Over the last decade, I have been teaching various quantum mechanics and quantum field theory courses at the graduate and undergraduate level. In the Spring of 2024, I will be teaching PHYS402.
Massive open online course on quantum mechanics
Together with Dr. Charles Clark, we put together a massive open online course 'Exploring Quantum Physics' at Coursera, which has been taken by more than 200,000 students worldwide.
Summer internships for high-school students & undergraduates
Our group hosts junior researchers every summer in particular from the Magnet Program at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD. The Army Research Office allocated funding to support stipends for summer interns. Summer research alumni include Michael Winer (winner of the Intel Research Award, see this Washington Post article) and Shankar Balasubramanian (now at MIT).
Collaboration with HBCUs
Our group has been hosting summer students from Howard University in Washington, DC. Group alumni include Dr. Kahlil Dixon (now at Northrop Grumman).
World-largest collection of quantum problems & solutions
Together with my late grandfather, Victor Galitskii, I have co-authored a textbook 'Exploring Quantum Mechanics: A Collection of 700+ Solved Problems for Students, Lecturers, and Researchers', which contains hundreds of original problems in quantum mechanics together with detailed solutions covering nearly 1000 pages on all aspects of quantum science. My grandfather was a quantum theorist, known in particular for Galitskii-Feynman equations.