Atomized junior

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Sunday, September 9, 2007
A Thistle by any other name.

I wanted to write a brief post where I question the topics I've written on previously that seem bring people to this web site. It goes without saying they are only marginally associated with my prevailing obsessions. Reviewing the daily referrer logs of what yahoo or google search strings bring people here is the staring point for this exercise

Weed Victorix. I consider this now a possibly unfortunately named post. The point had been the resilience of nature the tenacity of life. something which we at once fear, respect and are despite ourselves are a part of. I read something where Hannah Arendt seemed to be arguing that it is man's nature to fight nature. I'm not sure why that would be so - jealousy I guess. The plant in the picture I believe is a Scottish Thistle. It grew improbably in a hard packed corner in nothing that could be called soil by the Journalism building, until groundskeeping pulled it out. Down on Assateague island these things grow five feet tall and are pricklier than a cactus.

The Dragon caterpillar. The Hickory horned devil a six inch long inch round spiked party-colored caterpillar that is not only native to the eastern US, but not all that rare. From the hits I'm getting. These turning up all over the place. The pictures I took three years ago account for 6 to 10 hits a day and have for most of the summer. It's been hot and dry around here and maybe that brings 'em out, but I don't know whether these conditions are replicated where these hits are coming from. The one I saw was by the Adelphi Mill in Adelphi Md. Perhaps in a Fahey-esque move I should write a song about the critter. "Better the Hickhorn Devil you know, than the devil you don't" or something of the like would be the title. Other than that, of course, it would just be a guitar instrumental.

The 1950 chevy pick up truck at the Old Navy Store on Rockville pike. I guess its still there, I haven't been back to check. My niece still is not sure about the optimism of earlier generations, but she has developed the ability to fix you with an numbing gaze while she asks "and this is relevant how? I'm not giving up. 40 inter-states are as good as 40 acres. A good pickup truck is like a good mule.

The Ra5c crowd. The other thing I get traffic to this web site for continues to be pictures of Ra5c vigilantes. I've noticed earlier that this traffic seems to divide into two parts. One part is people apparently focused on color schemes and detailing for one reason or another. The other stream is people who were part the RVAH squadrons and community. While I still have many pictures of Ra5Cs left (though the group I have digitized at the moment are in black and white) I thought that I might take up writing some more narratives of those days and the people I knew. Before I cease to be able to remember that far back at all. This actually was a request from a reader- J.E. I figure if Strongbad can draw Trogdor, I can write about Key West and Olongapo. It's all about the consummate S's The pictures will still be around.

11:38:41 PM    comment [];trackback [];

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2007 P Bushmiller.
Last update: 9/19/07; 12:27:48 AM.
September 2007
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Prolegemma to any future FAQ.

Who are you again?
paul bushmiller
what is it exactly that you do?
at the least, this.
What is this?
it's a weblog.
How long have you been doing it?
3 or 4 years. I used to run it by hand; Radio Userland is more convenient.
Ever been overseas?
Know any foreign languages?
Favorite song?
victoria - the kinks
RockandRoll? Favorite American song then
Omaha - Moby Grape
Favorite Movie
Billy in the Lowlands
favorite book?
any book I can read in a clean well lighted place
Is this one of those websites with lots of contentious, dogmatic and brittle opinions?
What do you expect to accomplish with this?

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