beyonder music
In what will probably be my radio highlight of the week. WFMU's own Kenny G. had R. Stevie Moore and Haun Saussy on as guests. Apparently on the strength that their fathers knew each other. Moore is a exemplar of "outsider music"
R. Stevie Moore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Saussy a professor of comparative literature at Yale
Haun Saussy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Myself, not being even comparatively literary; Moore was the only one of the two I had heard of before. R. Stevie Moore I remember from my days as a college radio DJ. I associate him with a record label that used to be here in Silver Spring (and still is I see
Cuneiform Records) The show was strangely fascinating in the way that Ken G.'s shows often are. Although being in the same room with R. Stevie Moore, he seemed somewhat muted. "Kenny G not what he used to be" as was sung at one point ["Stevie improvs with "Toy for R. Stevie"" I think]. I particularly liked the Roy Orbison song Southbound Jehrico Parkway that was played. I had never heard that before. It was arranged in 1972 by Tupper Saussy who like Moore's father was a Nashville based jazz musician The Wiki page on R. Stevie Moore states he has collaborated with Jad Fair. I saw Jad Fair (and his brother) play once.... What I remember about that show was talking to a girl I only knew as Iggy whose brother was supposed in either Deuce or Pentagram.
Still none of this matches the moment of breaching clarity I had a few months ago when I realized that the guy, Derek Birkett, who runs
One Little Indian Records was the bass player for Flux of Pink Indians. I live an inoperably simple life; the advantage is it takes little to amuse me.
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