A picture of myself, on the right, and my friend, Henry
Email: lebrune@umd.edu
Hi, I'm Liam Brune. I'm a freshman mechanical engineering major at The University of Maryland College Park and a member of the Science and Global Change program. I play on the club rugby team here at UMD and am a member of a future intermural flag football championship team.
I graduated from Loyola Blakefield in Baltimore, Maryland last year, and am hoping to use the college credits I recieved there to graduate from the University of Maryland in three years, so I can use my fourth to get a masters degree in engineering.
I have bittersweet feelings about this, because while I'm excited to get out into the world early, I have loved the brief time that I've been able to spend at The University of Maryland.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- Gallery images for SGC event
- Excursion to The National Museum of Natural History
- Expectation Vs. Reality Essay
- Carbon Footprint Infographic
- Excursion to The Air and Space Museum
- Freshman Time Capsule Essay
External Links:
The Annual Baltimore Tributary Festival