MathViews and all of its related files must be installed before it can be properly used. An installation program is provided with MathViews to automatically do the complete installation.
There are several things that are important to note before installing MathViews: MathViews requires that a math coprocessor has been installed. If one is not found, the installation program will alert you, and MathViews WILL NOT BE INSTALLED. The MathViews installation program does not modify your WIN.INI file in any way. MathViews requires 4 MB of hard disk space. Please ensure that enough room is available on your hard disk BEFORE beginning the installation. You should be familiar with Windows before using MathViews.
If your computer started at the DOS prompt, you can enter the Windows environment by typing win, and pressing the Enter key.
MathViews is started by either double clicking on the MathViews icon or by selecting the run option in the Windows Program Manager file menu option and then typing mathv. After a moment, you will see the MathViews Copyrights window with an OK button. This window will stay on the screen for approximately two seconds before continuing with the initialization of the MathViews environment. Upon starting, MathViews executes the 'startup.m' M-file. You can select the OK button to immediately close the Copyrights window.
MathViews also allows you to specify the name of an M-file on the command line. This M-file is automatically loaded when MathViews is started. For example, the command line to load the file myfuncs.m is "mathv myfuncs.m".