Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolution
College Park Scholars-Science and Global Change Program

This is a picture of me a few miles downstream of Niagara falls


Hello, I'm John Hodgins. I'm from Overlea in Baltimore County, Maryland. I'm currently attending the University of Maryland and pursuing a undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolution. I'm especially interested in insects and other arthropods. My favorite are ants, more specifically the pheidole genus. I'm in the Science and Global Change program because I strongly believe that the world is on a trajectory towards ecological and environmental destruction and I'd like to try and help avoid that. During my time at UMD, besides from forming lifelong bonds and having fun, I also hope to learn more about the world and about myself. I'm not sure what I want to do in the future, but I am confident I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:

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