Participation and Attendance
Attendance in this course is not required, but don't let that fool
you. This is a seminar. Therefore, participation in this course, and
therefore attendance, are important. Let me convince you of this with
multiple approaches.
Let me start by appealing to your reasoning. Attendance is more important
in this class than some others because of two facts. First, there is
no textbook that covers the material that will be covered in class.
When it comes time to do the work for the class, you are dependent on
class discussion. Even though you are asked to read some material, it
is the class discussion that will develop that material in the direction
of our understanding of Obama's speaking. So, there is no real good
alternative to being in class, awake, and participating.
Second, as you have the opportunity to discuss your understandings,
to discuss readings, you are preparing for the exams. Fail to prepare
for those discussions and you simply will not do as well on the exam.
Practice, practice, practice is one of the dimensions of our class discussion.
If I did not reach you with the reasons participation is important,
let me address your metaphors for education. The culture that values
non-attendance at Maryland is based on the consumer metaphor: "I
paid for it, so I can go or not, as I choose!" This is dumb "consumerism."
If you insist on a business metaphor for your education, the following
variation governs: you have not paid for my performance; you have instead
entered into a contract with me that says I will teach you about the
power of speaking if you will seek to learn. Part of your obligation
in that contract is to attend. Of course, you may opt not to enter such
a contract. You do so, by dropping this course today.
I spoke of participation, not just attendance. Being involved in the
class, asking questions, and trying out your ideas is what participation
in a seminar is all about. You will master those aspects of the course
that go beyond the acquisition of information with participation.
If I sound like your attendance is important to me, it is. I will put
a great deal of effort into teaching this class and expect your effort
in return. Other instructors may not care as much and may have developed
methods of teaching that do not depend on attendance. Find those instructors
if they fit your lifestyle better than I do.
Obtaining an Excused Absence
I follow university policies on excused absences. You need not provide
me excuses on ordinary class days.
Exams are another matter. Make-up examinations will be available only
for those granted an "excused absence." They will be a different
exam and may have a different format than that described above. You
will need to request an excused absence. University policy requires
that you do so in writing and "provide documentary support for
[your] assertion that absence resulted from one of the [approved] causes"
(emphasis added). There are thus several obligations if you are going
to be absent for the midterm or the final. (1) Notify me as soon as
feasible of your upcoming or recent absence and provide documentation
for the reason. I am serious about prompt notification. In general you
should notify me before your absence. When that is not possible, you
need to notify me as soon as you are near a telephone or email. I have
voice mail and email that provides a time-stamped documentation of your
notification. (2) You need to request the make-up (an excused absence)
in writing specifying the reason for your absence. The university has
a limited number of legitimate reasons for absence (see University of
Maryland Undergraduate Catalog,
and these are the ones I accept. (3) You must document the validity
of the reason you have provided for the absence. Such documentation
must be signed by a person who testifies to the reason, and should contain
information on contacting (phone or email) someone who can verify the
reason. Medical excuses must be from licensed medical personnel, must
contain contact information for that personnel, and must indicate a
condition requiring absence not simply that you were seen by medical
personnel. Please note that it is now the policy of the University Health
Center to no longer provide documentation of illness. Thus, if you are
ill enough that you need to miss an exam or assignment you will need
to find medical personnel that will provide such documentation.
Group assignments provide a particular problem when it comes to absences.
If you are absent on the day your group presents, there is no way of
making up the work. I will require that you follow the rules to obtain
an excused absence if this occurs and you and I will negotiate a substitute
assignment. That assignment will obviously not be the equivalent of
the performance dimension of the group assignment.
Disabilities and Religious Observances
The University of Maryland accommodates students with disabilities
and recognizes the rights of students to exercise their religious rites.
I ask only that you notify me during the first week of classes if you
have concerns in either of these areas and require that I accommodate
your needs in any way including alteration in the due date or manner
of completing assignments. Proper documentation of will be required
to complete our arrangements.
On Academic Dishonesty
You should know and be familiar with what constitutes academic dishonesty:
cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty or plagiarism.
You are responsible for knowing the university's policy on academic
integrity (see The
principles governing that policy are two-fold: (1) the work that I should
mark as yours is material that you have authored, and (2) you have the
responsibility to give recognition to others whose work you incorporate
in your projects. You should review the university's policy and make
certain that you implement these two principles.
In our society's unique mix of individuality and cooperation, learning
how to walk the often fine line between work for which you have responsibility
and work that is shared is vitally important. In our system of education
you are graded on your own work, not that of others. At the same time,
I encourage you to work with fellow students in studying the speeches
and in reviewing for exams. A good study group can be invaluable in
this course. So where do you draw the line?
Obviously things like handing in as journal entries papers you have
purchased from internet sources or "paper mills" violates
principles of academic integrity. So does bringing information into
exams in forms other than memories and judgments in your head. But there
are other important things you need to know and develop a feel for such
as when to cite the work of others and when information can be used
without being attributed. The guidelines of the university policy will
assist with your mastering that. I will be more than happy to assist
at any time during the semester. If any of these suggestions or the
University's material is unclear, I urge you to ask me. The responsibility
for understanding academic integrity is yours.
Another wrinkle in the principle of individual work in this class is
group projects. You are authorized to work with others in your group
on this assignment. In this case the grade assigned to the group's work
is assigned to each student who has participated in the group.
Please, please do not take this issue lightly. It is my obligation
as a professor and my ethical obligation as an academic to report any
cases directly to the Student Honor Council and I will not hesitate
to do so.
A word on classroom etiquette
This is a large class dependent on discussion. But such classes can
too easily get out of hand. I am concerned that everyone assume responsibility
for enhancing the learning in the classroom. I will, therefore, insist
on consideration for the learning of others. I prefer that you think
of the necessary behavior as common courtesy behaving so that
if others do the same, the classroom will be an environment for learning.
Just in case, let me be more stern, however. Following are some basic
No talking or whispering to other students. If you have something
to say, say it aloud and we will talk about it.
Be on time for class. If you are late, sit in a chair as close to the
door as possible and avoid disruptive behavior.
Do not plan to leave class early. If you must, sit close to the door
and leave with minimum disruption. If you have problems with physiological
needs, relieve them before class or hold them. If you have to leave
class, take your books with you because no one will be readmitted.
Keep your verbal and nonverbal comments about the ideas of other students
considerate and be prepared to defend judgments that you make.
The University of Maryland subscribes to policies requiring respect
for other students, including policies pertaining to nondiscrimination,
sexual harassment and disruption of the class. Those disrupting the
class in any way will be asked to leave the class after a first offense
and to drop the course after subsequent problems. Disruptive behavior
is defined as any behavior that distracts students concentrating on
the normal operation of the class.
Electronics in the Classroom
Please observe the following with regard to electronics:
Audial electronics (watches, cell phones, computers, etc.) should be
turned off or silenced before all classes .
Cell phones and text messaging devices are potentially disruptive and
certainly inappropriate in the classroom. Those engaging them during
class time may be asked to leave the classroom. Similarly, no ear phones
may be worn during class. Your attention is important to mastery of
the subject matter.
At least initially I am going to allow students who wish to use a computer
in class to do so during our discussions. You should have your browser
open on your computer. If you have your computer on, I will assume that
you are available to answer questions that arise during our discussion.
If you fail to respond to these questions, your computer privileges
may be removed. Those using their computers for tasks other than note
taking or research during class will be asked to stop using their computers.
If I see that this arrangement is not facilitating our discussion, I
reserve the right to ask you to take notes on paper rather than computer.
Computers can be an aid or a detriment to your learning. If they distract
you from the discussion, then they are not furthering my objectives
(and your objectives) in the classroom. It is at that point that I will
prohibit their use.
No disruptive audio or video recording will be allowed, and any recording
at all can occur only with my permission. That permission will be granted
only for extraordinary circumstances. Recording is no substitute for
No electronic devices of any kind will be permitted on test days.
Course Copyright Restrictions
The lectures that I deliver in this class and course materials I create
and distribute for your learning, including power point presentations,
tests, outlines, content of this website, and similar materials, are
protected by federal copyright law as my original works. You are
permitted to take notes of lectures and to use course materials for
your use in this course. You are not authorized to reproduce or
distribute notes of lectures or my course materials or make any commercial
use of them without my express written consent. persons who sell or
distribute copies or modified copies of instructors' course materials
or assist another person or entity in selling or distributing those
materials may be considered in violation of the University Code of Student
Conduct, Part 9(k).