AMSC 460 Notes, Fall 2016
As they become available, Class Notes can be downloaded here.
They are pdf files.
Floating Point Representation
and the IEEE Standard
Basic Quadrature Methods (30 October version)
- Riemann Sums:
Uniform Subintervals
- Left-Hand and Right-Hand Rules:
Error Bounds for Monotonic Integrands,
Asymptotic Error.
- Midpoint and Trapezoidal Rules:
Error Bounds for Convex and Concave Integrands,
Asymptotic Error.
- Simpson Rule:
Relation to Midpoint and Trapezoidal Rules,
Asymptotic Error.
- Error Estimates for Quadrature Methods:
Left-Hand and Right-Hand Rules, Midpoint Rule,
Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson Rule.
Gauss Quadrature Methods (18 November version)
- Introduction:
Posing the Question of Maximum Precision.
- Quadrature Weights:
Formulas for Quadrature Weights in Terms of
Quadrature Points.
- Maximum Possible Precision:
Expected Maximum Precision,
Upper Bound on Precision.
- Orthogonality Condition:
Characterization of Precision.
- Orthogonal Polynomials:
Construction of Orthogonal Polynomials,
Simple Roots.
- Gaussian Quadrature Sets:
Recipe from Orthogonal Polynomials,
Positivity of Gaussian Quadrature Weights,
Three Examples
Numerical Methods to Solve Initial-Value Problems (18 November version)
- Initial-Value Problems for First-Order Systems:
Normal Form, Notion of Solution, Existence and Uniqueness
of Solutions.
- Recasting Higher-Order Problems as First-Order Systems:
Quadrature Points.
- Numerical Approximation:
Definition of One-Step Methods, Step Size.
- Explicit and Implicit Euler Methods:
Forward and Backward Difference Derivations.
- Explicit One-Step Methods Based on Taylor Approximation:
Explicit Euler, Second-Order Taylor, and Third-Order Taylor
- Explicit One-Step Methods Based on Quadrature:
Explicit Euler, Runge-Trapezoidal, Runge-Midpoint,
and Classical Runge-Kutta Methods.
- General Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods:
Multistage Methods, Heun Second-Order Method,
Heun Third-Order Method, Kutta Third-Order Method,
Embedded Methods, ode45.