paris, F. Erdogan (Journal of Basic Engineering 1963)
552 Numerical analysis of crack propagation in cyclic-loaded structures
R.G. Forman, V.E. Kearney, R.M. Engle (Journal of Basic Engineering 1967)
558 Spectrum loading and crack growth
O.E. Wheeler (Journal of Basic Engineering 1972)
564 Fatigue crack closure under cyclic tension
Wolf Elber (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1970)
574 The significance of fatigue crack closure
Wolf Elber (in Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures 1971)
587 Four lectures on fatigue crack growth
J. Schijve (Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1979)


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Last Modified March 28, 2002