Introduction and Definitions
Definitions of Key Words
- Discourse. Words and their power. Primarily we will be
talking about speaking and listening, but also any presentation of symbols
including writing and images.
- Strategic. We get things done with words -- by listening;
by speaking. Use of language to accomplish things with others.
- Interpreting. Understanding the powers in discourse. Dimensions
of discourse that give the power.
Studying for this Class
Three activities are required in this class:
- Memorize the vocabulary and its meaning. The course is
primarily to provide you a rich vocabulary with which you can talk about what
goes on strategically in discourse.
- Learn to use the vocabulary to describe the strategy of
the discourse. One you have the vocabulary, can you use those words to point
to characteristics of strategic discourse.
- Learn to interpret the rhetorical situation using your
new vocabulary. You will be asked to interpret and evaluate strategic discourse
using the vocabulary and descriptions you have learned.
Two exercises will help you use what you have learned to assess whether you
are getting it:
- Preparation of your abstacts. Do this
before class when you have both the vocabulary and the discourse to prepare
you for class discussion.
- Class discussion. Participate with your observations. A free opportunity
to try them out.
Types of Discourse We Will Study
- Public Discourse. Leaders addressing public problems. Some of the important speeches of
the 20th century.
- Advertising.
- Mass Media Messages. Other voices seeking to influence us through use of the mass media.