Website for Math 246, Sections 05xx, Fall 2017
Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers

This website contains the official syllabus for this course.

Lectures: 11:00am - 12:15pm Tuesdays and Thursdays in ESJ 0224
Discussion Sections: Listed at the bottom of this page.

Instructor: Professor David Levermore  
Office: ATL 4309 (Atlantic Building) and MTH 3313 (Kirwan Hall)
Phone: 301-405-5127 and 301-405-5067 respectively. (If I am not there then please use e-mail to contact me.)
Email: (Please include ``Math 246'' in the subject heading.)

Assistant: Yan Tay
Office: ERF 0117 (Energy Research Facility)
Email: (Please include ``Math 246'' in the subject heading.)

Assistant: Jing Zhou
Office: MTH 4310 (Kirwan Hall)
Email: (Please include ``Math 246'' in the subject heading.)

Peer Mentor: Xinyang Li

The Headlines

The Details

Office Hours                 Syllabus
Tutoring                 Exams
Class Notes and Exercises                 Quizzes
Texts and Other Resources                 Homeworks
Calculus Review Handouts                 MATLAB Projects
Description and Prerequisites                 Grading and Academic Integrity
Attendance and Withdrawal                        

Discussion Sections: Section 0511 8:00am - 8:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Yan Tay
Section 0521 9:00am - 9:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Yan Tay
Section 0531 10:00am - 10:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Yan Tay
Section 0512 8:00am - 8:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Jing Zhou
Section 0522 9:00am - 9:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Jing Zhou
Section 0532 10:00am - 10:50am Fridays in ESJ 1215 with Jing Zhou

Updated 19 December 2017