- [S7] Family records from a bible that apparently belonged to the Mayne family, in Marion DeVoe's possession when she died in 1986. These records were transcribed by Martha DeVoe in January, 1987. The bible was given in 1987 by F.K. DeVoe to Marion DeVoe's friend, James John Davies (Brookfield Center, Connecticut) who collected old bibles.

- [S16] "Latest News from Mt. Kisco," Katonah Record, Vol. IV, number 36, Katonah, New York, Friday, January 5, 1917, 8. The complete copy of this newspaper issue was in Marion DeVoe's possession at the time of her death.

- [S46] Harry Z. Mayne household, 1900 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, Bedford Township, Enumeration District 56, page 34A (stamped), Sheet 23, family 503, enumerated 23 June 1900; National Archives micropublication T623, roll 1174 (viewed online 6 November 2003 at Ancestry.com; image 312, 45 of 52).

- [S68] Appointment Diary of Howard DeVoe for 1966.
- [S204] "PERSONALS," The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 3 June 1898.

- [S222] Letter from John Tuttle (Torrington, Connecticut) to Mary (Cargon) Mayne, 5 May 1948; in possession of Howard DeVoe.

- [S223] Harry Z. Mayne, Announcement, Northern Westchester Bank, 1942, in possession of Howard DeVoe.
- [S224] "Fifteen Hurt as Bus Overturns," unknown newspaper, unknown page.
- [S225] "Death Takes Harry Mayne," unknown newspaper, Katonah, New York(?), unknown date, unknown page.
- [S226] "Harry Mayne Dies in St. Petersburg," The Ridgefield Press (?), Ridgefield, Connecticut, unknown date, 3.
- [S238] William Carlagon [sic] household, 1920 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, Bedford Township, enumeration district 4, page 6A, dwelling house 106, family 123, enumerated 21 April 1920; National Archives micropublication T625, roll 1275 (viewed online 15 February 2004 at Ancestry.com; image 85, 11 of 29).

- [S239] James C. Mayne household, 1880 U.S. census, Litchfield County, Connecticut, Woodbury, enumeration district 28, page 499A, dwelling house 120, family 131, enumerated 7 June 1880; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 101 (viewed online 18 February 2004 at Ancestry.com; image 698, 13 of 61).

- [S256] Harry Z. Mayne household, 1910 U.S. census, Westchester County, New York, Bedford Township, enumeration district 4, page 15B, dwelling 183, family 324, enumerated 13 May 1910; National Archives micropublication T624, roll 1088 (viewed online 22 February 2004 at heritagequestonline.com).

- [S263] "Deaths," New York Times, 28 September 1966, 47, viewed 16 March 2004 online at ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

- [S264] "Deaths," New York Times, 25 March 1948, 27, viewed 16 March 2004 online at ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

- [S277] "Conference Will Assign Pastor to St. Paul's Here," Middletown Times Herald, Middletown, New York, 24 May 1947, 1, viewed 22 March 2004 at newspaperarchive.com.
- [S298] "Katonah News Happenings. William H. Cargon," Katonah Record, Katonah New York, 31 July 1931, 4.

- [S316] Turner's New York & Harlem Railroad Directory between New York City and Brewster for the Years 1891-1892; Katonah (217 Elm Street, Yonkers, New York: E. F. Turner & Co.).
- [S356] "Mrs. Harry Z. Mayne," The Reporter Dispatch, White Plains, New York, 27 September 1966, 18.

- [S357] "H. Z. Mayne Dies as Result Of Heart Seizure in Florida," Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 25 March 1948, 1, microfilm copied April 2004 at the Katonah library.

- [S577] Harry Z. Mayne household, 1905 New York state census, Westchester County, Town of Bedford, fourth election district, 1 June 1905, page 9, lines 1-4; microfilm A-0111(4)M, Westchester Historical Society, Elmsford, New York.

- [S580] William H. Cargon household, 1915 New York state census, Westchester County, Town of Bedford, election district 4, 1 June 1915, page 8, lines 44-47; microfilm A-0111(6)M, Westchester Historical Society, Elmsford, New York.

- [S713] "Kelloggs & Lawrence Hardware Store," online at http://www.kelloggsandlawrence.com/ourhistory.html, viewed 19 January 2014.

- [S714] "TO INSTRUCT TEACHERS; WESTCHESTER COUNTY DEPARTMENT INSTITUTE SESSIONS. Great Gathering of Instructors at White Plains to Listen to Lectures and Have Explained to Them the Most Advanced Theories upon Which to Conduct Their Schools and Classes," The New York Times, New York, 21 April, 1896, 9.
- [S833] Find A Grave memorial page for Mary Harriette Cargon Mayne (1877 - 1966), online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 132336288.
- [S834] Find A Grave memorial page for William H. Cargon (1849 - 1931), online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 132336338.
- [S839] Find A Grave memorial page for Harry Zalmon Mayne (1874 - 1948), online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 132336603.
- [S843] Find A Grave memorial page for Harriett Ann Walpole Cargon (1852 - 1935), online at http://www.findagrave.com, memorial # 132337027.
- [S1053] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 27 January 1899, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1054] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 6 October 1899, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1055] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 17 December 1899, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1056] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 14 September 1900, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1057] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 14 February 1902, 5.

- [S1058] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 27 November 1903, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1059] Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 15 January 1915, 4.

- [S1060] The North Westchester Times, Katonah, New York, 7 April 1911, 10, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.
- [S1064] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 20 October 1905, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.
- [S1065] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 13 August 1909, 8, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1066] "BOARD OF EDUCATION ORGANIZED FOR YEAR," Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 4 August 1916, 4, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1071] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 29 June 1900, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1072] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 10 May 1901, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1073] "Some New and Improved Street Lights," The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 7 February 1902, 6, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1074] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 9 May 1902, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1075] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 1 April 1904, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1076] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 13 March 1908, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1077] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 29 January 1909, 8, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1078] Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 7 June 1918, 4, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1079] Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 23 May 1919, 1, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1080] "AUCTION," Katonah Record, Katonah, New York, 16 April 1920, 3, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.

- [S1081] The Katonah Times, Katonah, New York, 12 February 1904, 5, viewed January 2017 at nyshistoricnewspapers.org/.