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The Topic: Over the last three semesters, we have examined the Science of Nature and the Nature of Science. Specifically, we've looked at how we use the foundations of scientific practice to explore the evidence, causes, and implications of past and present global change, and examine the use of scientific knowledge and communication when making decisions for the future. Ultimately, we aim for the program to help students plan for resilience in a future of global change.
How has your experience as a Science & Global Change Scholar helped in that understanding (compared to what you have received if you were not in SGC)?
In the news there have been talks of the weather especially as we entered the Fall/colder months. As we all know, climate is a change in average weather conditions over a 30 year period. According to the Smithsonian Magazine, they discussed that many climate scientists projected that 2024 would be the hottest year on record. This was definitely obvious when it was the top of November and I wore shorts and a tank top to my classes, while I love the warmer weather, I would like to drink cider and wear my puffer coat in peace! But this caught my attention because it felt like the heat has been on max since May 2024, even in December 2024 it has its moments (because duh Maryland weather) but as of right now (12/9/2024) it is still not as cold, I'm actually sweating! Being in the Science and Global Change scholars program here at the University of Maryland, College Park has allowed me to realize that "Hmm this is not normal but there has to be a upwards spike in temperature as we go into the colder months that led to these observations". It allows me to ask the right questions but also answer the questions that my friends or family might have about why it is so warm this year. Before this, I would have noticed it but not pay it too much thought until it actually impacted me negatively/directly. My supporting course of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOSC), opened my eyes to these changes and gave me the background knowledge that answers the big question, "WHY?". I would recommend AOSC200 with Dr. Timothy Canty over and over again, because I really think learning about our climate is crucial to being an individual on this amazing planet.
I have always had a strong interest in the sciences as well as how it can relate to geography and its impacts numerous groups (I don't think it is cool! Just informative.), it's just a frequent research topic of mine because I believe we cannot discuss climate change without discussing the impacts it has on marginalized groups around the world. Since my major is now Elementary Education, I have a fascination in educating my future students on the topics that surround climate change to just keep them aware of the changes in our world. I believe that an issue within our schools nowadays is the lack of education on current topics that are impacting us each and every day. So it is my job as a teacher to relay that information in a way that keeps students up to date but even allow them to form their own opinions as individuals. Going back to my AOSC200 course we did discuss the basic importance of just knowing, which means knowing what is going on around us, knowing how it influences us and knowing how we can combat it. These are important things that as a teacher I am responsible for instilling in my future students. I would say that being in the Science & Global Change Scholars program allowed me to feel more passionate towards the topic and influence my future students to be those individuals that work towards global change.
I do think my learning and engagement has been enhanced by interacting with my fellow SGC Scholars. But more importantly I think living in the Scholars quad during my 1st year at UMD opened my eyes to even more Scholars programs and allowed me to make unbreakable bonds with so many other scholars even though they were not in SGC and for that I am so grateful. I do think this brought me out of my shell and even made me feel more comfortable since I was away from home for the first time. So it definitely made my Freshman year unforgettable! Speaking on unforgettable, my freshman year did have some challenges, especially in my own dorm room. I had a bit of roommate trouble during my 1st semester, I think this was because there are so many households and living situations coming into contact all at once, so none of us are used to having a shared routine with another person in such close proximity especially a person we barely know. I won't go into detail but instead of judging the way that person lived, I just stopped talking about it to my friends and just tried to maneuver around it, even if it drove me crazy. Something I learned about myself, was the fact that there are things I just cannot change, even if it bothers me a lot, I cannot make a big deal out of everything that pisses me off. With that being said, I kept my personal routine the same, did my part as a person in a shared room (ie. Cleaning my side, staying organized, etc.) To me I believe that my habits rubbed off on that person, so whenever she saw me deep cleaning my side, she would then attempt to replicate that on hers, even if it was not up to my standards it was at least something. So with that being said I overcame the challenge by not being confrontational and making it a big deal, just setting an example of what I want in a shared space. With the friends I made within College Park Scholars, they provided me with a peace of mind during this hectic time with my roommate so honestly, if it was not for the bonds I made through Scholars I do not think I would have came to the conclusion of setting an example of the ideal behavior for the dorm room. Currently, I am in a single (yayyy) so I make sure to keep my room very clean because I really am grateful to have my own space after dealing with that, but it did teach me what I do and do not want in my own room. My attitude towards the living conditions of others have definitely changed, I am less judgmental and I have learned to stop letting those things have such an impact on me because sometimes people are going through things I cannot fathom.
Being apart of Science & Global Change Scholars has informed my future by thinking of the future of our planet but how it will then impact me as time goes on. I really just think about how much we emphasized the fact that the Earth needs our help and how each semester we talk about our climate, there is an increase in temperature and suddenly its the warmest month to date. It just makes me think a lot more about life beyond scholars. A lot of lessons that I learned so far is the importance of balance, we often forget that we can have fun and still remained focus in our classes as long as you keep it balanced. I use that day-to-day during undergrad so far and I plan to use it when I am a teacher. For example, students are able to digest information smoother when you implement some sort of activity that ties their own interests to the content. Which is a balance that does lead to an ultimate goal of enjoyment/satisfaction.
In conclusion, I am kind of in shock that this is our last semester having SGC as a class each semester, it does not feel real that we're all sophomores and now we are getting ready to do our long awaited practicums. But nonetheless I had fun, I really learned a lot about myself in and outside of class, I truly think being in SGC made my 1st year enjoyable and set the precedent for the rest of my time here at UMD. Thank you so much Dr.Holtz & Dr.Merck!