Invention: Framing Events


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Framing is based in Communication as Form

Communication as Information
Communication as Form
Speaking is viewed as conveying information Communication is viewed as framing information into understanding
Messages can be broken down into bits of information Messages link bits of information together into understanding
To interpret, process messages as lists of facts and other bits of information To interpret, process messages as elaborations of perspectives
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Common Strategies for Framing and Reframing Understanding


Setting Stasis


Root Metaphors

Using root metaphors structures how events are understood

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Power of Successful Framing

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  1. List ten or fifteen terms that are part of the root metaphor of "learning."
  2. List ten or fifteen terms that are part of the root metaphor of "consumer."
  3. Watch an evening news program. Select a story from that news program. Answer the following questions:
    1. What is the underlying narrative(s)?
    2. What facts might be left out as insignificant?
    3. What is the character of the people in the narrative?
    4. What is the plot of the narrative?
    5. What is the proper response?
    6. Are there any root metaphors used here in addition to the narrative?
  4. On September 11, 2001, President George Bush said the following from Barksdale Air Force Base, LA:
  5. "I want to reassure the American people that the full resources of the federal government are
    working to assist local authorities to save lives and to help the victims of these attacks. Make no
    mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts.

    I've been in regular contact with the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, the national
    security team and my Cabinet. We have taken all appropriate security precautions to protect
    the American people. Our military at home and around the world is on high alert status, and we
    have taken the necessary security precautions to continue the functions of your government.

    We have been in touch with the leaders of Congress and with world leaders to assure them that
    we will do whatever is necessary to protect America and Americans.

    I ask the American people to join me in saying a thanks for all the folks who have been fighting
    hard to rescue our fellow citizens and to join me in saying a prayer for the victims and their

    The resolve of our great nation is being tested. But make no mistake: We will show the world
    that we will pass this test. God bless."

    Answer the following:

    1. Does Bush use a root metaphor here? What one?
    2. Generate some more discourse that you would have expected to follow this statement.
    3. What are the actions implied by this root metaphor?

  6. On September 5, 2001, Tom Brokaw of NBC described the events. Answer the following
    1. Does Brokaw use a root metaphor here? What one?
    2. Generate some more discourse that would have followed the use of this metaphor.
    3. What are the actions implied by this root metaphor?

  7. Group exercise: Generate a message using a consumer metaphor explaining why the University should not increase tuition. Then generate a message using a learning metaphor for the same thing.
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