These twelve in-class quizzes will be worth 10 points each. Your ten best quiz scores will go toward your course grade. No make-up quizzes will be given.
Scores for missed quizzes and any quiz score that is lower than the "tens" digit of your score on the in-class exam covering the same material will replaced by that digit. For example, if you score 63 on the first in-class exam then the score of any of the first four quizzes that is lower than 6 will be raised to 6. WARNING: Because it rounds down, if you rely on this policy for most of your quizzes then your net quiz score could be one letter grade lower than your average in-class exam score! This policy is intended to provide a safety net that you can use a few times, not as something that you should use often.
If the University closes on the day of a scheduled quiz and no exam is scheduled the next week then the quiz will be given the next time the class meets. If the University closes on the day of a scheduled quiz and an in-class exam is scheduled the next week then the quiz will be cancelled and your quiz score will be the "tens" digit of your score on the exam. If the University closes on the day of the last lecture in the term and a quiz scheduled for that day then the quiz will be cancelled without a score replacement.