Rebecca Jude 
(about 1592 - before 1670)
Date this page was last edited=25 Jan 2014
Rebecca Jude was born about 1592 as deduced from the age of 43 given for her in April 1635.1 She was the daughter of John Jude.
Rebecca Jude married first Thomas Josselyn, son of Ralph Josselyn, about 1615 in England.2
Rebecca Jude and Thomas Josselyn emigrated in 1635 from England in the Increase of London with five of their children (the oldest son, Abraham, emigrated later) and a maid servant.3,4,5,1 When Thomas died on 3 January 1660/61, his will left her "all my goods, moveables & all my estate in lands & housing with barne & cow houses."6
Rebecca Jude married secondly William Kerley on 6 or 16 May 1664 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts.3,2,6
She evidently died before her second husband, as she is not mentioned in his will, dated 26 July 1669 and proved 19 July 1670.2 Carol Kroeger's Josselyn genealogy states she died in 1673.7
Rebecca Jude married first Thomas Josselyn, son of Ralph Josselyn, about 1615 in England.2
Rebecca Jude and Thomas Josselyn emigrated in 1635 from England in the Increase of London with five of their children (the oldest son, Abraham, emigrated later) and a maid servant.3,4,5,1 When Thomas died on 3 January 1660/61, his will left her "all my goods, moveables & all my estate in lands & housing with barne & cow houses."6
Rebecca Jude married secondly William Kerley on 6 or 16 May 1664 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts.3,2,6
She evidently died before her second husband, as she is not mentioned in his will, dated 26 July 1669 and proved 19 July 1670.2 Carol Kroeger's Josselyn genealogy states she died in 1673.7
Children of Rebecca Jude and Thomas Josselyn
Abraham Josselyn+ (about 1615/16-)
Rebecca Josselyn+8 (about 1616-1675)
- Mary Josselyn9 (1619-)
- Dorothy Josselyn10 (about 1623-1645)
- Nathaniel Josselyn10 (about 1626-1694)
- Elizabeth Josselyn10 (about 1628-after 1661)
- Mary Josselyn10 (1633/34-1711)
- [S563] Roger D. Joslyn, "Rebecca, Wife of Thomas Josselyn", footnote 3.
- [S395] Elizabeth French, "Genealogical Research in England", 253.
- [S2] Barry, A Historical Sketch of the Town of Hanover, Mass., 336.
- [S403] Samuel G. Drake, "Founders of New England", 307.
- [S343] Hotten, Our Early Emigrant Ancestors, 54-55.
- [S563] Roger D. Joslyn, "Rebecca, Wife of Thomas Josselyn", 331.
- [S82] Kroeger, Josselyn Family History, 13.
- [S395] Elizabeth French, "Genealogical Research in England", 254.
- [S563] Roger D. Joslyn, "Rebecca, Wife of Thomas Josselyn", 333.
- [S395] Elizabeth French, "Genealogical Research in England", 256.
This family history is a work in progress. If you know of any errors or omissions, please contact me through the e-mail link at the bottom of the page.