A. James Clark School - Electrical Engineering
College Park Scholars - Science and Global Change Program

Making "fish faces" on a group trip to the Smithsonian
Email: jbombick@terpmail.umd.edu
Hey! I'm Jamie, a freshman electrical engineering major at the University of Maryland, College Park. I currently work as a stage manager for the Sketchup sketch comedy club, as well as a member of the UMD branch of the American Ecological Engineering Society and UMD's Bug Club. I'm also a member of the Science and Global Change Scholars program.
My primary academic interests are environmental science, engineering, and governmental studies. I'm particularly interested in the intersection of these topics, especially within the function and regulation of wastewater treatment systems. Throughout college, I hope to focus on the interactions between electrical engineering and the industrial processes through IOT, data transfer, and machine learning applications. I also want to work to improve UMD through the introduction of new environmental projects, stay connected with various groups, and get more involved in policy to help make a change on campus.
Outside of school, some of my primary interests are theatre, volleyball, and literature. I've particularly enjoyed both being active in the performing arts through Sketchup and watching performances by other groups on campus. I also like playing volleyball both on La Plata Beach and at the Eppley recreation center. In my (limited) spare time, I like to hole up in my room or head down to McKeldin and work through a wide variety of genres.
Some of my interests are theatre, volleyball, and literature. I've particularly enjoyed both being active in the performing arts through Sketchup and watching productions by other groups on campus. I also like playing a bit of recreational volleyball, both on La Plata Beach and at the Eppley recreation center. In my (limited) spare time, I like to hole up in my room or head down to McKeldin and work my way through a wide variety of genres.
SGC Gallery and On-Line Projects:
- SERC Expedition
- Semester 1 Reflection
- Activity three - coming soon
External Links:
The Smithsonian.